Monday, February 14, 2022

Has LJ found a Unicorn?

I enjoyed this visit with LJ. We had a few days together and we got to just sit and talk for a lot of that time. One story he told me definitely got my attention. It’s not all settled but if it turns out as he things it will, he has truly found a unicorn.

They came home about two months ago to a notice on their apartment door saying the building was zoned as a factory and not for anything else. When he first said that my heart sank because I know how much they love this new place. They’ve been there less than a year. 


Thankfully NYC has extremely good tenant’s rights laws. The owner has to go to court and get the building put under the ‘Loft Law.’ I certainly don’t understand it all but basically no one in the building has to pay any rent until this is done. And once it’s done, the rent will go back to what it was five years ago and it will become a rent control building.


That’s the unicorn, the mystical, magical, almost unbelievable animal – a rent-controlled apartment in NYC with the rent rolled back to what it was in 2017. Plus not paying any rent until the owner brings the building under compliance. And who knows how slow the courts could be moving.

They weren’t required to pay rent for February, but the people in the eight units talked it over and they all paid February’s rent. They don’t dislike the owner, and everyone is putting their own rent away to show that they have it. But with the extraordinarily high rents there, if they can save even one month it would be wonderful. I'll let you know how it all turns out.


  1. Hi PK, glad you had a nice visit with LJ. That is interesting about the apartment. Not having to pay rent, and a rent decrease is definitely a bonus! It's good the boys and other tenants have put the rent away though.


    1. For sure, they don't want to blow the rent money until everything is said and done.

  2. Lower rent is always great. Hope things work out for the best!

    1. Me too, they could use it.

  3. Don't understand the ins and outs about the block but sounds good for the boys and I think a good idea about putting the rent aside.


    1. Me too, because you never know.

  4. Interesting - hope it all works out for everyone.

    1. I'm looking forward to finding out.

  5. Colour me confused. IF the apartment is zoned for factory - how is that they were able to rent in the first place?? And then all the rest of it - going to court - not paying rent - and then IF it is zoned Loft - how can it go back to the rent from 5 years ago??? GAH! my brain would explode if it was me going through this....

    Best of luck to LJ hope it all works out in his favour cause rent from 5 years ago? sounds absolutely perfect to me !!!


    1. I understand your confusion, I asked these same question. She (owner) shouldn't have been able to rent it out but she made it into apartments and did anyway cause no one stopped her. This was back in 2001. The people now in the building, the eight units are working with a lawyer. The city started all this not the tenants. LJ says no one in NYC is going to throw people out of their apartment. NYC is 95% renters and no politician wants to make them angry. The owner can't legally charge rent on this building until she gets it in under the 'Loft Law' and then she is supposed to go back to the rent she charged originally back in 2001. But LJ says it will probably just go back to what it was as far back as they can trace it and that would be 2017. Don't know when it will all be settled, but I'll let you know.

    2. thanks for the explanation PK - that makes more sense to my addled brain :) I hope she gets the property converted to lofts... and hey even 2017 rents will be great no??

      I'll keep my fingers crossed for LJ that all goes according to plan.

  6. Wow! That is a unicorn in NYC. Best of luck for them to get this resolved! I cannot imagine it either. I appreciate your explanation in the comments though, I have a slightly better understanding now.

    1. I'm glad Mollie was able to buy a house, but that's just no possible for the boys could do that in the city. This is the next best thing I guess.

  7. Best of luck as this resolves and I hope it stays a magical unicorn for them. :-) Hugs
