Thursday, January 23, 2025

Visits, destruction and murder attempts

It’s been while since I’ve put anything up except for Saturday Spankings. There has been stuff happening. LJ and Collin were here the second week in January and it was a good visit. LJ was developing a cold so we actually got to see more of him than usual since he didn’t feel like going out with his other friends around here. We just got to sit and talk. 

Nick and Collin have always been polite with one another, but never overly friendly. This time things seemed a little different. They talked more, several time I hear them laughing. Overall they just seemed more comfortable with one another and that’s made me very happy.

Unfortunately, LJ managed to share his cold with us, so I was feeling pretty rough by the time they left and mostly I’ve been sick ever since. It was during the time I felt the worst that Nick decided it was time to rip out the old bathroom and nearly before the boys had taken off the toilet and cabinets were gone – I like a house with at least two toilets. Now instead of about ten steps to the john it’s across the bedroom and down the hall. Definitely a pain in the middle of the night. 

As for the murder plot… Nick has tried several times to murder me. Usually, it’s on a hike or something of that nature, but this time it was right at home. My memory may not be perfect, but I definitely remembered helping him carry out the toilet. However, to make sure I didn’t head there in the middle of the night he decided to put the clothes basket in front of the bathroom door. That might have been fine in the daytime, but I go to bed later than Nick. I turn off all the lights and make my way across the bedroom by feel, reach into the bathroom and turn on the light so I can see to get undressed and such. I had no idea the clothes basket was there and … well, you get the picture.

Evidently having a cold energizes Nick because before the next day was out, he and I had removed all the furniture from the bedroom and placed it on the freezing carport. He rips up the carpet and we carry that out too. This moved us into the small bedroom with the double bed, instead of our queen. So now there are six of us in that little room. Nick and me and two cats in the small bed and Mollie’s two dogs on the floor. They make for some pretty good trip hazards themselves. (We’re babysitting while she is in Costa Rica.)

So, there you have my bitching and griping for this week. I’m sure there will be more before it’s all over, but when all is said and done the new bathroom and refreshed bedroom will be beautiful and I’m sure we’ll love it.


  1. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Hi PK, you certainly got my attention with the title lol. Glad you had a good visit with the boys. I'm sorry about the cold.

    Goodness, you have had a lot going on! Renovations suck while they are happening. We went through a bathroom reno lasy year.


    1. Yes I loved seeing my boys and I'm happy now that Mollie's home and has reclaimed her dogs. The bathroom will be finished sometime, I guess. And we'll love it.

  2. Sounds like some busy times at your house. :-) I am glad everyone is feeling better and I am sure once all the work is finished it will be great to have everything just the way you want it. :-) Hugs

    1. We're busy but at least progress is being made.
