Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Happy Mama

Looks like summer temps have finally arrived. I guess I can’t complain. We’ve had over two months now where we haven’t used the heat or the AC. You can’t do much better than that. We live in a pretty safe weather area. Here in the foothills most really nasty storms are broken up by the mountains before they get to us and being well away from the ocean we’re only plagued occasionally by hurricanes. Although these days, with the climate change, who know might be around the corner.

I just wanted to post a quick update on my sweet son-in-law. First off this is what he sent me for Mother’s Day. It's hanging in the window of my writing room. He and LJ also sent me flowers, but I know that Collin was behind it all. LJ loves me dearly but things like birthdays and Mother’s Day tend to slip right by him without Collin’s reminders.

When LJ changed jobs late last year his salary increase caused him to urge Collin to quit his job, where he was truly unhappy and take the time to search for a better one. But searching went slowly in the wintertime. He wanted something he would really enjoy and make him feel proud. He finally got in an interview with the Museum of Natural History. The first interview was with a group and then certain individuals were to be invited back for a second interview. That didn’t happen. Instead they call and said that they didn’t need to interview him a second time, he was hired. He’s over the moon and can’t wait to begin. 

I’m really happy for him. Working in a museum is right up his alley. He’s interested in such things, he enjoys talking to people and he’s great at relating to kids – there are a lot of field trips that come through. It really feels good to have all my kids gainfully employed. Molly is through for the year and happy that her summer break is beginning. Mothers are always happy when their kids are, at least I know that this mother is!


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Hi PK,

    Your Mother's Day gift us beautiful! Congratulations to Colin on the new job, that is wonderful news ☺

    Glad you are enjoying warmer temperatures. It's definitely cooled down here. I'm over it already!


    1. I hope Collin really enjoys the job.
      I wish it could stay spring and fall all the time!

  2. Working in a museum sounds awesome! Collin deserves it.


    1. Thanks. I'm really proud of him and I hope he really loves it.
