Thursday, March 31, 2022

Discussing spanking with a vanilla

I got the most interesting email the other day. It was from Eddie, my first principal. This was the man who gave me my first job as a teacher, so he’s always held a soft place in my heart. Before he hired me he was the teacher of our adult Sunday school class so over the years I feel we got to know each other well. 

Since I advertise my books on my real Facebook, I’ve pretty much outed myself to everyone I know. I’m old enough to write about whatever I want to and I no longer find any reason to be embarrasses. 


This was the email I got from my old principal and former Sunday school teacher.



PK, I read your book Suspicions on the River and I enjoyed the story plot, however as before, the spanking used by men to control their wives is something I have a hard time with. I grew up with four sisters and a wonderful mother and I just can’t accept a man controlling a woman’s life in the manner that your books do. I think you are a wonderful writer, but I do not get pleasure from reading this type of control by a man. I’m sure many of your readers do so I hope you are very successful in your present and future writings. Just wanted to give you an honest opinion.


Hey Eddie, I truly do appreciate it. I understand exactly what you’re saying and for the vast majority of women you are correct. But after blogging for sixteen years, I know there is a strong group of women who find this type of consensual relationship loving, protective and satisfying. On the blogs we are definitely not recruiting, merely giving an understanding and accepting place for those that have always felt strange for having this desire. I’ve always wanted to go on Oprah or somewhere and explain it to others. Thank you so much for reading some of these books AND for giving me your honest thoughts. People that don’t like the spanking parts usually won’t tell me and those who are intrigued by it really won’t tell me! May I send you a rant I put on my blog years ago? Let me know. I loved hearing from you.


I did send him the rant that I reposted here a few weeks back. We had another exchange the next day. I’ll put that up tomorrow.


  1. Wow PK, firstly, good on you for advertising your books on your real Facebook. I think it's great that Eddie read your book and gave you his honest opinion. I think his response was understandable. Ttwd is hard for vanilla's to come to grips with.

    I love your response, spot on. Looking forward to seeing the rest of this exchange.


    1. It made me happy to know he read them and that he was willing to talk to me about them.

  2. Excellent response!

  3. Some men seem to have a real blind spot that a domestic discipline arrangement can be woman initiated. Finding a non-abusive man willing to sensitively dole out what we require without the explicit ask is the trick.

    1. Yes, if you're not into it I can see men not able to believe women are asking for this. But you're right, finding the right person is the most important.

  4. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Hi PK, I do admire your openness, I'm not brave enough to be that open. I can't really blame him, it took me long enough to come to terms with those desires myself, so it must be hard to understand when you don't have them. I can't wait to hear his response to your rant. I remember reading it a long time ago when I first discovered your bog and it really helped me to be more self-accepting.

    1. I think I'm only brave because I want to promote my writing. And also who would I be hiding from? My husband sure knows, my kids do also and, of course no job to worry about. If someone thinks it awful... I really don't care. Please do come back tomorrow to read.

  5. I don't think many would feel comfortable with this. But I'm glad it's working for me.
