Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Lend me your ear

Seriously, I could use one. I’ve mentioned before I have a good ear and a bad one. Friday evening, the bad one got significantly worse. I’ve been surrounded by people with hearing loss all my life. My grandmother, who lived with us when I was a child, loss nearly all of her hearing before my mother was born. I learned early to speak loudly and clearly for her sake. But it also fell to me, in elementary school, to be chose to go and speak with the ancient and deaf librarian who terrified us all. But at least I could communicate with her. 

This is how I remember the librarian.


Mom also became very hard of hearing as she got older, we could always talk face to face but phone calls became impossible. Both of Nick’s parents lost their hearing and now it’s nearly impossible to talk with his dad even face to face. I got them a white board to make communication easier, but will any of them use it. No. Sigh…


Nick has also lost most of his hearing but with hearing aids he does quite well. It does cut down on pillow talk, but we manage. 


I didn’t know what had happened Friday night, but the change was noticeable. Monday morning I called the ear doctor and got an appointment for that afternoon. They confirmed that there had been a change in that ear and the doctor decided it was probably a burst blood vessel, something like a mini-stroke – just in the ear. 


She suggested we try some steroids, which might bring back some of the hearing loss. She said I could take them orally, which might send my blood sugar up or an injection. I said I didn’t care, whichever she thought might do the best. And she suggested the injection. I didn’t, however, know the injection would be in the ear! Yep, right through the ear drum and into the inner ear.

That was different. They numbed it – that was painful! But only for a few seconds, then the injection wasn’t really bad. But it truth I don’t have a great deal of hope that it will do any good. I wouldn't mind being wrong.


Anyway, that was my Monday. I hope yours was more fun.


  1. Goodness PK, I'm sorry to hear this (pardon the pun). Injection in the ear...ouch! Sending positive thoughts that things improve.


    1. I can't tell for sure, but it might be a tiny bit better.

  2. One word - "ouch!"
    I sure do hope it works.


  3. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the shot works...I'm sure you don't want to do it again.....

  4. I'm sending positive, healing thoughts your way, and I hope that the injection works its magic.


    1. It would be great it it does, thanks.

  5. Oh hon, I’m sorry to hear about this! Scary is my first thought. I sure hope and pray the treatment helps. It’s amazing what medical science CAN do!

    1. I'd love to see this work for sure.

  6. That sounds pretty bad! I’ve had shots in the eye and I know that’s not fun. I hope you don’t have to go through it again. How soon before you know if it worked?
    Rosie Dee

    1. The doctor wants to see me back in three weeks. I'm curious to see what happens.

  7. PK, That really sounds painful. I hope it helps you. Let us know.

    Sending love and best wishes,


    1. It sure would be great to hear better!

  8. sending positive thoughts that the shot helps your hearing. Love and hugs

    1. Thanks friend. I hope it helps too.

  9. Deena8:56 PM

    Oh ouch! I hope you are starting to notice a difference and that it is helpful. Best to you :)

    1. I'm not seeing (hearing) any change. Nick has even noticed that it's worse.
