Friday, November 20, 2020

Today is YOUR day!

I’m so happy to still be around for our fifteenth Love our Lurkers day. I’m delighted you took a minute to stop by here. I do want to encourage my lurkers to speak up, but I want to give you my reasons.


Blogging isn’t as popular as it once was. Many people have moved on to Twitter and Instagram and probably other things I’m not even aware of. Things there move faster. Ideas have to be concise and short and many people love that. Blogging moves at a slower pace and I admit I kind of like that. I like being able to get long winded if I choose or just post a picture if that says it all for me that day.


But the thing I like best is something I think we all need to be aware of – most especially now.  I love comments. I like reaching out to people with my thoughts and I love it when they reach back. I don’t see many people face to face these days. I’m guessing many of you don’t either. But it’s safe here. I sit in front of my computer – mask less – and talk with people. Sometimes I get long comments back that lets me know that person really understands. Sometimes I get funny or sarcastic comments which always makes me laugh. And at times I just get a ‘thanks’ or ‘I understand’ and it really helps me not feel so alone in our strange world.


I’ve been trying (not always successfully) to post three times a week. With Covid everywhere I want to provide some normalcy – for myself and for my readers. No, I don’t post about spanking all the time. I still post about my kids, things that are happening in my world, silly things, serious things, the things you normally talk about with your friends. And these days those of you reading here now are the friends I get to talk to. And if you’re more comfortable emailing –


One more thing, I nearly always answer my comment – I have more time than many of my fellow bloggers who are trying to juggle jobs, kids, home school and many, many other things. But being retired and sitting here with my computer for hours I do like to respond if you’ve taken the time to talk with me. I used to get an email alert when I got a comment. I don’t any more. So if you comment on a post a day or two after it goes up. It might be a few day until I see it, but I do go back and check and I will answer. So you go back and check too. 


And a word to my fellow bloggers – and I’m definitely talking to myself too. We need to do a better job commenting to one another. I’m sure guilty of reading and moving on without commenting. If we truly want our lurkers to talk to us, we need to talk to one another. And let me say once again – Thank God for Roz! She keeps me from feeling like I’m talking to myself!


  1. Hi, I have been a lurker for at least ten years, thought it about time I said hello. I can remember when it used to take a couple of hours each day to read all the blogs, now it takes half hour tops. Wonder how they are doing now? Keep up the good work!
    Gill x

    1. So happy to hear from you Gill! Yes there are fewer of us but let's say the one who love it the most stick it out. I hope you'll comment again once and a while. And Thanks for stopping by today.

  2. PK,

    Lovely post. No lurker, just feel part of the family. Wonderful of Gill to leave a comment for you.


    1. I'm glad he did. And I always love hearing from you, friend.

  3. Hi PK *waves*,

    Happy LOL day! Thank you for the shout out

    As you can tell, I love staying connected with my blog friends. This is such a wonderful community and I never dreamed I would make such wonderful friend's here. So to those lurkers out there, I definitely encourage you to say hi today.

    Wonderful post PK, you are so right. Now more than ever we need to keep connected.


    1. You are a true friend Roz! To the point I worry if I haven't heard from you. There are great folks here and we're always looking anyone who would like to join us.

  4. I guess I'm a lurker now- worse than a lurker because some days I don't lurk much less comment.You are still in my heart though.

    1. That's good enough! Always love hearing from you any way you want to be in touch!

  5. waving from Canada - soon to be the Great White North (le sigh)

    1. You're welcome to come visit south, but we won't exactly be warm here for a while.

  6. PK, I know I had to take a break from blogger friends for a bit, even so, I don’t consider myself a lurker!! Trying to get around more these days!
    You got me started-Inspiring me to blog and write down a few of those stories in my head.;))

    1. I know you've more than had your hands full lately! But it's always great to see you here.

  7. I think that blogging will stand the test of time, as other platforms come and go. Happy LOL Day.


    1. I really hope you're right!

  8. I’m glad you encouraged me to try again. Blogger (or somebody) let me back in! I’m really not good at reading every day but I do catch up as you know. I’m sure you have many lurkers who are just shy or afraid they’ll get caught somehow and “outed.” I was afraid of that. But it’s been quite a long time and nothing happened—no police at the door or anything!
    Thanks PK for the blog. I know you have enhanced my life with it.
    Rosie Dee

    1. I know in my lurker days I was so scared I would get outed. Never happened, there was never a hint of it and now I feel this is my safe place to say anything I need to get out. Love seeing you here dear friend!

  9. Hi PK,

    Happy LoL Day. Yeah, I lurk too.

    I too am grateful for support from Roz.

    Please stay safe.

    Virtual hugs,

    1. Always happy to see you here. You've improved many people's lives with your blog.

  10. CK:
    I am a long time reader and particularly enjoy the Friday stories. So, I am wishing you a happy fryday complete with a good hot bottom!!


    1. Thanks Rick, if only... I love the FF stories too. Especially getting new ones.

  11. Midwest Reader9:43 AM

    Pretty sure I'm not a lurker anymore, but adding a comment today to say thanks for your blog and for continuing to blog during this difficult year - it really helps.

    1. I appreciate the comment. Being able to blog is getting me through the year. I'm glad you're reading.
