Friday, July 22, 2022

Today's the day!

It’s my anniversary! I began blogging sixteen years ago today. I can still capture the excitement I felt when I found these blogs back in 2006. I was coming off a really bad time medically. In the spring of 2006 I was feeling a thousand times better and determined not to waste a minute. What a joy it was to find people like me who not only enjoyed spanking but were willing to talk about it and share their stories and their advice. I truly felt like a kid in a candy shop with unlimited funds!


People have come and gone over the years, but the friends I’ve made have been the best in the world, both those I’ve only met online and those I’ve been privileged to meet in person. It’s true that blogging has changed a great deal over that time. I’m so glad I was here for the heyday of blogging, at least it felt that way. Back then there were so very many people blogging and commenting, it was like a little party every day. The crowd is smaller now, but I still love reading what everyone posts. And I still feel a rush of joy at every comment I get.


I won’t be out here forever, but I’ll be here as long as I enjoy it and people stop by to read to say hello.


  1. Congratulations ON on your sixteen year anniversary, I think I have been lurking and enjoying your posts for at least twelve years. When I first started lurking it used to take me one to two hours to read all the blogs I followed, nowadays twenty minutes . Here's to another sixteen years xx

    1. Thank you so much. I remember back then, I'd try to get in all my reading before I headed off to work. Now that I have more time, there are less blogs. But I still enjoy the one here.

  2. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Congratulations! I think it was around 2010 that I found your site, so I lurked for a very long time!
    I was able to relate to so much being a similar age, and it had taken me so long to accept these desires. Your blog was a big help on that journey to self acceptance. I gradually read through all the older posts.
    Long may you continue!
    Alice x

    1. I'm so happy that I was able to help a little. I was very happy to realize the blogs I was finding had women my age and not 20-year-olds. I like 20-year-olds just fine, but I wanted to talk to women with my life experiences.

  3. I missed the "heyday" but came along a couple of years later. I'm so glad I found your blog; it was one of the first ones I read. I love hearing about your daily life. Happy blogaversary!


    1. Thanks Hermione, you've been here a very long. And I've enjoyed reading you for years! I'm glad there are still a few of us long-timers still around.

  4. Happy Blogaversary PK, wow, 16 years is a wonderful milestone.

    You have done so much for blogland encouraging so many to start blogging and to try their hand at writing and becoming authors.

    I'm so glad I found your blog. Always enjoy visiting here:)


    1. Roz, I'll have to say you are one of the main reasons I still blog. The fact that you are so loyal in your commenting means the world to me and I thank you so very much!

  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I never comment but I read all of your posts and have read all of your books- I am grateful for your willingness to share!

    1. I'm so happy you commented today. Sometimes it's hard to keep writing when you really don't know if anyone is reading or not. Comments like this help. Thank you.

  6. Thanks Wendy. I just realized that I was in my 40's when I started this blog. Wow!

  7. Anonymous3:37 AM

    16 years. Congratulations dear friend. I came two years later. I love that you are still here blogging. I remember Cassie was one of the first blogs I found,


    1. I knew you'd been nearly as long as I have been. I'm so happy you're still around.

  8. Happy bloggerversary!!! Gosh I started a lot later... but I'm glad I did. People like you make this corner of the internet a much warmer place to hang out in.

    1. You are very kind and I thank you. I'm glad you started too! I hope you'll have the time to keep it up.

  9. Happy anniversary, PK! It's been quite an adventure. This seems like a special occasion worthy of celebration... :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks, Bonnie. It has been a great adventure.

  10. Happy 16th anniversary! So glad I found you here! Hugs :-)

    1. I'm glad we found each other too!
