Monday, July 06, 2020

It's time to ask for a spanking

I’m not sure of the age range of those reading my blog these days. For most of the time it’s been up I’m guessing the majority of readers are women between thirty and seventy to eighty. For those of you on the younger end who are saying, “People in their eighties? Is she crazy?” Yes, I said eighties. You see if you’re a spanko, a true spanko, you’re born that way and you’ll die that way. You may not be indulging through out your life, but you’ll never  completely lose you interest, your desire, your draw to the lifestyle.

So though I’m rarely on topic these days I want to take this time – this time of quarantine, this time of forced togetherness to say some things I haven’t said in a long time. Some of you need to hear it… again.

If you began reading this blog I’m guessing it’s because you have some interest in spanking and the idea of a spanking relationship. But if you began reading like I did, that’s where it stopped at interest, curiosity maybe a little longing. I knew I had the interest but I never, NEVER planned on sharing that fact with Nick. But I began in the hay-day of blogging and there were so many here leading, encouraging, pushing me to share this with Nick. So I finally did.

I was so nervous – would he see me as weird, perverted, would it change our relationship and ruin what we had? For every spanko I’m in contact with, and there have been a lot over the years, the answer is a resounding NO!

Nick was thrilled, excited, amazed, stunned, curious, and lastly a little hesitant. He didn’t really know what I was asking for but, wow, was he willing to give it a try. I’ve come to believe that there are few men out there who would say no to the idea of the woman he loves offering to drape her naked body over his lap and ask him to spank her until her cheeks are red and stinging.

My willingness to share this part of myself with Nick was a turning point in our marriage. I love being spanked more than I  thought I would, and the improvement in our sex life knew no bounds. 

If you have spanking in your head and you’ve never shared these thoughts with your significant other, you are robbing yourselves of what could be the best things to ever happen to your relationship.

It’s worth the risk!

And I can’t say that strongly enough! 

There are many different types of spankings. Playful, erotic/sexy, stress relief, maintenance, discipline, the list goes on. But I’d say if your man is a newbie, start with playful, erotic/sexy. That may be enough for you both. If you want more, the discipline/punishment, that will take more talking. But I won’t go there today. 

I will say that Nick has expressed only one complaint about this whole ‘spanking thing.’ And I’ve heard other woman say that their husbands have expressed the same complaint, and that is – Why did you wait so long?

So if I may borrow from Nike, 

Just do it!


  1. Hi PK, fabulous post! Thank you for sharing this. I hope it encourages some to open up to their partners about. It isn't easy to do, but definitely worth it!


    1. It would be great if that happened. I hope it does.

  2. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Male, was dating older woman, 50's, I was in my 20's. It was six months and out of the blue she said there were times I needed a spanking. I looked at her, could say nothing. A couple of days later, I mentioned her comment and she smiled and said she meant it. I was sitting and I stood up, took off my pants, underpants, all in the front room. She got up, left the room, and came back with a large hairbrush, put a chair in the middle of the room. When she was done with the spanking I was dancing, rubbing, and saying that was too hard. Face the wall she said, and when I was told to come to her, she sternly said, get use to it, the next one will be much harder, it was. Jack

    1. It's great when two people realize that they both want the same thing.

  3. Gosh how true! Keeping it a secret brings that element of shame to your desires! What do you have to lose? You really helped me in this. Even though my guy did this thing he did... fun and kinda reining me in... I never shared it the way I do now! Liberating!

    1. Liberating is a great way to put it. It does feel that way. The secret was like a barrier between us.

  4. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Thanks for the suggestion, I asked my wife for a spanking and she said that is your thing not mine. :(

    1. I'm sorry she wasn't interested. It's icky for some women to be the one spanking, many have the image of a strong protective man that they want and this goes against the feeling.

  5. Excellent advice...and spanking often leads to other "fun" times...I just started my 7th decade...and we are still going strong!! hugs abby

  6. Just after we were married, I asked my wife to give me a spanking. She refused, saying it was perverted. In time, I found spanking fiction books on Amazon and got a bunch. I read them for a long time. At some point, she brought up the subject about spanking and wanted to read one of my books. She read it and said she understood and told me to bare my bottom and I got a spanking that I had waited nearly two decades for. After the spanking, she mentioned that she was warm and wet in her vaginal area. We had great sex. At some point, she said that she wished she had spanked me early in our marriage as we could have had fun. I merely sighed and said to just spank me from now on and she does. Sure we missed a lot of spankings, but finally things came around and I now get spanked at least once a week.

    1. I guess that is the conclusion most of us have come too. We can't go back and begin any earlier. We just try to enjoy it from here on out.

  7. PK:

    It makes it much easier for the dominant male also. No more second guessing, just refining of the process to achieve satisfaction for each partner.


    1. Exactly! So many time both parties get what they want.

  8. This was a comment a friend sent to me. I'm posting it for her at her request.

    Thanks for the encouragement, PK. I am 75, my husband is a year older and spanking is a daily occurrence. I feel beautiful, understood, and accepted for who I am. I've never been happier without the secret between us. It's true, the sex is incredible approaching our eighties. Yes, I was born that way and I'll die that way. If I am ever without my life partner of 50 years, I plan to reread my Cassie books and... go out with a smile on my face.

    1. I'm so happy for you. You said it best in how it makes you feel - Beautiful, understood, and accepted for who you are. That is the best feeling in the world! Spanking does that for me too.

  9. Thanks for sharing this post. You have helped many and I hope this helps more. Also thank you for sharing the lovely comment from W. I am so happy for them.


    1. If only one person is encouraged to come out and share with the one they love, it will be good. VV comment made me very happy!

  10. Definitely celebrate that way and then tell us all about it!
