Monday, January 22, 2024

Bits and pieces

Brrr… I would complain about the cold, but since nearly everyone in the country is cold, I’ll let it go. But I’m still cold.

We had a great visit with the boys. It always seems fast because besides seeing us, the see Collin’s family and several of their friends who still live in this area. But we did have a nice ‘Christmas Day’ and Mollie cooked most of the Christmas dinner for us. I’m for anyone cooking but me. And no, she didn’t bring D around.


I was finally able to get all the Christmas decorations put away and get my writing room back to the way I like it. I enjoy Christmas so much, but having things normal and regular is pretty nice too. 


We have a new neighbor as of Sunday morning. The ‘kids’ next door had a baby boy. They gave him a nice name, but they are spelling it so stupidly I want to smack them.


I feel like parents do this just to screw up teachers and make the child spend his entire life being slightly irritated and correcting anyone trying to say or spell his name.


Mollie and her menagerie are doing well. The older golden was the only one invited to Christmas at our house. She is so sweet and after a moderately exciting greeting she lays down and doesn’t bother anyone. The younger one, however, is always in your face. She wants to play ball but doesn’t want to give you the ball and she’s really, really would like to crawl right up into your lap as she thinks this over. I love her, she’s sweet, but she’s a lot to take. So she stayed home with a new chew toy that thrilled her, her older sister came here and happily got away from the little pest. But when we add the two boys, Mollie and two dogs to my kitchen (which is barely large enough for one person) it’s more than even I can take. Don’t worry she was here for first Christmas.


Here is the text Mollie and I shared the other day.


  1. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Hi Pk,

    I have been hearing about the super freeze over there at the moment. Hope you are managing to keep warm, power on etc! It has been hot and humid here lately, and I love it. Rain is coming though apparently.

    I enjoyed reading this. Glad you had a wonderful time and Christmas with the boys. Love the pic from Mollie lol.


    1. Yep the whole country is mighty cold - we are NOT in the worst of it, but I still don't like winter too much. I wouldn't mind some hot and humid right now.

  2. That pic of the doggos is precious! Keep warm! I hate being cold... brrrr.

    1. I could just see Mollie curled up on the floor so as not to disturb her pets.

  3. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I love the picture. Glad you had a good Christmas with the boys.
    Hope it's warmer your way now.

    1. Strangely it's unnaturally warm right now, but it won't last. I asked Mollie if she just stood in the corner the rest of the night, LOL.
