Friday, July 31, 2020

Fantasy Friday Revival - Therapy Session

Happy Friday to all! I love today's story. I understand it and it really speaks to me. I just wish it could happen more in real life. I hope you enjoy...

Therapy Session

Jan and Ted Coles sat in separate wingback chairs, across the desk from Dr. Baird Winslow.They were nervous as they watched the bespectacled psychologist, a noted marriage counselor and therapist, shuffle his notes. Ted glanced at his wife, whose gaze was in her lap. He reached over the arms of the chairs, and picked up her hand. He smiled at her as he gave her a reassuring squeeze.

Dr. Winslow smiled, too, as he looked up at them. “There’s very good news for you,” he began, “the tests, questionnaires, surveys and interviews all indicate that you will be just fine – better than you ever believed, in fact.”

Jan and Ted exhaled.

The doctor continued, “You are, as individuals, well grounded, robust and resilient people. You both can be characterized as practical and hard working. You have a genuine affection, admiration and deep love for the other. You are going to be just fine.”

There was a pause, and finally Ted spoke. “I’m – we’re – relieved to hear that, Dr. Winslow. We don’t doubt that we love each other, as we told you a month ago when we came here. But there’s no denying we’ve had problems over the last few years. We’re not intimate like we used to be – and I don’t just mean sexually. We’ve been going through the motions, but we haven’t shared life as a couple in a long while.”

Jan spoke up, too. “Is it unrealistic to expect it to be as close as it was in the beginning? Do all married couples lose intensity in their relationship over time? I mean, we’ve had kids, and jobs, and stress over the years. Is the problem that we’re not adjusting to something that happens inevitably?” She looked distressed.

Dr. Winslow looked at her steadily, and then spoke. “There is no inevitable anything in marriage,” he said. “Mrs. Coles, come with me. I’m going to show you something that is going to change your marriage forever, and will restore all intensity and emotional connection that you’ve been missing.”

The doctor rose and Jan followed his lead. They walked together to a small table against the far wall. It was covered with a white cloth, but there were obviously objects underneath the covering. The doctor lifted the cloth by its hem and withdrew it with a flourish, exposing a small collection of paddles and straps. Jan Coles gasped, and immediately colored. Dr. Winslow could see her neck, face and ears blushing red, and he nodded to himself. Ted Coles, still seated in his chair, couldn’t see what his wife beheld, but was curious to know what provoked her reaction.

Dr. Winslow spoke, in a firm voice: “Mrs. Coles, you will take this – “he handed her a small, oval-shaped leather paddle – “and you will hold it behind your back as you stand in this corner –“he indicated the corner to the left behind his desk –“and you will not move or make a sound as I talk with your husband. If you do, I will come over to the corner and I will paddle you with this (he held up a rectangular piece of wood four times the size of the paddle that Jan now held). Do you understand?”

“Now hold on . . .” Ted rose from his chair, unsure what the doctor was doing, and even more uncertain what he would do to stop it.

Dr. Winslow turned to him. “Mr. Coles, I know this is unusual and unexpected for you. Please let Mrs. Coles decide if she’ll proceed, and then I assure you that you and I will have an illuminating conversation.”

Ted looked at Jan. To his astonishment, she turned to the doctor, said, “I understand,” and crossed the floor to the designated corner, where she stood with the small paddle held at her tailbone. The two men watched her in silence for a moment; Dr. Winslow indicated the two wing chairs, and they sat down.

“Mr. Coles,” Dr. Winslow began, “your wife loves you deeply and yearns for a deeper emotional connection with you. She wants to tell you her most innermost feelings, fears, desires and hopes. But she’s inhibited by a fear you’ll reject her on some level, so she keeps things inside.”

“Your own tests show you to be a highly self-confident leader. You are analytical and rational, yet also visionary and of an “expansive” mind. You have proven yourself in business, where you are well respected and successful. In your relationship with your wife, your tests reveal a certain frustration with things, and a desire to be the recognized leader of your relationship.”

“In sum, Mr. Coles, you have the natural makings of a dominant in your relationship, and Mrs. Coles is, organically, in regards to her feelings to you, at least, a submissive. You two are made for each other.”

