Monday, December 07, 2020

I'm giving it a try

I had an idea, well actually a friend and reader gave me this idea and I’m wondering what you think of it. This blog began as a spanko/sex blog. It was fun and exciting as I began exploring a completely new side of myself. I used this forum to work out new ideas. Others commented sometimes to tell me they agreed with me and often to present a side of the situation that I’d never thought of.

While those of us blogging and our commenters helped each other understand our spankoselves, I also felt we were helping silent readers (lurkers) even if they weren’t ready to jump into the comment themselves. They could read about our struggles, our questions, our concerns and our successes. 


Now I’ve drifted far away and I’d love to bring it back a little. But time passes, people age, interest varies. My friend, Rosie Dee, suggested going back to the beginning and re-posting some of my thought from back then. I was hesitant. I mean Fantasy Friday is mostly re-runs now. Although I do still get a new story now and then. But if I reposted old stuff, how quickly would people tire of it?


But one thing my friend said really got to me. She said I should post them because I was so passionate back then. Hmm… I was passionate about the spanking lifestyle back then. In my head, I still am. Maybe some newer readers would like to read those old post. Maybe they could actually help someone struggling with some of the same questions I had back then. I mean they aren’t earthshaking or anything, but it was what I was really feeling.


I’m going to post some of these older post for a month or so. I’ll put them up on Wednesday or Thursday – just so you can avoid re-runs if you’d rather. And the last reason I’m doing this is that word Rosie Dee used – passionate. Maybe looking for these and posting once a week for a while with reignite some of that old passion in me. Couldn’t hurt to try.


  1. Great idea PK, I look forward to your posts. It's always interesting looking back at old posts and seeing what was going on and your thoughts and feelings at that time.


    1. We'll see how it goes. I hope it will be interesting.

  2. I think that's a great idea. We all need a little boost to our passion from time to time.


  3. PK, I agree, I think it's a super idea. I shall look forward to reading them.


    1. Thanks. I do have plenty to choose from.

  4. I agree with the others—what a great idea! Seriously I loved the older posts. You WERE passionate and I believe you helped a lot of us. Thank you for doing this. I’m sure we’ll all enjoy it.
    Rosie Dee

    1. I really like the way we began and some of the things we did might be good ideas for others. We'll see if it's something people want to read.

  5. Wonderful idea. I've gone and looked at some of my first posts from the beginning of my blog too... and some of them make my blush! LOL

    I hope you rediscover that passion!

    1. LOL! I know what you mean. We all seemed to talk about things much more openly than we do now. But that might help.
