Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Update on my worries

I thought I’d give you a quick update on my worries from a couple of weeks ago. Collin came to see his family. He got to spend a lot of time with them, but he came back to us each evening and I know he appreciated the peace and quiet. He wore his mask most of the time in the house and in the mornings  he would sit across the room from me as he drank his coffee and we’d visit. It was good to be able to spend time with him.

While he was gone LJ managed the move to the new apartment with a little help from his friends. The cats were not pleased with the move – they’ve lived in the other apartment for nine years. Then suddenly Collin’s gone and they’ve been ‘catnapped’ to a new place. Collin’s cat, the more timid of the two wouldn’t come out from under the bed – until Collin got home. 

And here are the cats once he got there. Collin's cat is looking at him. All our spouses should look at us so adoringly.  

Another few days at home and a negative Covid test later and Collin’s back at work. Just in time LJ told me. They have new furniture to buy!

Mollie did head to Disney with her two friends. They each had a row to themselves on the plane, with no one beside them or even across the aisle. She said the parks were wonderful. Not crowded at all and everyone she saw had their mask on – said she never even saw one pulled down. That was staff and guests alike. They were never in great crowds, no massive lines. The ate at the park, outside and very distant from other guest and they never went anywhere else. 

They were rained on a bit Sunday morning as the hurricane churned toward them – it probably didn’t churn as much as my stomach did with worry. But most of the time it was sunny and hot. They had a great time and now they are home and back in quarantine. I wish she could get a test as Collin did, but she is just a lowly teacher. Sigh…

I’m sure glad everyone is back where they belong. Even the granddog.


  1. Hi PK,

    Aww what gorgeous cats! Soo cute.

    Very glad to hear everyone is safe and sound back home, and that is sounds like the move went well for LJ and Colin. Glad too that Mollie and her friends weren't in big crowds. It sounds like they were extremely sensible.


    1. LJ and Collin are really settling in and weren't damaged by the storm yesterday either. I'll be a little worried about Mollie for a couple of weeks.

  2. Awe gosh PK. Glad things are getting back to normal. Kitty is adorable! I understand the worry regarding covid tests. It’s amazing how many restrictions they have on getting tested in the same area! So inconsistent! I hope you have no more stress! Hope Mollie continues to be ok. She’s a smart cookie and did everything she was supposed to!

    1. I think she did everything right (other than staying home!) I do feel a lot less stress now.

  3. Happy to hear that Colin got the test and is fine and that Mollie is back safely. Lovely picture of the cats.


    1. The boys and the cats are very close. I'm really happy to have Mollie back too!

  4. I am so glad to hear that things are well with everyone. Although, they don't test the teachers? I am shocked although I probably shouldn't be.

    Collin's cats look amazing. Would he be willing to trade for our devil cat?


    1. I'm afraid teachers here are considered totally expendable. I wish this wasn't true, but it is.

      I really don't think Collin is looking to trade, LOL!
