Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Here's where we are

Finally, we’re on the road to recovery. After much pain, frustration, and aggravation Collin’s surgery was scheduled for 3:30 this past Friday. They finally took him back at 3:50, LJ went back to the apartment – it’s only about a fifteen minute walk from the hospital. They told him the surgery would take about two to three hours (I would have stayed at the hospital, but he's a boy.)

He went back at 6:30PM and was told that Collin had just gone into surgery. He was out of surgery a little after nine and they sent him home at 12:30 AM. Seriously? I asked LJ if they took a cab or had the hospital suggested he just hop home. I’m sure they did a great job on the repair, but I haven’t been overly impressed with the hospital system. They’ll go back next Friday for a recheck.


On to the job situation. LJ applied to a museum as director of guest management. This is one of his favorite museums. He took us there the last time we visited. He said the interview went very well. The people seemed to be a happy and pleasant bunch and, unlike his previous two workplaces, it’s inside. It’s air conditioned and it closes at 6:00PM rather than the wee hours of the morning. He would be expected to work forty hours a week rather than the sixty-five to seventy hours per week that he worked at the last place. They also knew about his husband having surgery and they said they would work with him on a starting date and when he would need to be away for Collins appointments.


They called him back for a second interview and they offered him the job and he accepted. Woopie! And that should be the end of it. Not quite. He already had another interview scheduled – something to do with the port authority. That interview is today. I know very little about what the job would involve. But LJ says it’s something he’s sure he could learn. Now the problem. The museum pay is much less than what his last job paid. The port authority would probably pay much more. I’m dying to say, “Forget the money! Take the job you want and feel that you would enjoy!” But we’re talking about a $20,000 a year difference. He lives in one of the most expensive places in the world. Collin won’t be working for a while. I can see his problem.


I told him my thoughts were really torn. Of course, I want him to be offered every job he applies for, but at the same time I want him at the museum for a while for his emotional well-being. He’ll decide what’s best for them. Although he accepted the museum job, if the other comes through with a significant pay increase, he says he’ll probably have to go with that one.


All I can say is that I hope this all goes the way it’s supposed to.



  1. Hi PK,

    I'm glad to hear Colin's surgery went ahead, but I was very surprised they let him go just a couple of hours later, let alone after midnight. Good grief!!

    Congratulations to LJ on the job! That is wonderful news. He definitely has a tough decision to make if he is also offered the other job. It sounds like the museum may suit him better.

    The money does unfortunately have to be a not so small consideration though. I was made redundant a few years ago and have been earning about half the amount from my current job since. It has had a big impact.


    1. I knew that they didn't keep people long these days, but really! LJ will decide what's best if he gets two offers. But I hope he can be at the museum for at least six months to a year.

  2. I'm happy to hear the surgery finally happened and all is well. What a ridiculous time of night to discharge a person though!

    Such a tough call on the job. You never know how things are going to work themselves out. It really sucks having to be practical about matters.

    1. I really think things will work out well - eventually. Maybe Collin will end up with a better job and make up the difference in the salary. I guess we'll see.

  3. I would say that money isn't everything and LJ should go with the job that will make him happy, but it must be tough financially living in NYC. Fingers crossed he flunks the second interview and doesn't have to make the decision.

    Hope Collin is feeling well and not in too much pain now.


    1. Secretly I'm kinda hoping for this too. I want my son happy, but I want him to be able to eat and keep a roof over his head too.

  4. Anonymous4:13 PM


    So happy to hear that Collin finally got his leg taken care of. Hopefully the next 4 to 8 weeks will go fast.

    I am thrilled LJ at least has options. Personally, I hope he sticks with the museum. Money is certainly important, but mental health and happiness are worth so much more in my opinion.


    1. New Yorkers do love to walk, I hope Collin is able to soon. And I'm really pulling for the museum too.

  5. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Happy to hear Colin had his surgery. Good news on LJ getting the job. I was thinking the same, take the museum job as it sounds like something he would be happy with but can understand that money does come into him choosing.

    1. Yes, I'm glad he's on the mend. I really wish money didn't have to be such a part of the decision.

  6. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Take the Port Authority job. My father retired from there. He got my uncle and many of his friends on board too. They pay well, treat everyone as well as can be expected and the retirement is great. Two of my cousins also retirred from there and living very well on their pensions and they are only in their 50's. BTW, my dad retired when we was 55 and that was a long time ago.

    1. I really appreciate your comment. I will definitely pass this information along to LJ. Thank you.
