Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Good news and bothersome news

I’m happy to tell you that an old friend of mine, one of only two

who were blogging when I got here is coming to visit. Grace, from A Day in the Life, will be swinging by here on their way to visit their daughter.


Grace posted about ten months ago that she had breast cancer. I know that there is no good time to have cancer, but at the height of Covid it was even more worrisome. Especially not being able to have Bossman with her for her various treatments. I know it was all extremely rough, chemo, surgery, radiation – the works! But thank God it’s behind her now and the two of them are ready to be released to the world. Nick is cooking for them and I’m cleaning, planting flowers and making dessert.


That, of course is the good news, the bad news is that my hands are giving me a fit. Some days they're okay and others it can be painful to type. And I usually spend a LOT of my day typing. I have palindromic rheumatism, an extremely painful joint inflammation. This popped up just under sixteen years ago and I felt for a while like my life was over. I could barely walk and all movement was horrible. But a truly wonderful doctor diagnosed me, gave me the proper medication and all has been well for this decade and a half. 

It’s flaring again – nothing like it was, but it still hurts and I never want it to get that bad again. I have the medication to take when I need it but that’s usually about six pills a year. Lately it’s been every day. I’m glad to be seeing my super doctor next week. 


In the long term this is hardly a blip, but I need my fingers for blogging, book writing, and visiting with my friends our here. If I should be slow getting back to you if you email this might be why. But please don’t stop coming or emailing. I’m still here. And I’ll be telling you about Grace’s visit  and a ‘nice’  gift I got in the mail too.




  1. Hi PK, how wonderful Grace and her husband will be visiting. She has been through so much and I'm so glad to hear it is now behind het. I hope you have a wonderful time together.

    I'm so sorry to hear the rheumatism is flaring again. Glad you have an appointment with the doctor and hope they will be able to provide some relief.


    1. They've come a long way!

      I can't wait to see my doctor again.

  2. Lovely to have friends visit, and i'm sure the company will be good for everyone!

    Hope your appointment with the doc goes well and they'll be able to sort out the recent flare up.

    *Take care*

    1. Love to see blogging friends.

      I hope it does too.

  3. Feeling for you :( my fingers are deforming... but no pain...

    1. I get the pain every how and then, but it causes no damage. So I guess that's a plus.

  4. I’m on my way! About 6 or 7 hours! Can’t wait!

  5. We have met once before - but that was 14 years ago. There may have been changes! I hope the doctor has something to help.

  6. I remember Grace well, and all the fun you two and Eva had.
    I'm so relieved to hear that the cancer is now a thing of the past. Have fun!


    1. We did have good times back in the day for sure, and this visit was just as nice. We had a great time.

  7. Deena9:29 AM

    I hope you enjoyed your time with Grace! Sorry to hear you're having flare ups and I'm hopeful for you that your doctor's appointment will bring some relief to you. Happy weekend!

    1. It was a good weekend and I'm hoping all the doctor said will be helpful.
