Thursday, November 30, 2023

Books for sale!

There is another craft show this weekend and I’ve managed to round up enough books to have a good showing. My sister will be here to spend a couple of nights and we’ll even have time for a little shopping together. I think the show will be good, but probably not as lucrative as the last one. Someone asked me how I described my books to others. It can be a little tough. In our little southern town many of the people walking up ask, “Are they Christian books?”  “Well…” I answer honestly, “they go to church most Sundays, but no, there’s not a strong Christian theme. 


When they ask what the books are about, I tell them they are mostly romance, but that I got sick of reading about twenty- or thirty-year old’s and that my romantic couple are in their sixties. That gets their attention because, generally, it’s an older crowd. After that I point out that I have also brought in younger people to interact with my older couples. If they still seem interested, I go on to tell them, “It’s like this sweet older couple meets Fifty Shades of Gray.” So, then they have the twist, and many seem very interested. As I put on my Facebook today, “My books may not be for everyone, but if someone wasn’t reading in this genre the Fifty Shades trilogy wouldn’t have sold nearly forty million copies.”


I haven’t asked Mollie any more questions. I started to ask some stuff when we were on the phone the other day and she got a little snippy so I just stopped. She can tell me or not. I’ve stopped probing for the time being. I have a letter circling in my head that I might email to her if I get it written. I’m half mad and half hurt. But I do know that they’ve been going out for at least eight months and she seems happy. I guess that’s all I really need to know.


  1. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Hi PK,

    Wishing you the best for the craft show. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your sister.

    As for Mollie. I guess she will share when she's ready. I understand you feeling frustrated and a little hurt. You are only looking out for her and want the best for her. As you said, the important thing is that she is happy.


  2. I hope the craft show goes well and that you sell a lot of books! :-) As moms, all we want is for our children to be happy. I do understand the hurt and frustration you are feeling. I am sure Mollie will share when she is ready...hopefully, that is sooner than you can both share in that happiness. Hugs to you!

    1. I'm looking forward to the show. Mollie and I are really close, so I just don't know why she is freezing me out. I hope it gets better.

  3. Good look at the craft show. Let us know how it goes,

    Back off a little and she'll share him with you when she and he is ready,

