Monday, February 15, 2021

The BEST Valentine's Day ever!


I’m not talking about yesterday. I mean Valentine’s day was nice this year, but not the very best I’ve ever had. Nick went out and got a nice ribeye roast, we baked potatoes and had some mixed veggies. I hadn’t gone out to get him anything, even a card. I’ve been stuck in the house for a year now. Nick and Mollie are the only people I see and now both of them have been vaccinated. With all the new more contagious variants around I just didn’t think it was a good idea to go searching through a bunch of previously handled cards in the drugstore. But, I did make his favorite brownies to go with our dinner.

We put the candles on the table and used the good plates, we had wine. We spent most of our time giggling at our efforts, it’s just not us. But the dinner was delicious and we had a good time.

But my best Valentine’s Day came nearly thirty years ago. We were trying to get pregnant – with no results. LJ was little and he was adored. But I longed for another child. But we’d been trying for nearly four years and as the age of thirty-six fast approached, I was getting worried. I was getting emotional too.

A man came to the middle school for a musical program and one of the songs he sang was Randy Travis’, ‘I’m Gonna Love you Forever.’ As he was singing it I started to cry. That's just what you want when sitting at the top of the bleachers surrounded by sixth graders. Then, a few days later, Valentine’s Day, I was driving to work when the DJ’s wife called in on the radio with a Valentine poem for her husband,  she said, 

“Roses are Red, 

Violets are blue, 

I hope the baby looks just like you,” 

and I just lost it. I had to have someone go sit with my class for the first ten minutes until I could get myself under control.

I got through the teaching day, a little unsettled and a little sad. I wanted to be pregnant so badly. I was a week late, but that wasn’t unusual. But little voice inside me was saying, ‘go ahead and check, it can’t hurt.’ But I knew it could hurt. If I didn’t take the test I could have a tiny bit of hope. It I took it and it was negative, all hope was gone.

I had a test at the house and I decided to get it over with. I was almost depressed as I peed on the stick and left the test to do its thing. I was supposed to wait five minutes to read and I know I waited a little longer and with a heavy heart I headed back to look. 

I glanced at it and looked away. Then seriously nearly put a crick in my neck as jerked back to stare. The results said POSITIVE!

Nick had gotten home and he had roses for me – it was Valentine’s Day, you remember. And I pulled him into the kitchen, pulled out the stick and whispered, “This thing says I’m pregnant!”

I don’t think either of us believed it. I remember writing in my diary, “I keep staring at the dots that say I’m pregnant waiting for them to change or a little flag to pop up and say, ‘Just kidding!’

But it was true – what a Valentine’s Day! Roses and a baby from Nick!


  1. Aww PK, what an absolutely beautiful, lovely story. This really made me smile:) what better Valentine's day gift can there be? The perfect day to discover a much wanted pregnancy. I hope you have told Mollie this story, and sure you have.

    Your Valentine's day dinner this year sounded wonderful too :)


    1. Yes, Mollie knows the story. And it was a wonderful day!

  2. definitely BEST Valentine's ever !

    This year's sounded more ...mmmm.. 'grown up'?? grinning

  3. What a lovely story. Yes the best Valentine's gift. I loved the sound of your dinner.


    1. The best was finding out about Mollie, but this year was great too.

  4. Oh what a beautiful story! Happy Valentine's day to you both!

  5. You gave me goosebumps! What an exciting day!

    Mollie and LJ must love knowing how much they were wanted.

    Rosie Dee

    1. It WAS an exciting day! I really do think that they know.

  6. I’m kinda crying here! I know that feeling you both experienced was the best of Valentine’s love! Beautiful memory!

    1. It was so special. I'll always remember that day.

  7. Well, I guess you never know. Could be.

  8. What great memories. I remember that feeling with my first child, we tried for a couple of years. I cried all the time.
    Miss you and your stories. Happy belated Valentine's Day!

    1. I'm so happy to see you here! I've missed you. Yes that was as really special day! Again, I'm happy to hear from you.
