Monday, March 14, 2022

Did it help? YES!

I've had a few more questions come in and like Morningstar I'm doing them one post at the time.

Roz asked: 


I am curious as to what benefits ttwd brought to your relationship and whether these have remained since you stopped practicing ttwd.


Roz, this question opened a whole can of worms in my head. I think I could write a book in response, but I’ll hold back. When we first began TTWD everything seemed to change. 

Our sex life increased by a hundred percent. We became so much closer – incredibly so. I had never been happier in my entire life and at that time we’d been married for twenty-three years. We talked more, teased more, laughed more… we became a real couple. Everything in my life improved.


But we don’t practice TTWD anymore. Many of the improvements have remained but not all. On a scale of 1-10, if our marriage was a pleasant five before TTWD and a solid ten or eleven for a while there. I’d say we were now at a good seven or eight. Way better than before we tried TTWD, but not as great as it was when we were in the midst of it. 


I guess this might lead to the question – Then why not try to go back to it? There, I’ve already asked it and you won’t have to. I guess the only answer I’ll give here is – there are good reasons.


  1. Hi PK, thank you for answering my question. Sorry about the can of worms lol.

    I asked this because like you, we gained many benefits from ttwd then it disappeared. We still do spank on occasion, but it's all the fun kind and a prelude to sex.

    My answer would be similar to yours. Many benefits remain, such as greater communication, closeness etc, but not quite the same as when our dynamic was active.


    1. No problem about the can of worms, they are opening all the time. I'm so happy that some of the benefits have stayed.
