Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Fourteen years

It was a busy weekend. I nearly let an important date go by. Yesterday July 27, was my fourteenth blogging anniversary. Wow, the changes that have occurred in my life and in the blogging world in fourteen years – amazing!

I began as a teacher with a curly perm. I was vastly overweight. I was a friendly roommate with my husband. I wore a granny gown to bed each night. And I worked hard at raising my two teenagers. As I disappeared into blogland I let my hair grow out. I retired from the teaching profession and joined the writing profession. I lost enough weight to drop the ‘vastly.’ My husband and I became lovers. I began sleeping in the nude and my teens grew into adults who are self-sufficient with their own homes and good jobs. That’s a lot of changing.

Blogland has also gone through an amazing change during that time. I got here in the hay-day and I’ll be forever grateful. There were lots of spanking blogs, tons of people blogging and commenting. I met so many lovely people on line and we talked, commented, and emailed one another. I met a few in real life and that was really fun, but even those I’ll never see added to my life with their comments and emails. Not nearly as many people want to talk these days and since I still love blogging it makes me sad. But I’ve accepted that I can’t change that and I’m happy when people do want to talk with me.

I took a peek back into ancient history and dug out the very first post I put up. I thought I’d include it here:

It Starts

I have been reading some of the wonderful blogs out there for a few months. Within the last few days I got the courage up to leave a comment and now I'm blogging. This is just a way to sort out my feelings since no one can possibly talk to friends and family about their desire to be spanked. Hell, it took me twenty-three years to get up the nerve to tell my husband.

That's not exactly true. We dabbled a bit four years ago. I liked it but we just let it go because of children in the house, their needs and the needs of my aging parents took up a great deal of time. I stayed so consumed in other things that I just had no interest in sex. None. Zero. Zilch! I wanted to want it but I just didn't.

I'm sad to say that during these four years I lost my beloved parents. My son is leaving for college next month and my daughter is in and out more than she used to be. So I have actually had time to think about myself. I looked on the Internet but what I found at first seemed like porn to me. I like sexy pictures of women getting spanked, but I didn't like torture, whips and chains. I don't want to see male nudity. And then my prayers were answered when I stumbled onto My Bottom Smarts and Bonnie.

It was unbelievable! Normal, sane, regular people, women like me who had answers to my questions and made me feel normal again. When it comes to our sex life, I believe my husband thinks he died and went to heaven. He is happy but stunned. I already have him reading My Bottom Smarts, Nothing Random About a Spanking and A Spanking Good Time. 

I found that once I started leaving comments that it wasn't enough, I wanted to say more, ask questions, and just talk. I hope to hear from some of you.

Elis (eventually, PK)


  1. Hi PK, congratulations on your Blogiversary! Wow, fourteen years is a wonderful milestone.

    I really enjoyed reading this. Certainly a lot of personal change and growth during the time you have been blogging. Not to mention a lot of change in blogland.

    You have given so much to this community encouraging many to start blogging and to start writing. We are blessed to have you:)


    1. I have enjoyed blogging for all these years. I wish more people participated but I'll stick around as long as a few drop by.

  2. Hi PK, Congratulations on your blogiversary! I am so glad that I too was around in the hey day, meeting all you lovely like minded people.
    Love Jan.xx

    1. So good to hear from you! Yes it was a real hoot at one time!

  3. WOW! 14 years! I'm glad you are still here!


    1. And I appreciate you coming by to say hello!

  4. I can say you’re the reason I’m here, not lurking anymore!
    You are so kind and ever the consummate teacher!
    14 years to celebrate and for god sake keep blogging my dear!

    1. I still enjoy your blog - especially your pictures.

  5. Deena3:12 PM

    Congratulations on you blogiversary - and MANY THANKS! You have made me giggle and laugh out loud, and think about the what and how and what ifs. I'm a grateful and happy reader :)

    1. I really appreciate you coming by! And I mean that! It makes my day to see people comment. I do want to keep blogging, but I hate to think I'm talking to myself. Thanks again.
