Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Not as good on Sunday

I had had such a good time on Saturday, but then on Sunday it felt a little different. After the book signing and the news article, everyone seemed happy for me - Nick was happy for me, both kids were excited for me as well as my sister. My minister left a lovely comment on FB, many of my friends from church and even former principals I'd worked with had nice things to say. Including the principal I didn't really like. I had comments and likes from blogging friends too. But from my in-laws not a peep. As for the two SIL that were at lunch Sunday – crickets. I asked one if she got the paper. Her reply was, “Yeah, I saw it.” The other quickly said, “I don’t get the paper.” I knew they had discussed it.


What is their problem? How much does it take out of a person to say, “That’s nice.” Or “Congratulation.” But there was no way in hell they would say that. Are they just such damn prudes? I’m not asking them to read them… just, I don’t know… something.


I want to say I don’t care, but obviously I do, or I wouldn’t be writing about it here. I guess this all still goes back to the day I told them LJ and Collin were getting married and their total response was, “Oh.” I know I need to get over this, I’m just not sure how to do it.


  1. Hi PK, that kind of reaction hurts, I get it. I'm sorry your in laws couldn't be happy for you. Some people are just too wrapped up in themselves. A tad jealous of the attention you have received perhaps?


    1. I think they stumbled across an 'S' word - either sex or spanking and had an 'Oh, heavens...' moment. Of course one of these women had an affair with a married man, smoked pot and got drunk with me and it goes on and on. But somewhere along the way she became holier than thou.

  2. I'm sorry they were like that. That's terrible. I have some family like that as well. I would just assume they have very boring sex lives, no imagination, and take some small petty pleasure in that thought. But that's just me...

    1. LOL! That's not a bad thought at all. May it be true!

  3. Hi, PK,
    I am with Roz on this one. I think they very well could be jealous of the attention you are getting. Afterall, you are a published writer who has done well for herself in your genre. I think it's simply that. Oh, and the holier than art thou one, probably wishes she was getting some!

    1. I think that they think I should stay home, clean house, cook and keep my mouth shut. Well, one out of four ain't bad I guess.

  4. Anonymous4:04 PM

    They sound a bit like my family. Horrified at the idea of anyone enjoying sex unless they are married and doing it in the missionary position!
    It says a lot more about them than you, but still it's hurtful.
    Alice x

    1. It's funny looking at the difference between that family and mine. It makes them seem more backwoods and country and my family more accepting and sophisticated - of course, I've always have felt that way just a little.

  5. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Hey PK,

    I'm sorry it hurts so much. You are right, they should have said way to go or SOMETHING.

    Just because something isn't for you, doesn't mean it isn't a good thing for someone. For LJ and Colin, the fight just to be considered humans and the right to love whomever they do, the right to be married....It makes them the same as us. I guess your SILs just need to have a "them" to blame for the ills in the world.

    I am thrilled you did the signing and I LOVE your books. So congratulations and not that it matters, but I am proud of you.


    1. The really strange things about one of these sisters-in-law is that she has a gay son, but won't acknowledge the fact.

      Thank you for coming by what you said does matter to me. Thank you so much.

  6. Deena7:23 AM

    It is so difficult to understand some people. Why not simply lead with love? It's a crazy enough world as it is. Just be kind. Ug.
    Not sure there's much you can do about these two...

    1. It's good that we don't really dislike one another, but we could all be happier if we were just happy for one another.
