Monday, February 28, 2022


*Morningstar emailed with the suggestion to clear my history and reboot the computer. I think I’ve done that. I’ve cleared the history and the cache (at least I think I have) and I’ve turned the computer off and back on. But Blogger still won’t let me comment anywhere. I’m very frustrated. If anyone has a suggestion, please help!


Just a quick note. I can't answer my comments nor can I comment on anyone blog. If I try to comment somewhere else, it just disappears with no explanation. And when I try to answer my own comments here on the blog it give me a 'whoops, that's an error' page and tells me to try refreshing. 

I'll try doing what I usually do - cuss a little then wait for it to correct itself. But if you have any suggestion, please email -


  1. Hi PK, so frustrating, sorry to hear blogger isn't treating you kindly. I wish I had some suggestions for you. Hope you are able to resolve it quickly.


    1. Just a thought PK, are you using explorer or Chrome. You could try switching operating systems and see if that helps.

    2. I think Roz means browsers, not operating systems. Although as I recall, you are on a Mac. Try it on a Windows machine, or a tablet, if you can.


  2. Bummer, PK, I feel you. Today is my first day hopefully being done with techy issues. I hope you get it figured out.

  3. sorry for your frustration - technology sending hugs to you

  4. I hope someone has gotten to you and you're in the midst of solving your blogger woes. But usually when I can't comment it's a phone / app / multiple accounts problem.

    If I'm on the laptop i'm ok. So since i don't know what device you're using, that might help give you some access while you work out the other device.

    i find that clearing history isn't the same as clearning cache. so try that.

    run CCleaner, run antivirus, those things usually manage to get rid of cookies logs and whatever other things i know not too much about.

    On my fone safari doesn't like blogger. But Chrome is generally ok.

    I hope any of this helps. If I think of more suggestions I'll come back.

  5. I'm hopeless so sorry no help. Hopefully it's working now.


  6. To EVERYONE... Thank you all for your suggestions. It seems in my case it was Safari that didn't want me commenting. Now it hasn't minded for several years, but apparently it cares now. I moved to chrome for the moment and it seems to be working. Fingers crossed and thanks again.

    1. Yup. Safari hates blogger on my device. But Chrome is quite friendly :) Glad to see you're back up!

  7. oh lord !! don't you hate when the browsers don't sync with what you are doing??? I've had that conflict between Firefox and Chrome....... and when I have trouble I never think of changing my browser to see if that fixes the problem!!!

    Glad to see you back up and running again