Ted was silent, taking in the information. He looked at his wife, standing with her back to him, her fingers wrapped around the handle of the paddle. “So you’re telling me to dominate my wife physically? I could never hurt Jan – the idea is repugnant to me!” Ted spoke with his fists clenched.

Dr. Winslow nodded at him. “I’m advising you, with your wife’s consent, to spank her. I can tell you from years of working with couples whose profiles are similar to yours that spanking will bring you closer, will open lines of communication, will lead to more frequent and fulfilling sexual intimacy, and will satisfy your conscious and subconscious desires to assume the natural role in your relationship. One of my mentors told me early on, ‘The couples that spanks, stays together.’ I’ve seen it myself, and he’s right.”

“As far as hurting Mrs. Coles goes, you have to learn how to administer a spanking the correct way. You should put her over your lap, well supported, and spank her on the meat of her bottom – not up too high. Start slowly and build up, and that’s all there is to it. You’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly. In fact, I think it’s time you saw the demonstration.” The doctor rose and addressed Jan, “Mrs. Coles, come over here now, please.” He moved to the couch.

Jan gulped, and turned slowly. She saw the doctor, sitting on the couch and lightly patting his thigh. She began to walk toward him, and then changed course and approached her husband. Standing in front of him, she held out the paddle to him and said softly, “There is only one person I can ever imagine spanking me, and that’s Ted. Will you do it, darling?”

Ted rose, took his wife’s hand in his left and relieved her of the paddle with his right. He led her to the couch, where Dr. Winslow relinquished his seat with a sigh. “Would you like me to advise you? Give you some pointers as you go along?” There was a hint of wistfulness in his voice.

“Just some privacy, please,” Jan responded. As Ted took the doctor’s place on the couch, Jan put herself across his lap. Dr. Winslow, on his way out the door, caught a glimpse of Jan’s pantyhose-covered bottom as Ted lifted her skirt and slip and began to spank her tentatively with his hand.

At first he said nothing, embarrassed to be doing what he found himself doing at all. After a few minutes, though, when Jan hadn’t protested, he spanked harder and faster, and began to talk. “Jan, you’ve had this coming for quite some time. You’ve been moody, evasive and sullen. From now on, you’re going to talk to me, and not retreat from me, do you understand?”

“Yes, Ted, I do,” Jan was breathing fast as her husband rained down spanks on her behind. The smacks grew in number, severity and rapidity. “I wish I had been more open with you; I’m sorry I wasn’t.”

“You’re going to be a lot more sorry before I’m finished with you,” Ted assured her. He stopped spanking for a moment to rub his hand, then pulled Jan’s pantyhose and panties down to her mid-thighs. He could make out handprints – his handprints – on her faintly blushing bottom. It wasn’t as red as he thought it would be. He picked up the paddle, and brought it down smartly on each cheek, raising an immediate red spot on each side and an exclamation from Jan.

“There are going to be some changes, young lady, and they’re going to start right now.” Ted used the paddle as though a metronome were dictating its cadence. Rhythmically he brought it down first on the right side, then the left. He avoided skin that had already turned bright red, and in that way worked on painting her entire backside crimson.

“You’re going to meet your responsibilities to me and to our family,” he continued, “and you’re going to lose the short temper and snippy attitude you’ve been copping.” Ted paddled some more, and Jan squirmed and twisted and kicked her heels. Her bottom stung like fury, and the blows that landed on the sides of her buttocks and the tops of her thighs caused her particular distress. “Yes, Ted,” she agreed, “I will. Please stop for a minute – can I get my breath? It’s really hurting!”

“I do believe it’s supposed to hurt,” Ted answered her. “I’m almost finished here, but know this – I will not hesitate (three particularly hard spanks landed as he spoke these words) to spank you from now on if I feel you’ve earned it. Understood?”
“Yes! Please stop!”

“Yes, sir, you mean?” Ted delivered another round of hard, rapid spanks.

“Yes, sir! I understand!”

To Jan’s relief the spanking stopped. She felt her husband’s gentle touch again; he lightly ran his fingers over her reddened bottom, and then rubbed more firmly. He rubbed her back with his left hand. Jan, though she was still bare-bottomed across her husband’s lap, in a doctor’s office, felt calm and also incredibly aroused. She thrust her pelvis into Ted’s thigh and rubbed against the fabric of his suit trousers. She waited to hear from him that she was permitted to get up and restore order to her clothing.

