Tuesday, June 22, 2021

I really hate canes, but…

You might remember that several months ago after a long dry spell we dabbled again trying to get a spanking relationship going. I didn’t hold out much hope of it actually taking off and it didn’t, but while I was thinking about it, I got to thinking about canes. I’m not a fan, but for some reason they were sticking in my mind.


So I turned to my friend, a true cane lover and expert, for answers and advice regarding my questions. You understand – I was asking for answers (in words) and advice (also in written words). But what did I get from my sweet, loving, knowledgeable friend? 


Canes! I got Canes!  I didn’t I asked for canes, I don’t think I did, I know I didn’t mean to! But Ronnie,  my dear, sweet, generous friend Ronnie, sent canes.

The top one was the thin whippy one, the other one

are the new ones.

I know she was being kind, honestly I do. One of my problems was that the one we had – also supplied by Ronnie, was very thin. Very whippy. So that when it was used we got a lot of wrap-around and I’d have marks on the side of my butt. I just wasn’t sure we were using it right, but Ronnie suggested a thicker, more sturdy cane might be better and before I had time to think they were here!


We haven’t had many occasions to use them, but we have given them a try. This sturdier model does fix the wrap-around problem. It does not solve the problem of them being canes however! I’m much more of a leather paddle girl. 

Had I grown up in England, I might have fantasied about canes in my youth, here you never heard of anyone being disciplined with a cane. I switch I’d heard of, but no one fantasies about that horrible implement. A paddle or a belt or a hairbrush were the implements that floated about my mind.

For those of you who have been spankos from birth, I’m wondering, what implements floated in your fantasies? And if you don’t mind, let us know what country you grew up in. I’m curious to see if that made any difference.

And I truly do thank Ronnie, she's the best!


  1. Hi PK, Ronnie is such a gem sending you csnes :) Good news that the new ones fix the wrap-around problem. I'm not a fan either. I love leather and for some reason the wooden spoon has always held appeal.


    1. Wooded spoons are good for fantasies, along with the other things I enjoy. But until I came to blogland 'dreaming' about a cane would never have entered my mind.

  2. i *am* a cane girl. I love it. :)

    1. I'm glad someone love these awful little sticks! LOL!

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Hi PK, I grew up in new jersey and wooden paddles always appeal to me. There is something about the thought of getting spanked with something whose whole purpose is to be used to spank gets me going. I love to see paddles on the walls of restaurants and the paddles they used to serve shots especially if done by a pretty woman in an apron is enough to make me want to bend over and beg to be paddled.

    1. I understand - we have one wooden paddle, made only to spank bottoms that I love to stare at. I like it in my mind way more than I like it on my butt.

  4. Hey PK,

    Right now, still just the Sheriff's hand. Having felt it a few times now, I melt (later....I am usually pretty stuck in a stubborn mindset). But it just feels good.

    Maybe later as we move forward, and the Sheriff becomes more comfortable, there may be other things used. Hopefully!


    1. The hand is always an excellent choice. Since we did mostly pure play we got around to many, many implements. Most were fun to try.

  5. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Hi PK, that cane at the top does look whippy, I wouldn't like to feel that!
    Funnily enough I was talking to someone today about the appeal of the cane. I think it does have a similar symbolism for those of us who grew up in England as the paddle does in America. It was still in use in schools when I was a child and was common in stories so fed my imagination. I don't like the feel of it so much, but there is something about being told that you will be caned! I like the use of everyday objects, a wooden spoon, hairbrush and leather belt. Everyday objects which we look at so differently from vanilla folks! But then objects which could have no other purpose than to inflict pain.....I seem to like a lot of implements!:)

    1. I've only met a few implements that I didn't like, at least a little. But you're right, hearing a teacher say, "You're going to be paddled." Did things to me when I was a kid. Strange how different implements rose to use in different countries.

  6. Hi, gotta love our friend Ronnie! Lol! Hope you share how they each felt!
    For some reason the idea of a wooden hairbrush is what I’d love to try!

    1. I'd say a nice wooded hairbrush feels better than the cane.

    2. I've TRIED a wooden hairbrush and I HATE IT. I'll take a cane over that ANY time. LOL

  7. I like to reserve the cane for when I need something special to make a point. I think it has the special meaning of severity. If you hear you're going to get spanked, that is only bad. If you hear you're going to get paddled, that's much worse. But if you hear you're going to get caned, you know you're really in for it.

    Now, what do you have against the switch? It's just not true no one fantasizes about it. But, I do think many women find it unpleasant. I guess that makes it good for punishments, but not good for fantasies.

    1. I'm going out on a limb here and saying that those who fantasize about the cane were not raised in the rural south! There is was a deadly feared implement. Even I, a true from birth spanko, never fantasied of that particular torture.

  8. The martinet and the belt...

  9. My pleasure, that's what friends are for. Would be delighted if you use them again you tell us about it, and please, don't hesitate to let me know if you would like different size:)


    1. You really are the best Ronnie! I think I'm good on the canes now - but you'll be my go to if I want more.
