Monday, January 04, 2021

I should be too old to blush

The other night after Mollie went back to her house Nick made a very interesting proposal. He wanted to take some picture using mostly the lights of the Christmas tree and that of the fire place. And he didn’t want me wearing much. The last time we took a few risqué picture I probably weighed about a hundred pounds (that’s not exactly what I weigh now) and I had not given birth and nursed two babies. 


But evidently my husband still likes to see me this way. That feels wonderful so I thought, why not? I thought they were very artful, mostly silhouettes and more cleavage that full frontal nudity. In several I had a robe around my shoulders. It was all fun and a little sexy. And since I was dressed for it we went on to even more fun things – no pictures of that. 

Nick was going to work with them, some on his camera, some on his phone to try some special effects – some soft-focus, some in black and white. Obviously they’re just for us but he seemed to enjoy them and I was very flattered that he wanted them.

Nowhere close to me - but I thought it was a lovely picture.


Mollie came back a few days later to help me un-decorate and put things away. I’m also finishing up the Story Worth book that LJ and Collin gave me last year where I wrote up many stories of my childhood and my kids. Then the company turns in into a hard back book and LJ had ordered one for himself and his sister. Mollie was going to scan some old pictures for me and show me how to do it.


Nick had gone to take dinner to his dad when Mollie and I got started. She looked at my printer and said, “I think I need the memory card from Daddy’s camera.”




Okay, what in the hell was I supposed to say? She often uses his camera. So I said the only thing I could think of.




“No?” she questioned. “What do you mean no?


‘Um, no. We’re not going to mess with Daddy’s camera.”


She looked at me as if I had three heads or something. I’m not sure what my face looked like. I wasn’t looking directly at her, but I could tell she was staring. And I think I was beginning to blush.


I finally snapped, “Just let me do the pictures the way I know how. We don’t have to scan them.” 


I still didn’t look up and finally she said, “Okay. Do them however it works best for you.” I have the distinct feeling she realized that there was something on the camera that I didn’t want her to see.


Good grief! Nick and I have been  grown-ups for many decades. We have our own place. We pay our own bills. Shouldn’t we be able to do anything we want to without having to hide it from anyone? Apparently not. You spend the first half of your life hiding what you’re doing from your parents and evidently if you’re having much fun you spend the last half hiding the same fun stuff from your kids!


I told Nick what had happened after Mollie went home that evening and he howled with laughter – since I was the one caught in the sticky situation and not him! Anyway, doing things in secret or not, we have been having a lot of fun in the new year so far. Hope you have too.


  1. Hi PK, wow, what a wonderful, fun and sexy thing to do. I love it! So glad you and Nick are beginning the year having fun together:)

    I had to giggle at Mollie wanting Nick's camera and your reaction. Yep, she's onto you lol, at least partially.

    Isn't it funny how the tide turns, the kids spend years trying to hide things from you then you try and hide things from them.

    1. It was just the timing - she had't ask to use the camera in a long time. It seems funny now but I really felt put on the spot!

  2. oh lol. Or you could be like my mum and throw out all manner of potentially embarrassing (for ME!) information in the middle of lunch! LOL.

    1. I'll probably be doing that in a few years!

  3. OH my GOSH PK!!! now that is totally hilarious and I really feel for you.

    I often wonder how to handle that (well, similar) with my teen and decided recently that I wasn't going to hide anything. I won't give details either, but sex is nothing to be ashamed of or something to hide. It is what it is and you should be proud that your husband of many years still finds you attractive and sexy (enough for photos!!!).

    You are an adult, Mollie is an adult. She also isn't dumb. She should be proud that she has parents who are still so obviously in love with each other. That is an amazing role model for her.


    1. I agree with you completely, in theory. But I would have felt creepy to know that my dad took nude pictures of my mom. There would have been nothing wrong with that. But I really wouldn't have wanted to know it. You know, parents are just supposed to be parents, LOL!

  4. Hi! That's funny. I think our daughter already knows more than she cares to know about her parents, and wants to avoid learning any more. In our case, the blushing shoe might be on the other foot.

    Happy New Year indeed!

    Virtual socially distanced hugs,

    1. Mollie is about the same - I mean she know what I write. But my heart was still racing when she asked for the camera. Hope your new year is great too.

  5. Oh gosh, I’d act exactly the same way. My kids do not want us to share any sexy particulars, even as an aside.
    Like...... mmoooommmm where are you....? And I need to remind them we may be indisposed when we aren’t quick to answer!
    I’m glad Nick was delighting in taking sexy pics with you!
    Have fun!

    1. I know - My kids both expect me to answer my phone the second it rings, if I don't they want to know what we were doing. Sometimes I need to answer, 'It's none of you business!'

  6. It wasn't so funny when she was standing there looking at me like I was crazy! But, yeah, I guess it's a little funny. And my evening with Nick was a lot of fun.