Ted looked into her eyes. “My bride has another wifely duty to conduct at home,” he said with a wry smile. He put her hand on the front of his pants, and she smiled at the stiffness she encountered there. They scurried from the doctor’s office like newlyweds bound for the honeymoon suite.


Now I think if we had more doctors who would prescribe this kind of therapy to couples in trouble we could lessen our divorce rate. Yeah, yeah, yeah I know it wouldn't work for everyone but we all know that it really would work for many people if they gave it a try. I sometimes wonder about woman who haven't spent their lives think of spanking like many of us. How might they react to a suggest like this? I think many would be more intrigued than appalled.

This wonderful story was written by Scout. Scout never had a blog but we used to email one another. Thanks Scout, if you're still out there, let me know.

As for everyone else, just keep thinking - we are all interested in what other people fantasies about. Share your story with us, send it to

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Fourteen years

It was a busy weekend. I nearly let an important date go by. Yesterday July 27, was my fourteenth blogging anniversary. Wow, the changes that have occurred in my life and in the blogging world in fourteen years – amazing!

I began as a teacher with a curly perm. I was vastly overweight. I was a friendly roommate with my husband. I wore a granny gown to bed each night. And I worked hard at raising my two teenagers. As I disappeared into blogland I let my hair grow out. I retired from the teaching profession and joined the writing profession. I lost enough weight to drop the ‘vastly.’ My husband and I became lovers. I began sleeping in the nude and my teens grew into adults who are self-sufficient with their own homes and good jobs. That’s a lot of changing.

Blogland has also gone through an amazing change during that time. I got here in the hay-day and I’ll be forever grateful. There were lots of spanking blogs, tons of people blogging and commenting. I met so many lovely people on line and we talked, commented, and emailed one another. I met a few in real life and that was really fun, but even those I’ll never see added to my life with their comments and emails. Not nearly as many people want to talk these days and since I still love blogging it makes me sad. But I’ve accepted that I can’t change that and I’m happy when people do want to talk with me.

I took a peek back into ancient history and dug out the very first post I put up. I thought I’d include it here:

It Starts

I have been reading some of the wonderful blogs out there for a few months. Within the last few days I got the courage up to leave a comment and now I'm blogging. This is just a way to sort out my feelings since no one can possibly talk to friends and family about their desire to be spanked. Hell, it took me twenty-three years to get up the nerve to tell my husband.

That's not exactly true. We dabbled a bit four years ago. I liked it but we just let it go because of children in the house, their needs and the needs of my aging parents took up a great deal of time. I stayed so consumed in other things that I just had no interest in sex. None. Zero. Zilch! I wanted to want it but I just didn't.

I'm sad to say that during these four years I lost my beloved parents. My son is leaving for college next month and my daughter is in and out more than she used to be. So I have actually had time to think about myself. I looked on the Internet but what I found at first seemed like porn to me. I like sexy pictures of women getting spanked, but I didn't like torture, whips and chains. I don't want to see male nudity. And then my prayers were answered when I stumbled onto My Bottom Smarts and Bonnie.

It was unbelievable! Normal, sane, regular people, women like me who had answers to my questions and made me feel normal again. When it comes to our sex life, I believe my husband thinks he died and went to heaven. He is happy but stunned. I already have him reading My Bottom Smarts, Nothing Random About a Spanking and A Spanking Good Time. 

I found that once I started leaving comments that it wasn't enough, I wanted to say more, ask questions, and just talk. I hope to hear from some of you.

Elis (eventually, PK)

Friday, July 24, 2020

Fantasy Friday - A Summer's Tail

We've made to  another weekend - although it's hard to tell the difference these days. I'm happy to tell you we have a brand new Fantasy Friday this week from a brand new writer. I really like the way the story had the thoughts of several different people's viewpoint. I hope you'll enjoy 

A Summer's Tail

"Excuse me,

Lisa looked up from the computer screen on her desk at the calmly spoken words, and into the face of a middle aged, well dressed gentleman. He was wearing a loose light blue shirt, but she could tell that he was in good condition behind it. He had specks of gray in his otherwise black hair, and that seemed to be the only indicator of him being above forty. His face, clean shaven, had a certain youthful quality, and seemed at odds with his mature tone of voice.

