Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Meanwhile, in New York City…

Collin has finally taken his first Subway ride since his accident. He told me he was feeling a little PTSD beforehand, but he did it. They went to one of their favorite bars in Manhattan. They got a booth against the wall where Collin could put his foot up and as LJ was up and down getting drinks and greeting people everyone came to Collin and reached down to give him a hug. I think it did him a lot of good to be out on the town with friends. It was very tiring, but he's getting a little better all the time.  By the end of the evening is foot was swelling some so they took a car home. 


He's still on crutches when he goes out, he’s down to one crutch when he’s in the apartment. And he ordered this cane that he found online. It’s totally him! He’ll definitely be dashing when he can go out with that.


LJ has been at his new job at the museum for about three weeks now. I’ve barely gotten to talk to him but in the few minutes we have talked, he seems to really like it. He says that there are people who have been working there for years and are still happy there, so that’s a good sign.


He can see the park where he used to work from the museum. He sent me a text one day when the heat index was near a hundred degrees in NYC. It said, “Sometimes I stand here in my air-conditioned office and look at Little Island like this...” 

If you were to ever see LJ in person now you would know him – he truly looks just like this emoji. That smirk is pure LJ.


  1. Hi PK, that is great news! Glad Colin is recovering well. The night out would have done him good and the cane is awesome. Glad to hear LJ is enjoying his new job as well.


    1. I'm very happy for my boys. I hope things will continue to improve.

  2. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Good to hear Colin is on the mend, Love the cane. Hood to hear that LJ is liking his job.


    1. I'm glad he's walking better too! I'm anxious to hear more about LJ's job.

  3. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I hope that when the time comes for me to need a cane, I can find on just like this one. Gorgeous!


    1. I agree. After he gets over his accident I may borrow it to have around for my possible needs.

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM


    That is so awesome to hear that Collin is up and about....and brave! I love that LJ seems to have found a "home" for work. It says a lot about a work environment if people are there for a long time and happy.


    1. I'm happy for Collin too! They will be coming here for a wedding near the end of September. I hope he'll be able to get around comfortably. I really do hope LJ will enjoy his work. It will soon have been a month since he started, I'm going to have to pin him down for a long talk.

  5. Deena7:41 PM

    Sounds like good news all around! Love the cane - very dapper! The emoji made me laugh!
