Thursday, November 03, 2022

Elon Musk and the war in Europe are messing with my health

Unfortunately, I have a few health concerns that I’ve been working on with my doctor’s help. The big ones right now are high blood pressure, high blood sugar and low blood oxygen levels when I sleep. 

And according to the doctor all these would be magically cured if I could solve the fourth biggie – being overweight. Okay maybe not magically, but yes, losing weight would improve my numbers greatly.


After going back and forth we’ve come up with a plan. I’ve agreed to give the cpap machine a try and she wants me to go on Ozempic, which is for type two diabetics. Not only should it bring down my BS levels, but it been known to help in weight loss.  Which, as I said, helps with everything.


After going over the pros and cons of this medicine I agreed. Then the doctor comes out with this news.

Unfortunately, Elon Musk put on twitter and whatever else he’s on that Ozempic is great and helped him lose a large amount of weight.

Now it seems everyone wants to try it. It’s become in very short supply and it’s extremely hard to get enough for diabetics who need it. Another problem is that this medicine is delivered by a special needle, designed and made in Ukraine. Bless their hearts they have bigger problems to work about than my medical needs.


In addition, my doctor told me that there is a worldwide shortage of cpap machines, but they’ll ‘try and find me one.’ 

This is also due to the war and to the worldwide shortages of everything! Good grief, I finally agree to try all these things I don’t really want to try, and old Elon and Vladimir have to stick their noses into things.


I got all this information just before our trip. But as soon as we got back the drug store called me to let me know that, after being on back-order for a while, the medication was in and they had it ready for me. I gave myself the first dose Tuesday night. My appointment at the sleep center is on and they still hope to have a machine for me.


I guess everything is going to get a try after all. I’ve listened to all the doctors have said but it was a young girl working at the drug store that gave me the most hope. She saw what the medicine was as she checked me out. Her comment was, “Oh, my grandma took this. She lost fifty pounds and doesn’t have to take it anymore. And she’s kept the weigh off!” It sure sounded good. I might want to talk with her grandmother too.


I’ll let you know what happens.


  1. Hi PK, good grief, the world is just nuts right now isn't it? What a rigmarole. If these things weren't necessary to you I would laugh at how obsurd it all sounds.

    Very interesting though, especially that the medication is so popular thanks to Eion.

    I'm so glad the drug store managed to get the medication for you and hope they are able to source a cpap machine for you. Crossing fingers both the machine and the medication brings all the desired results.


    1. I truly believe all will work out well, but it has been an unusual experience.

  2. I hope all goes well with the medicine. I was going to do a sleep study...but insurance didn't cover all of it and it was too much of an expense. I hope the Cpap machine helps. Best wishes and hugs!

    1. And I hope you can eventually get the study. Insurance is something else we could all complain about.

  3. A lot of people listen to what Elon has to say. Hope all goes well with the medication and the Cpap machine.

    1. Elon Musk is not my favorite person. Lets just say if I had his money I believe I could come up with better way to spend it. To each his own I guess.

    2. Not a fan of him myself.

  4. If you can’t get ahold of a cpap machine, you might ask about getting a dental device. I think it’s only used with mild-moderate apnea.

    My weight’s been going up steadily the last year or so. It’s such a pain in the ass… pre-existing health issues make it so hard to keep in check, then the extra weight makes the health issues worse, then the health issues make it even harder to lose weight…

    Anyway, good luck. I hope the meds work out for you and you’re able to get a handle on things! It’s hard and you’re definitely not alone.

    1. Xen, I couldn't agree more. It's a vicious cycle and I don't know about you, but I'M getting older and that adds another problem. But I'm not giving up. I feel a little excited about really trying again. I hope I can do it and good luck to you too.

  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    O O O Ozempic... That ad jingle will be running through my mind ll day now. It's advertised on CNN at least three times a day. Fingers crossed that it works for you.


    1. The commercials make me nervous as they list some of the side effects. I'm just hoping the benefits will be worth it.