"Excuse me, Ma'am?" 

He spoke again and Lisa realized she'd been staring at him and quickly answered.

"Yes, How may I help you?" She hoped he wouldn't notice the blush she could feel creeping across her face. 

"Actually, I was trying to contact someone," he said with a small smile. Had he noticed, or was he just being polite? She couldn't tell and he continued, "Mrs. Jane Summers."

Lisa stifled a sigh. Of course, he would be looking for her boss. Jane Summers was one of the foremost lawyers in the city, partner of the firm Summers, Johnson and Wells and her own personal idol. She was everything Lisa hoped to be one day- successful, accomplished, and kind too. As a paralegal, she hadn't had much interaction with her, heck, Jane Summers might not even know Lisa existed, but even so, Lisa had heard the office news and looked up to her. Jane Summers was as close to perfection as Lisa had ever come across. 

So, of course, this handsome stranger would be here looking for her. She looked up at him again and had to admit they would look good together. Her strong, beautiful boss and this well-mannered, well-built stranger. Not like her, with her secrets...
She smiled, it wasn't as forceful as she'd expected. "Unfortunately, Mrs. Summers is in meeting right now and has asked not to be disturbed. Her phone will be switched off too, so you will have to wait. If it's an emergency, I can try."

The man shook his head "No, that's okay. I just wanted to pass her message." He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. "I thought she might have her phone turned off, so I brought this as a backup." He smiled holding the envelope out to her. "Could you make sure she gets it please, Ma'am?"

Lisa nodded "Sure, though, we need some ID though before accepting anything like that. Who should I say it's from?"

He took out his wallet and showed her his license. Her eyes widened at his last name and she couldn't help glancing up at him. He sighed, as if expecting it. "You can tell her it's from her husband, Aaron Summers."

She quickly nodded. "Yes, Sir" while going over the conversation in her head. Had she said anything wrong in the conversation? She couldn't risk that. But, it wouldn't be completely her fault either! How was she supposed to know? Jane Summers was notoriously private about her personal life. Only a few people at the firm had ever met her husband.

"Uh… is there anything…" She stood up but couldn't get the words out, it was so different now, knowing who he was. What was he thinking? Did he notice anything? Her mind was spinning as it sometimes did when confronted with a situation like this. Why was she…

"Ma'am?" His voice cut through the fugue and she looked back at him. He might have been talking for a while but she'd been too lost in her own thoughts to notice. He kept a calm expression. "Ma'am, I just wanted to say thanks," he said with a polite smile. "And I would appreciate it if you could keep everything to yourself, including my identity. The message is rather private." He picked up his briefcase "Thank you for your time."

She managed to say that it wasn't a problem and he thanked her again before leaving. So, that was Jane Summer's husband. She could appreciate why her boss had chosen him, he seemed like a great complement for her. She could imagine her boss's occasional hot headedness causing problems with someone else, but this guy with his calm , collected demeanor could probably handle those.

She turned over the envelope in her hand. A ping of curiosity shot through her. What could be so important that he felt it was personally necessary to deliver a message and that too one like this? The envelope wasn't sealed, she could probably sneak a peek inside and no one would be the wiser. The meeting was going to run for at least another hour and she was a fast reader. Hesitant, but curious to know more about the life of her hero and her husband, she opened the envelope with a guilty conscience.

A white paper stared out at her but she couldn't see any words. She took it out and unfolded it. It was almost completely blank except for a few sentences in the middle. She read them in under thirty seconds but couldn't stop reading them again and again. No, it couldn't be , she was probably misunderstanding something but how? She looked at it again, at the center of the page with the small message,

Found the third speeding ticket.
We will be having a discussion tonight.
Sitting down might be a problem for you in the coming days.
Plan accordingly.
I love you, Aaron

Lisa could feel her heart racing, her breathing had sped up too and she realized that she'd been clutching the paper tightly to her chest, as if afraid someone might read the words and along with it her thoughts. Confusion, guilt and something else - Hope that it might mean just what she thought and relief, relief that she was not alone.

