Tuesday, September 04, 2007

How was YOUR weekend?

I had a really good Labor Day weekend! I got to spend some time with just Mollie – and she was in a good mood. High school seems to be agreeing with her. It should be! Even if she is mine I have to say she is beautiful! I would have killed to look that good in high school. Who am I kidding I would have killed to look that good any time in my life!

LJ was home from college for the weekend too. Well not home exactly but at least at this end of the state. He came home on Sunday long enough to come have lunch with the family (his grandmother’s cooking really brings them in!) and to pick up the car we got him to replace the one he wrecked. Before you think me too indulgent I can tell you right now if he had been speeding, driving recklessly, not wearing his seatbelt, talking on the phone or God forbid drinking when this accident occurred I would not have been anxious to replace it so soon. But it was an accident. A moment’s inattentiveness, his fault, but it could have happened to anyone.

One big highlight of the weekend was my phone active! I got to have a long conversation with CeeCi. After reading her words so long I see her as the ultimate wise women. When I get to talk to her on the phone I am sure of it. And not only that, she is just so much fun!! Talking with her made me want more and lucky me – I got it!! Theresa’s call Saturday was a surprise. I loved being able to talk about all our friend our here with our any of it sounding like gossip. We talked about everyone good points and our hopes for them. And yes there was also a lot of mommy talk too.

Since I was on a roll I decided to call Grace Saturday night. Midnight my time should be 9:00 out there but I am sad to say she wasn’t home. All was not lost though; I got the machine and let me tell you Bossman sounds sexy. Grace is for sure a lucky lady!

Then to top off my phone weekend (okay it spilled over into Tuesday) I got to talk to Eva on my way home today!!! Back at school, feeling good, I was excited for her and I ALWAYS love talking to her. All accents aside there isn’t a one of you out there that I wouldn’t enjoy talking with. Although being the loyal little bulldog that she is Mollie only approves of me talking to Eva!!

I do have to report that the phone wasn’t the only thing that I had fun with this weekend. Nick got home Sunday afternoon. Monday morning as I slept late he made a surprise attack with the spatula Adam sent him! It was a sneak attack and it was really over before it began. But I was encouraged! Later that afternoon Mollie went to a friend’s house for a few hours. Hmmmm…. Would Nick notice? Yes he did!!

After telling me I still had laundry to put away. (What is it with spankers and laundry???) He decided to let me know he was not too happy with my blowing off my weekly assignments. It’s terribly hard for me to really believe he wants to hear all the stuff that rattles through my head at times. So he gently scolded me for ‘testing’ him by only writing once in August. The spanking with numerous items from our toy box was not as gentle but oh, so welcomed!! The spanking drought was broken in a wonderful way and then other wonderful things happened! And would you believe – I already have my assignment written for this week!

So folks how did you spend your Labor Day weekend??


  1. My weekend was great. We did get to Va. Beach and played with Mthc in a huge jacuzzi tub with lots of bubbles.

    *hugs and grins*

  2. We stayed at home and played...a lot!
    I'm so glad your drought is over--so much better for both of you!

  3. PK, sounds like you had a wonderful time.
    Our Labour day is the first Monday in May, so the week-end was normal for me.
    If you are not beautiful when a teen when will you be, I'm sure that you were and are beautiful, just remember you are a little bit older than Mollie.
    I'll bet Mollie thinks that you are, and LJ!!! Check it out with Nick as well.
    Warm hugs,

  4. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Glad to read you had such a fun weekend. Hard to believe you didn't get the laundry put away, what with all that chatting on the phone. :smirk:

    Good that Nick noticed, and that you enjoyed that too.

    As for our weekend, it was okay. ;)

    Todd and Suzy

  5. You tried to call??? *checks the caller ID*

    Yep, you sure did!!! I was out for pizza! Wish you would have left a message. I'll tell Bossman you think is voice is sexy. He'll get a kick out of that.

    Glad to hear you had a good weekend. At least one of us isn't a virgin butt anymore!


  6. WHAT 'other things happened'?! Surely you're not going to stop there! *g*

    You really had a full weekend! Glad Nick was paying attention to you not doing your weekly assignments. Lucky girl! :)


  7. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Well my weekend wasn't so good.
    :( I got some bad family news and it put a real damper on the weekend.
    Sounds neat with all the chatting. I always enjoy talking on the phone to other bloggers. :)
    padme amidala

  8. What a wonderful weekend. I had a great time talking also. And since I had taken the plunge Saturday night, Monday I called CeeCi. Isn't she great. Did you notice her accent ;)! No really didn't you think she had the prettiest voice!

    Love you

  9. Wow! What a great weekend!!! What a great way to end the weekend! Oh how I wish in time I'll be able to talk too!!!! :-) We had a traveling/partying weekend. Mom's 70th b-day, and a day down on the farm to see relatives we hadn't seen in 6 -8 years! Was fun, but tiring! Also a good friend we haven't seen for a year in town. I think we wore the kidlets out! Us too! Back to studying for me!


  10. Anonymous9:58 PM

    My weekend was great but the benefits are long over.

    Good for you and Nick.. so glad the drought is over, and don't you just love those surprise attacks?

    *hugs* Suzy

  11. David,
    I am so happy you got to go! I love a Jacuzzi! You keep feeling better!

    What could be better than staying home and playing?

    I am content with my looks. I would change a few thingss if I could but Nick doesn't seem to mind anything so I am not going to worry.

    Todd and Suzy,
    I struggled with what I wanted to do, put away laundry or visit on the phone with my friends. It was hard to decide but I think I made the right decision!

    See if you were home cooking for you family like I always do you would have been there to get the call! And yes I did love Bossman's voice, it sounds like he could scold well!!

    Now use you imagation! Let's just say it ranked right up there with a good spanking!

    I am sorry about your news and I hope things will get better.

    Good talking weekend all around! Yes CeeCi voice is as lovely as her picture!

    Sounds like your weekend was very full! Maybe someday PS will let you call right into the cell block!!

    Surprise attacks are the best!!

  12. What I Did On My Holiday Weeked
    by CeeCi

    On Thursday night I went to a concert. That was the official start to my weekend.

    On Friday I received a phone call from a wonderful friend. We talked for over two hours and just didn't seem to run out of things to say! Thanks for calling, PK!

    On Saturday, I cleaned my house, went to the grocery store and messed around on my computer... nothing new.

    On Sunday, I did a major front yard overhaul with a girlfriend, stabbed my knee, fixed my sprinklers, planted mums, got stung by a yellow jacket, and collapsed early.

    On Monday, my friend came over for round two of the yard overhaul. No blood, no stings just lots of raccoon poop and shrub carnage. We had a wonderful time.

    Monday night my phone rang and it was Theresa! We talked for over two hours and I couldn't help thinking that my weekend ended as nicely as it had started. I had wonderful conversations with two very, special people!

    On Tuesday I went to work to recuperate!

    It was a very nice holiday weekend.

    The End


  13. PK it sounds like you had a lovely weekend and with Nick joining in as he did even better. :)

