Friday, September 18, 2020

Fantasy Friday - Quarantine

Brand-new story today !

Welcome back to Fantasy Friday. We have a new story today and that always makes me happy! It's very timely and I think many of us can relate. Please enjoy...


Peter is considered an essential worker. Being in the service industry he continued to work and work long hours. I have been fortunate in life to be financially able to be a stay at home mom and more recently a stay at home grandma. I was with my grandchildren a few times a week until shelter in place was enforced.

Finding myself home alone with nothing but news updates to watch. I found myself very lonely. My once every two week grocery run just wasn’t doing it.

Peter coming home every evening, totally exhausted, gulped down supper and promptly fell asleep. Certainly not much company.

What is a lonely, bored, horny woman to do. Self-satisfaction is not for me. 

Then I came upon a friend I had for years and realized she was the answer; Amazon Prime.

I realized that AP could help my loneliness and boredom just by clicking a few buttons. But what about my being horny? How can she help? But wait…what does Peter hate more than anything? Frivolous spending. Will he notice? Will he care? Worth a try.

I didn’t want to overstay my welcome so I only visited AP for short times, but every day. I bought PJs, hats, purses, kitchen gadgets, decorative pillows and toys for the grand kids.

After a few days I started meeting a new friend. The doorbell began to ring and packages began showing up. Each package was a surprise visit from a new friend. Each on invited in with great joy.

I placed the decorative items in my home. I wore the PJs at night. And Peter never noticed. It became a game of see how much I can get away with and screw your for ignoring me.

Then an amazing thing happened. Peter came home and announced he was taking the next day off because he realized I needed his attention. I was so excited, we couldn’t go anywhere so the day was just to be together. BLISS

The next morning after showering and dressing in my usual quarantine outfit of t shirt and sweat pants. I set the dining table and prepared a large breakfast of omelet, potatoes, sausage and toast. I called Peter down to breakfast wanting to get the day started.

We chatted and enjoyed our food and then he helped me clean up. It was so nice to be together. I then I was surprised. In one movement, I am pushed over the kitchen island and felt a wooden spoon on my butt. My first thought – oh this is perfect.

It then went from let the fun begin to someone is in trouble.

Peter then removed my pant sand placed me firmly on the hard kitchen chair and left the room.

He returned with paper, pen and a print out. Placing it in front of me. I realized it was a copy of the credit card bill associated with my Amazon account. Oh Boy! I was to write down the dates and what was purchased on that date. Not an easy job. Then I needed to pull up my account and list everything using a separate list for items I forgot.  Boy did that exercise open my eyes and make my butt tingle at the same time.

The outcome – for every ten dollars a strike with the bath brush. $425.00!! Could I handle 43 hits with that mean brush? Peter decided on groups of 10. Followed by 5 minutes in the corner and the rest of the hour doing “normal” activities around the house in just the t shirt. This took 5 hours out of the day. But then when I thought it was all over he said now let’s address the items you didn’t even remember to list on the first list. That came to $57. I was ordered to go to the coffee table and bend over and put my hands on it, butt up in air. Being in that position, I had a feeling what was next, could I do it? I heard the sound of the belt coming off of Peters pants. Again one for every ten. So I endured yet 6 more smacks this time with a belt. 

After that was over, we headed up to the bedroom and reconnected in a most wonderful way.

As we laid intertwined, Peter asked if I had learned my lesson. I just mumbled what sounded like an affirmative response. He said he did to, he learned to pay more attention to me, he can’t afford not to.


Our story comes from Cindy who has written for us a couple of times. She did share with me that while she enjoys time with all her family, including the grand kids. She also enjoys spending time with just her husband. I hope that's true for all of us! Thank you, Cindy!

I think this is probably one we can all identify with these days. Both on line shopping and not always getting the attention we want. So maybe a story has been rolling around in your head during quarantine... maybe you'd be willing to share? Please send any stories to



  1. I enjoyed reading this, thank you Cindy and PK, Funny how our guys take notice when the bills come in lol. Online shopping can be euch a trap.


  2. Good story Cindy. Thank you Pk and Cindy for sharing Amazon is my good friend too, has been for years.

  3. Dear friend, this is Brigitte from O&P Spanking Stories
    I had to recreate the O&P Spanking Stories blog
    Please, please, please add me to your blogroll, and be assured that I will add you to mine !
    Zillions of thanks in advance
    B :)
    PS. Please forgive me for having used a comment box
