Thursday, April 07, 2022

Off to the theater - VERY carefully!

Many years ago, they turned my old elementary school into a multiply purpose building – there are various stores, rooms that can be used by different groups and there is a large auditorium where they have community theater. I love these performances; I usually know several of the cast members. They also have a nice dinner, so this dinner theater is a real treat for me and many of my friends. I nearly always go with my old teaching partner.


I mentioned her in a post way back in January, when she fell and broke her neck. A very scary time, but she is doing well. She is still in a neck brace. She hasn’t had it off for a minute since the break and will have it on through May. I got a call from her Monday evening. I assumed she was checking to make sure I had the tickets and to check what time I was picking her up. 


Nope, that wasn’t it. She called to tell me that she had fallen again and had broken her arm. Her left arm, and of course, she’s left-handed. “So that present a problem for the play Thursday night.” I could see that, and I was wondering if I could find someone who wanted her ticket. But that wasn’t the problem. Her only concern was… “Would you be able to carry my plate to the table for me?” Good grief! 


Yes! I can carry her durn plate, but who’s going to carry her? I’m just about scared to take her. I want a wheelchair to take her from the car to the building. What if she trips again? I told her I was going to treat her like a little old lady and hover over her. She said if I do she’ll hit me with her new purple cast. Sigh… we’re going, but I am going to hover. Let’s hope I can dodge the cast.


  1. Oh goodness, your poor friend. A neck brace AND a plastered arm! You might get some looks at the theater lol.

    Good on her for being determined to still go. Have a wonderful time :)


    1. Not much stops her. It was a good evening.

  2. Goodness she's definitely not one to give in to her condition(s)! That lady has spunk! I hope things go smoothly for you both and you have a great time. It sounds like (if nothing goes wrong) it'll be a wonderful night out!

    1. She doesn't let much stop her. I just hope she heals quickly.

  3. I like the sound of your friend. Good for here. Enjoy.


    1. I love her. We had a great time.

  4. She always has been a hoot! And we had a great time.
