Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Staying comfortable

I’ve never been one to ‘hate’ winter. I don’t hate it now, but you might want to check with me again at the end of February. I don’t have to go out and fight the cold daily like so any do. Plus I live in the south. But, yes, it does get cold here. I think the teens and twenties count as cold, but admittedly it doesn’t usually stay that cold for long stretches. We can sit here and wish for snow because if we are blessed with two to three inches it will often be 50 degrees the next day and it’s all gone.


One of my biggest questions when I do go out in the cold is whether or not to take a coat. I remember once when LJ and Collin were here visiting from NYC. I watched as they got ready to visit another friend. They had on thick socks and heavy shoes. They had on T-shirts and pulled on heavy sweaters over that. Then they wrapped their scarves around their necks and crossed it over their chests before pulling on a heavy coat and zipped it up. They secured knit caps on their heads and pulling on leather gloves. Finally as they got ready to walk out the door I asked, “You think you’re warm enough to make it to the car?” which stood about four feet from the door. Only then did it dawn on them that they weren’t going to have to walk blocks and blocks in the bitter cold.

I’m not wild about coats. I can heat up my car before I get in and I have heated seats. I’d much rather freeze hurrying from the car to the entrance of wherever I’m going than to drag a big coat around as I shop. Sweaters are good, I can deal with that and I usually have a coat in the car for emergencies. But I rarely wear one, maybe once or twice each winter.


What about where you live? Do you have to wear a coat all winter? For those of you who are tired of snow way before Christmas, I wish you a mild winter. For those of us who long for snow, I hope we get to see a little.


  1. Hi PK, I guess it's all relative and what you're used to. Of course we can't compare here, although it does get bitterly cold, minus temperatures, especially in some parts of the country. Snow in our neck of the woods is very rare.

    I really feel the cold and I hate it. I layer up during the winter, end up wearing at least 4 layers plus a Jacket or coat when outside. It's uncomfortable.

    I'm glad we're heading into summer soon :)


    1. You sound like the teacher who was in the next room at our school. She often wore three layers on top and durning planning walked around with a blanket around her. I usually just had on a T-shirt and jeans. I guess my internal thermostat was just set higher.

      Enjoy your coming summer.

  2. wellllllllllllll - seeing as I live in the Great White North I don't get a choice about outdoor weather.... it gets cold here - like COLD cold - minus 20 (which is minus 4 if you don't do Celsius) and that's on a good day!!

    Mind you - we haven't had snow like we used to and have had a lot of green Christmases which was unheard of a few years ago.......

    I can sorta/kinda handle the winter from November to mid January (holiday season) but by mid Jan I am DONE!!

    No matter how many layers I put on I always seem to be cold :(

    1. I'm sorry. That really doesn't sound fun at all. If I can keep my hands and feet warm the rest of me can be naked. Of course that probably wouldn't go well around town.

  3. You already know how I feel about the cold and snow. It looks very pretty in postcards and on tv

    1. And I have a feeling that pictures are the only way you'll see snow in the future!

  4. I wear sandals for as long as I possibly can until my feet just can't take the cold anymore or it snows...I am almost to that point now - warm fuzzy socks are sounding very appealing to me at the moment...though not quite :-) As for snow, I have mentioned it before...I love the change of seasons, the first snow, magical christmas snow, a big snow storm involving snowmen, snow angels, and cocoa...and then I am ready for spring... :-)

    1. I feel like it should either be 70 degrees or snow. That's all.

  5. I absolutely dread winter! It would definitely not be as much fun during the winter if I were to get stranded somewhere in just my blouse and panties (unless it was in a shopping mall) but on a more positive note, spanks on my freezing cold bottom would hurt.
    It generally snows a fair amount where I live during the winter (scary),the house is drafty and poorly insulated. and I sometimes wear thermal underwear with a knit hat and coat under the covers in bed at night.
    I am already counting... i think there are roughly 112 days until the arrival of Spring (my favourite season).
    Best wishes xx (_|_) :D
