Friday, March 15, 2024

The Great Mystery

There aren’t too many mysteries in my life these days, but one has come along that has completely stumped me. I wear glasses, have since the fourth grade. I’m blind without them. They are the first thing I reach for when I wake up – even before my phone, and I don’t take them off until I’m in the bed ready to put my head on the pillow. 


Woke up Thursday morning, reached for my glasses – and they weren’t there. Strange, I thought. I sat up to look more carefully. I always put them in front of my clock, but maybe I’d put them to the side or something. Couldn’t find them. Oh well, maybe the cats or I knocked them off during the night, although that had never happened before. I get down on my hands and knees with my phone flashlight to look – nothing.


Finally, I called to Nick for some help. He goes through about the same routine as me, confident he’d find them. Nope, nothing. I stumble to the car for my sunglasses, but that made for a dark morning. We emptied the trash can, we looked around the edge of the bed frame. We went through the sheets and blankets.


I’m trying to find someone to blame for this sudden loss. Sure, the cats could have knocked them off, but they wouldn’t have carried them off. I didn’t feel like someone broke in and stole only my glasses. I don’t sleepwalk and Nick is not into practical jokes.


I hope to have an update before this posts. I not only want to find my glasses I want to prove to myself that I’m not losing my mind.


Yes, they have been found. They were rolled up in the blanked on Nick's side of the bed. But I still have no idea how they got there. It worries me to think I did something so out of habit for me. And as many time as we went over the bed it's just hard to imagine how they stayed hidden for so long. Oh well, I'll chalk it up to aging.


  1. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Hi PK,

    Oh dear, how frustrating! Not the least of course because you need them! Hope you solve the mystery quickly. Have you checked all window sills and in your writing room?


    1. I need them for everything! If I'd left them in the writing room I wouldn't have been able to see my way to the bedroom.

  2. How frustrating, they weren't on your head were they, just a thought

    1. Thanks for stopping by Gill. Nope, not on my head. If I'm awake I have to have them ON!

  3. Anonymous6:43 PM

    LoL PK, glad the mystery has been solved. It is so frustrating when things like that happen.


    1. LOL! It was not a good morning until they were found.

  4. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Glad you found them.

    1. Boy, me too! Thanks Ronnie