Jane parked her car and got out looking at her home and then back at the new car. Most days , she couldn't wait to walk in those doors, knowing her husband would be there, greeting her with a hug and a kiss before he asked her about her day and started fussing over her. She would complain and grumble, but she loved it. She loved being with someone who didn't see her as Jane Summers the fierce attorney, just as Jane and adored her for it.

Not today though, she thought as she turned away from the car. The new car had landed her in trouble with Aaron, again. Aaron, her handsome, patient husband who made her feel better on any day and who believed both in driving safely and domestic discipline. That combination didn't seem to be doing her butt any favors lately.

Her bottom already seemed to be tingling , though whether in anticipation or as a flashback, she couldn't tell. The last spanking over speeding had been just a week ago, and as she thought about it, she could almost feel his handprints on her bottom from that experience. Aaron spanked hard enough with just his hand and he'd already told her what would happen if she got a third ticket - his belt.

She wasn't afraid of Aaron, that was never the question but the punishment with his belt was something she always dreaded. She knew he didn't use it lightly or like using it, so when he did, he made sure she would not want to repeat the experience, which was good for the future, but very bad for her bottom in the present.

The note was still in her purse and she collected her thoughts, that was its purpose after all. Aaron didn't spring punishments on her, he informed her in advance for two reasons. One, so that she could answer him properly, present any reasons that she might have for what she did and if those were valid ones, he would not spank her and two, because she was a busy lady, he didn't want to interrupt her schedule too much. If there was something immovable, they would postpone the discipline. Unfortunately, today neither of them was applicable and she knew it.

She smoothed her business attire as she opened the door and stepped inside. It was her battle armor after all and she was used to winning in it. Even when her
arguments were flimsy, like today, it made her feel a little better about her chances. 

"Honey, I am home," she called out of habit before remembering her situation, but Aaron was already heading out of the kitchen, apron and all, with that goofy grin, as if she was his favorite person in the world. Which, she thought, she was and that made her feel happy and guilty at once, again.

He reached her and put his arms around her, kissing her on the cheek "Welcome home, dear." He squeezed her tighter , swaying back and forth "I missed you, Jane. I'm making your favorite - Chicken Parmesan," he said as he pulled away, still smiling.

Darn it, she needed to start speaking before it became any harder to do so. She kept her eyes off his face and pointed to the floor . "Okay, I know you're mad and I was speeding but – "

"Jane, honey – I"

"But, I can make the ticket go away, I will argue for myself –"

"Jane," he said a little louder this time.

"I mean it's just another speeding ticket. I work on tougher cases in my dream and even if we have to pay it's not that much, right? So, it's not such a big deal, doesn't even matte – Ow!" She yelped as his hand connected heavily with her bottom.

"Look at me, Jane." A quiet voice informed her and she tried to, but it was so hard. She knew what she would find there. It was not anger that scared her, he would not discipline her if he was angry. No there would be something worse – concern, and disappointment.

A finger slid under her chin and gently tilted her head up and suddenly she was looking directly into his eyes, seeing just what she had expected , along with a sadness that she hadn't. He spoke again slowly in a voice that seemed tired, devoid of the joy from a few moments ago. "You put yourself at risk. I don't care about the ticket or the money, but please, never , ever dare to say that your safety doesn't matter." His voice was still sad but firm as he moved closer again before hugging her, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I won't have that, Jane Summers. I don't think I can take it, if something happens to you, because you think your safety doesn't matter. You are everything to me, I just wish I could show you that somehow…" He kissed the top of her head as she rested against his chest, shaking slightly as she cried.

She wanted to speak, wanted to reassure him that she did know. How could she not? He lived for her and he had made it obvious more times that she could count. He had supported her dreams ever since they'd met, beginning with law school, let her make the decisions, set the goals she envisioned for herself and spanked her when she felt she was falling short. When she got an offer for her dream job in another part of the country, he didn't hesitate and again did everything he could to facilitate the move. Even though he'd been the only one earning at the time, he picked up another job without telling her and when she'd yelled at him, under the stress of the final exams and worried about the new job, how he was not home enough, he'd just stayed quiet and taken it. It had just gotten worse until that morning. She still felt bad about the things she'd said to him that morning and he'd stood there, not saying anything until he collapsed in front of her.

