Friday, April 22, 2022

Still around

This is one lousy cold! Do colds get worse as we get older? I know when I was teaching, if I had a cold, too bad. Suck it up and go to work. But I don’t think I could have worked through this one.

Wednesday was the worse day. I got up and came to the living room before I took my first nap, about 8:00 AM. I never really felt awake all day. And the coughing is horrible, it makes my whole chest sore. But I got through Wednesday in a fog and ended up sleeping pretty well that night. 


Thursday morning I woke up feeling a little better. I was congested and coughing, but I still felt better. I decided to put a little Vicks under my nose, they say that can help. Opened my little jar of Vicks and … nothing, no odor at all. 

Now you know you can smell Vicks from the next room without trying. But I was getting nothing. Not being able to smell was screaming Covid at me. So I tried something else. I detest peanut butter and I can smell it a mile away in cookies or candy or anything. I practically stuck my nose in the jar, but again I could smell nothing.

I decided it was time for another Covid test and too one. It still said negative. I had my sense of taste, but not smell. I called my doctor who sent me to an urgent care for another test. This third test said negative also! Thank goodness. The PA feels it’s just a bad cold combined with the ridiculously high pollen count. She said this combination could block your sense of smell – maybe, but it’s never happened to me before.

This is where I stand on my fight with this cold. Feeling some better, taking three over the counter meds that the PA suggested, and still napping often. Just checking to make sure the Vicks smelled as it should I gave Nick a whiff. His head jerked back and he asked, “You can’t smell that?” I’m guessing the Vicks still smells. I can get the faintest odor now, it’s like the jar has been empty a couple of years but just the tiniest odor remains. Hopefully my next post can tell you I’m completely back to normal… well, normal for me.


  1. Oh goodness PK, poor you. I hope you feel much better quickly. Get plenty of rest. I have to say, your description screamed Covid to me too, but the tests were thankfully negative.


    1. The loss of smell is so strange - I feel like I'm being pranked. I'm trying to smell things with strong odors and ... nothing.

  2. sounds bloody awful to me and like Roz I thought Covid too.... will we ever just think "bad cold" again??? Eldest daughter had a terrible cold for a couple of weeks - she told me on the weekend she was starting to feel better - but was still having breathing problems ....... she tested negative too - two or three time...

    Hang in there - and fingers crossed you'll be feeling better soon!

    1. We'll always think Covid from now on. I'm wheezing a lot now and the sound drives me crazy.

  3. Phew! It isn't covid and you can again smell the roses, kinda!

  4. Sounds awful. Thankfully not Covid. Rest and drink plenty of fluids. Hope you feel better soon.


    1. You and me both Ronnie, thanks.

  5. So the short answer is yes, it takes way too long to get over a cold now that we're older, and it just gets worse with age.

    i keep up a regime of antioxidants - Vit C, Vit D and Astaxanthin - this is the combo that the doctors and nurses down at the covid facility were taking. I mean if its good enough for the chief of the local CDC, then it's good enough for me. I dunno... but maybe thats why i didn't get covid when my mum and caregiver both caught it and i was living in the same house!

    Vit c is healing (even tho no papers have been published on this) so up your Vit C (max dose is 8grams a day but you'll be fine on 1g or 2g) intake and drink lots of water. Hope you're at least a little better by now!

    1. Some good suggestions Fondles, thanks. Haven't heard of Astaxanthin. I do take Vit D daily and so many other meds I'm beginning to rattle when I walk. But I'm willing to try anything to feel better.

    2. If you have the time to go thru this paper, have a look at

  6. Thankfully I am better. Now if I can just stay that way!
