Monday, April 03, 2023

It's Done!

The next to last Cassie book is finally finished. This one took me a long time. I sent it off yesterday to my two ultra-helpful editors, my sister and Rosie Dee. It’s going to take them a while to get back to me and then I’ll need to do the edits. 

And then the BIG problem – what do I do with it then? I still haven’t heard a word from my publisher. I certainly can’t sent it to them but if I publish it myself, well… well there are legal questions. I want this book out. And I’m very excited about the final book in the On the River series. I’ll keep you informed.


I haven’t got much good to say about my health questions. I’m still not feeling so good. The blood pressure is still low and the worst is that is the near constant low grade nausea and the sleepy feeling. I went to a play with some friends Saturday night, Mollie and some of her friends went too. I couldn’t stay. My stomach was upset and I felt like I could curl up under the table and sleep. I just headed home after the first act.

I really want to feel better soon. Mollie and I are traveling to my mom’s hometown next weekend to visit a couple of my cousins. I’ve been making this trip to visit with older relatives for over sixty years. 

The first night we’ll be taking my cousin’s granddaughter and partner to dinner. I think she’s close to Mollie’s age and it hit me that this will be the first time that I’m the little old lady being visited with. Of course, when I see the cousins the next day, I’ll feel younger, both are in their 90’s. 


Hopefully I’ll soon writing that I’m feeling great and that the book is coming out!


  1. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Congratulations on finishing the book PK! I so hope you are able to get a resolution with the publisher soon.

    The BP problem is a tough one, lots of trial and error to get it under control, that is what Rick's doctor told him last week at least. I really hope things start to improve soon and hope you are feeling much better for the trip.


    1. I'll get the book out somehow! I wish I was feeling better, this feeling sick and sleepy has got to go!

  2. Congratulations, PK! I don't know how you do it you're a hero, have written and published so many books! I can't finish just one. Yes, hold on to this one until you are comfortable with whoever will be publishing it.
    BP medications are complicated. I hope you are seeing your doctor soon to adjust the dosage.

    1. Thank you Sore, I really enjoy writing and I hope people enjoy reading what I come up with. Now I just want to feel better.

  3. Anonymous8:40 PM

    In terms of dealing with your publisher that has gone missing that is a situation that is well known to The Authors' Guild. If you don't qualify for membership in that organization the link at www writerswrite dot com/resources/org/ has a list of similar organizations that may be able to assist if you join.
    (If any of your books has been optioned by an established movie/television producer or a registered scripthouse you may also qualify for membership in the Writers Guild of America, which is relentless in tracking down publishers that don't pay)

    1. Thank you. I appreciate the information. I'm looking into several things and I will definitely look into this too. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  4. Deena6:43 AM

    Excited to hear the book is finished and I certainly hope things will work out for getting it published. How frustrating!

    Hoping you’ll be feeling better. So not fun to feel that way.

    Enjoy your visit! Perspective is everything 😉☺️

    1. I'll get it published somehow, but I'm not sure when. I think I'm feeling a little better, I just want to get back to normal.

  5. Great news about finishing the book. Hope you are able to publish it soon.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.


    1. I'm thinking of going to a lawyer soon so something will happen.