A rushed trip to the hospital later, when his co-workers came over, she'd realized how much he was working. He was practically grinding himself to the bone and hadn't even said anything about it to her. The doctor told her he would be conscious soon and she rested next to him, not knowing when she fell asleep. 

She awoke to her hand being squeezed and opened her eyes to see him, lying there, her husband in a hospital bed with an IV line hooked up to him and still with that goofy grin, a little sheepish as he spoke "I'm sorry I worried you, honey and sorry, I didn't tell –"

A sudden jolt and noise cut him off as a slight sting in his cheek made him realize he'd just been slapped by his teary eyed, angry looking wife. Before he could say anything, she threw herself at him, hugging him so tightly around his chest that he could feel his ribs creaking but he couldn't say a word as she cried loud enough to draw attention from the other patients around them. She was alternatively scolding and threatening him for doing something like that, making him promise not to do anything again, reassuring him that the job, nothing mattered as much as him but most of all, apologizing for everything. 

He couldn't say much in response to her, and realized he was crying himself as he held her tightly. The slap didn't have much sting but the impact behind it, and her words was definitely real. He pulled her up into a proper hug, rubbing her back and stroking her hair as he told her it was okay, they were going to be fine, he loved her and she calmed down.

Today, so many years after that incident, he was still holding her, like the countless times he'd done before a punishment and she finally calmed down enough in his arms, listening to his soft voice. She took a deep breath and looked up at him, "I'm sorry, Aaron. I really am."

He nodded and kissed her on the lips "I know, honey. But, there are going to be consequences. Your safety is important and I'm going to make sure you remember that." 

She said nothing, she understood him well enough too. He cared , she knew he did, and though she didn't like it, she understood why he did it. Punishments weren't meant to be liked, but it was from a place of love and she'd long realized she needed it. 

She took off her clothes, without being asked , just wanting to get this over with and get rid of this sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, so that she could hug him back without this weight on her mind and heart.

Feeling just as vulnerable as the first time they'd seen each other naked, she went over to the couch and lay face down over it, pushing her face into the couch cushions as she heard the sound of Aaron sliding out his belt from the loops. She buried her face deeper, even as she felt his hand on her back and his voice in her ears. "I'm going to give you twenty six with the belt, Jane. One for each mile you were over the limit." He rubbed her back once and then he began.

The first lash left behind a line of fire across her bottom. She was almost sure he wasn't using a regular belt, but one made of thorns or something. She bit back the scream but couldn't focus on anything else as the next lash landed and she clutched the pillow tighter. With the next lash, her concentration broke and she let out the first scream.

His heart almost stopped like always with that sound. That sound never failed to make it harder and he knew with each lash over her bottom, with every scream and yelp from her, he would hate himself more and more but he was going to see it through. He didn't want her to do this and he didn't want to have to do this again, so he would do what was needed and raised the belt again.

The belt continued to fall over her bottom, not even in the same spot consecutively. The fire kept building up and she started to protest. "I'm sorry!" "I will be good!" "I won't ever speed again!" "Please!"

His resolve was almost at the breaking point and the protests didn't help, but then he reminded himself that it was her third ticket, that it was still twenty five miles over the speed limit and he managed to give her thirteen swats before stopping.

As the swats stopped , she took the moment to catch her breath and continued to cry, still keeping her face buried into the couch. He knelt down next to her , speaking in a hoarse voice telling her he loved her, he didn't want her to risk her safety. He knew she wouldn't be able to answer right now, he just wanted her to know. The break was for him as much as her, he couldn't continue without it either.

But it had to end, and he stood up again, telling her in a firm voice that there would be thirteen more and before she could protest, he started. He knew it wasn't going to be easy and tried to make these as fast as he could.

Her bottom felt as if she was never going to be able to sit again. In fact , she was sure of it, even as she protested for him to stop that this was more than thirteen, probably closer to a thousand. She couldn't protest anymore, and lay there sobbing as a couple more lashes landed over her bottom and then it stopped but she couldn't, her sobbing continued.

