Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Good news and better news

After I complained to the sleep doctor yet again about the cpap she said that since I’d lost some weight maybe it was worth doing the sleep test again. And right before Christmas I took the second one. In the first test my sleep was disrupted over sixty time an hour and my blood oxygen dropped down into the 70% range. In the latest test  my sleep was only interrupted thirteen time in an hour and my blood oxygen never dropped below 91%. The decision of the doctor is – I don’t have to wear the stupid think anymore!

That being said, she says is probably a good idea to wear it when I can. She says that there are benefits and I have to admit that there are some nights it doesn’t bother me at all. A lot depends on how quickly I go to sleep. It may have benefits but the only one I’ve noticed is that I don’t have to get up to go to the bathroom during the night. So I begin each night wearing it, sometimes I sleep to six or seven and it’s still doing fine. But if it does bother me, I can yank it right off. Just the knowledge that I don’t have to wear it makes all the difference in the world.

That was the good news – now the better news, LJ and Collin will be coming this Friday for second Christmas. I haven’t seen them since April. We’ll have our Christmas and Christmas dinner on Saturday. Mollie’s doing most of the cooking so I just get to make dessert and enjoy the family. Now that’s my kinda Christmas!


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Hi PK,

    That is fantastic news about the CPAP, woo hoo! Good on you for persevering with it the way you have. I'm so happy for you, it must be a relief.

    I love that you get to have two Christmases. Have a wonderful time with the family and catching up with the boys.


    1. I feel like I've been released! Sometimes I can stand it, other times not so much. I'm really looking forward to second Christmas! I love i when everyone is home.

  2. Great news. Have a wonderful time with the boys and family.


    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      I'm sure planning to!

