Friday, December 03, 2021

Fantasy Friday - Priorities

As promised, here's Sunny's brand spanking new story. You can look back on her blog, Aimless Ramblings for more of her stories. Maybe we should all keep this one in mind as we make our preparations for the holidays. I might keep us from setting sensitively at Christmas dinner.


Christine and Lou planned on doing their usual Saturday errands.  It always started with breakfast at Sally’s Diner.  It was tradition for them since their first days together.  Besides, Sally’s had the best cinnamon rolls around.  They seated themselves as their favorite booth across from the counter.  Since they were regulars they knew many of the staff and most of the customers and this booth allowed them the ability to converse with everyone they knew.


While waiting for their order, a friend of Christine’s stopped by and asked if she would volunteer to help out at the Christmas Day Dinner being hosted by the Women’s Club.  This dinner was an annual event and Christine had been a member of the club and had, in fact, usually chaired the Christmas event.  It provided meals to the homeless as well as to anyone that needed some camaraderie on that day.  The homeless ate free and those that could afford the meal were asked to donate accordingly.  


Christine had stepped down from the Women’s Club at Lou’s request.  He felt she was being taken advantage of due to her willingness to help.  Lou had a point, It was true,  she was a great organizer and liked being part of things but she had to admit that more and more items has been heaped on her plate, while others did less and less.  


Lou was giving Christine that look as she listened to her friend plead her case about the dinner.  Christine recognized the look and said she was sorry but she would take a pass and wished her friend well.  


“I’m glad you did that honey, it would have been way too much.  You know our relatives are coming for the entire weekend and you will be stressed enough without taking on the responsibility of the community event as well.” Lou said.


“I know, but they really need more help this year.” 


Sally’s Diner always assisted with the food as well as the cooking and serving but this year business had taken a downturn with COVID and they were unable to do so.  This meant that the Women’s Club would have to step up and increase their involvement with the dinner.  Food donations would have to be procured as well as staff to make the event go smoothly.


“I’m sorry about that but it’s time that other club members step in and do their part.”


“You’re right honey.” Christine agreed.


After breakfast , Lou and Christine did the rest of their usual errands; grocery shopping, liquor store, hardware store, the produce stand and any other things that needed done.  It was a small town and it seemed that at every stop, they ran into someone from the Women’s Club and every one tried to convince Christine they needed her help.  She remained steadfast and turned them all down and wished them success.  Lou said he was proud she had stood her ground and didn’t it feel great not to have the burden thrust upon her.  Now, she could enjoy the preparations needed for their own holidays with their relatives, even though that could be just as stressful with a house full of people who didn’t always get along. Christine nodded her assent but deep inside there was this niggling thought that they really did need the help this year.


A week passed and Christine still found herself thinking about the Christmas dinner as she made preparations for their own Christmas celebration.  When she received a call from another Women’s Club member begging her to reconsider, she said she would think about it and let them know.  


When she mentioned it to Lou that evening, he went ballistic.  “I thought this was settled, honey.   You told them no and now your giving it some thought.  You know my feelings on this, I don’t want you doing it.”


“But honey, I only told them I would think about it.”


“The fact that you’re thinking about it tells me that your mind is made up and you will be doing it despite my feelings on the matter.”


Christine dropped the subject but Lou was right.  She had made up her mind to help out.  She wouldn’t take on the whole project but she would lend a hand and would absolutely refuse to be present at the event on Christmas Day.


When she alerted the club of her decision she was given a list of things for which she would be responsible.  After perusing the list, she determined that she could do it and incorporate the “to  do” list along with her own “to do” list and that way Lou wouldn’t have to know she gave in, which would be better for her well-being and her behind.


Things went swimmingly until a few days before Christmas.  Christine was stressed because there was so much still to be done and time was running out.  She was becoming short-tempered and started taking it out on Lou.  He called her on her behavior and she lost it.  During the rant that ensued she let it slip that the club’s food purveyor wasn’t going to be able to supply the staff on Christmas Day and she didn’t know what she was going to do.


“So you went ahead and against my wishes took on the Women’s Club project.”


“Yes, because I thought I could handle it without being in charge but somehow I wound up in charge anyway.  Until now I was doing okay but then the staffing situation arose and now I am at my wit’s end.”


‘Well that ends right now.  You are going to call whoever needs to be called and tell them you are through.”


“I can’t do that, it’s too short a notice.”


“You can and will do that and after you’ve made the call you and I will be having a serious discussion and your end is going to be over my knee.  Do you understand?”


“But….Christine said.”


“No buts but yours, Christine.  I mean it.  Now make that call.”


She did as she was told and was elated when the call went to voice mail.  Not wanting to leave that message at all,  she just hung up and told Lou there wasn’t any answer and she’d call back tomorrow.


She started to walk toward the kitchen with Lou right behind her.  


“Where do you think you’re going, young lady?  We have an appointment.”


Christine ignored him and headed to the kitchen cabinet and was removing the jar of spaghetti sauce when Lou grabbed her should and spun her around.  She dropped the jar and red sauce splattered all over the white kitchen cabinets and white tile floor.  “Look what you just made me do. Go get the broom and pan to clean up the glass and then you can start cleaning up the sauce while I fix dinner.”

“Orders, you’re giving me orders,” Lou said.  “I’ll show you orders” and with that he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, grabbing a wooden spoon on the way,  He plopped himself down on the bed and positioned Christine across his knee. She was fighting him at every turn.  “Stop right now Christine “ Lou told her, to no avail.   He placed his one leg over the back of her knees to stop her kicking and began to let loose with the wooden spoon.  It wasn’t too many whacks into the spanking when Christine began to calm down.


“Okay, I’m better now, let me up,” she said to Lou.


“Honey, you’re not getting up until your backside is the color of that sauce that is all over the kitchen.  And when that’s done, you’ll be cleaning up that mess with your red backside showing and I will be watching every move you make.”  With that statement he pulled down her panties and continued paddling her behind holding true to his word about her reddened bottom.

When he was finished, he stood her up and marched her to the kitchen.  “Now get busy.  And tomorrow, you will make that call and resign or you’ll be getting a  bottom warming every day until you do.  Do you understand?”


A tearful Christine nodded.  “Yes, dear.”  Lou had to turn away to hide his grin.  He would bet that she would be over his knee again before she resigned.


Thank you Sunny, I really enjoyed this. Please let your writing juices begin to flow again and send us your results. It's been awhile so let me extend the invitation again... Fantasy Friday is open to everyone! If you read here and enjoy the idea of spanking I'm willing to bet you have a spanking story in you. Write it! Write it for yourself. And then if you're willing, share it with us. I love to talk with new writers. If you're willing to give it a try and to share with us please send your story to



  1. Thank you PK and Sunny, I really enjoyed this. I too bet she will be over his knee again rather than resigning lol.

    It's so wonderful to read a story from Sunny again! Are you still writing your books? I do hope you will write some more for us :)


  2. Nice one SG. Thank you, Do miss your stories. PK< thanks.


  3. I really am curious - will she resign? or wont she! On the one hand, I think it's terrible that she went ahead and took on the responsibility. But on the other hand, it's bad form to just leave them hanging so close to the event!

  4. Gosh Sunny, yaaaaayyyyyy to a new story! She sounds a bit like the OLD me! Always trying to do too much! 😊
    I love your writing!
    Thanks PK for bringing Sunny’s FF story to us!

  5. Sunny - Nice to see you sharing stories again.
    PK - Thanks for hosting the Fantasy Fridays.
