Monday, June 07, 2021

What a weekend!

This has been some weekend – a very full happy one! It really began last Thursday when Mollie ask me to accompany her on a very special pickup. We traveled about an hour from home and returned with this little girl to add to Mollie’s menagerie.


I love this picture of her with her big sister, Mollie’s older golden. They are already getting to be buddies.

That was tons of fun and Nick and I were wrapped up in the fun of having a new grand pup when late Friday night it occurred to me that the next day was our wedding anniversary! Thirty-eight years to be exact. I had no gift, no card, no nothing. When its gift buying time, we usually just laugh and buy practical things we need. I had teased him not long ago that he was getting new storm doors for Father’s day. I’m not really big on ‘special days.’


Nick usually has me a card and if it was in my chair when I came in the next morning I was going to feel bad. Next morning, no card. I went to Nick and gave him a kiss and said, “Happy Anniversary!” The poor man looked stricken. I laughed and admitted I’d forgotten too.


No hard feelings at all. We headed up the mountain late that afternoon – it was fifteen degrees cooler up there and had a nice dinner and a walk down the quaint little street and through the park. It was a very nice anniversary.


One of the reasons we forgot was because we had another celebration on our minds. Sunday we celebrated Nick’s dad’s birthday and not any birthday – this was his hundredth birthday! 

Lots of family, his nieces and nephews, their kids, his kids and grandkids and great grandkids too. Plus lots of people from his church. He had a great time and the rest of us did too. 


So that’s how I spent my weekend. I hope yours was as much fun!


  1. Hi PK, what a happy and full weekend indeed! Happy Anniversary to you and Nick, and Happy Birthday and many congratulations to Nick's Dad. Wow, that is so wonderful.

    Mollie's little family are adorable:)


    1. We did have plenty to celebrate this weekend.

  2. what an amazing weekend you had!! I adore the new addition to the family -- how cute is she??!!!

    I love your anniversary dinner - quaint streets and dinner in a real restaurant??!! lucky you - le sigh

    and what a milestone - 100 years!!!

    1. I hope you're opened up soon and safe. A restaurant is a lovely place to go after so long.

  3. I loved reading about your weekend and Mollie's little addition is so cute.

    Happy belated Anniversary to you both and to Nick's dad 100th. Wonderful.


    1. It really was a good weekend. Many great things happening.

  4. wow! That is a great weekend!

    Congratulations on 38 years, yay for the new grand furbaby, and HOLY COW! Way to go Nick's dad! Happy birthday!


    1. I'm happy about the genes that Nick carries!

  5. I love every bit of this! The pup is adorable and I love how easily they all seem to be getting along. My cat would be long gone! LOL!

    38 years! Go you two! Without even planning you had a wonderful time together to celebrate! Sounds perfect. AND Nick's dad's 100th birthday! Wow! Not many people are blessed to have a celebration like that, let alone attend one. It warmed my heart!

    Deena :)

    1. Mollie's cat isn't scared of the devil itself! She didn't seemed fazed by the puppy at all. I really enjoyed the anniversary and the birthday party.

  6. Anonymous3:37 AM

    What a lovely weekend, a puppy, anniversary and a centenary! Just as well you both forgot! Both your celebrations sound lovely.

    1. It did seem to work out for both of us.
