Friday, November 11, 2022

Down is the right direction

I’ve been on my new med, Ozempic, for just over a week now. I’m still reserving judgment, but so far there is a little bad and a lot of good.

The bad is running to the bathroom to pee frequently. And I mean frequently! I’m sure hoping this lessens – soon. Also, I just have felt a little blah, a slight headache and I feel tired and sleepy.


But I’m taking this stuff to reduce my blood sugar and it really has. My highs were up to 230 and my lows only got down to around130. Now I’m between 150 and 100. I’m thrilled with these results. 


Ozempic is also supposed to cut your appetite and it has done that, I’m happy to say. In this first week I lost 5.2 pounds! 

I don’t expect that loss every week, but still – I’m so happy. I mean that’s such an encouraging start. My ‘blah’ feeling has kept me from really working out at the gym, but I have been walking most every day. And I feeling much closer to normal these days, so it’s to the gym soon.


It's new and I’m still adjusting. But I’m pleased overall and I’ll let you know how it goes.


  1. Hi PK,

    Wow! I'm so glad the initial results are so positive and hope it continues. Hope too the blah effects don't last long. This all sounds very encouraging. Happy for you!


    1. I'm looking forward to see where this is going. I sure hope it's good.

  2. They are great results. Happy. Hope the blah feeling doesn't last too long. Keep us updated.


  3. Glad it is going well for you. Hugs!