Aaron felt the same feelings of guilt, self-loathing that he did at the end of almost every punishment, no matter how well deserved it was. He dropped the belt and couldn't hold himself back anymore. He bent down and gathered her in his arms , hugging her as he sat down, keeping his legs spread to avoid touching her bottom as he held her on his lap. He stroked her hair, rubbed her back, kissed her tearstained face repeatedly, telling her how much he loved her.

She spoke in between sobs "I'm.. sorry. I love you too. I'm.. sorry"

The tightness in his chest receded. He needed her forgiveness too, to know that she still loved him. He cleared his throat, "It's okay, honey. Your punishment is over. I forgave you before the punishment even started. Just please don't speed again." He slowly rubbed her bottom.

She winced even at the gentle touch but looked at him. "I won't, I promise," and kissed him on the cheek.

He held her like that for a moment before carrying her to their bedroom. There wasn't going to be anything sexual, but their bed was still a place of comfort and as he continued to hold her, she fell asleep.

He pulled the covers over her and left her to sleep for a while as he went to finish making dinner in the kitchen. Just as he was done, he heard a help from their bedroom and ran upstairs into their bedroom to see her on her feet, still naked, hands on her bottom.

She looked at him "I rolled on to my back and my bottom hurts so bad! It woke me up!" She cried, rubbing furiously

He stood there shocked for a moment, before letting out a laugh that he cut short at once looking at her furious expression. "Sorry." He walked over to her and hugged her. "How about you put on some clothes, I put a cushion on your chair and we can have dinner?"

She looked up at him from within his arms with a smile. "I'd like that but make the cushion a really fluffy one," she said with a pout.

He chuckled. "Only the fluffiest for my love." He kissed her forehead and left while she smiled and searched for something to put on.

After dinner, as they were cuddled on the couch, she asked him something she'd been meaning to. "Honey, why was the message note so crumpled..?"


I was so happy to get this story this week. Our writer wants to remain anonymous but I can tell you it's a young man whose fantasy live is as rich as the rest of ours. I really appreciate you contribution and I hope you'll write for us again. 

All are invited to send a Fantasy Friday story! Send it to

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Everything's hitting at once

I’ve said that the whole lock down experience has caused little upheaval in my life other than worrying more about others. My kids mostly. But in the past two day that worry has really exploded. 

It began with an early morning call from LJ. LJ doesn’t call in the morning so I knew there was a problem. Collin’s sister-in-law, who was the same age as LJ,  had passed away. She’d been fighting cancer for two years and while it wasn’t unexpected it was devastating for the family. Between her and Collin’s brother they had four children, ages 12 to 20, who regarded her as their mother. Collin felt he had to come. His family is not the most stable and he is very close to the kids. 

But our state is a hot spot for Covid now. And unlike Collin himself, his family is of the ‘FOX news it’s all a hoax’ theory. So he’s worried about being around people who are not being careful. LJ wants to be here to support Collin, but they are in the midst of packing up to move to another apartment. The movers are scheduled to come tomorrow and the new tenants are moving in this weekend. So LJ couldn’t come. It’s daunting enough that he has to handle the move alone. Thankfully, they made a pact last night. LJ is to stop feeling guilty about not being here with Collin and his family and Collin will stop feeling guilty about not helping with the move. I hope it works.

I invited Collin to stay here. Truly his family is chaotic and while he loves them all very much, he needs a place of peace and quiet to rest and recover each day. And he’s more than welcome here. He has been so very cautious. We haven’t hugged, though I want to. He wears a mask when in the room with us and usually over six feet away. We’ve really seen very little of him. LJ says several friend have offered to help with the move. They do have professional movers, but he needs a couple of people, for holding doors, for transporting the cats, and just being there to support him – his friends have stepped up.

So as I worry about my boys, Mollie decided to pile on. Her school plans to go back next month with an A/B schedule on Mondays and Tuesdays. No one come on Wednesdays – virtual learning. Then A/B day schedule on Thursday and Friday. Of course this isn’t Mollie’s fault but I’m still not happy. Two teachers at her school have already lost their positions due to decreased numbers enrolled.  That puts Mollie and her partner as the last two hired and the next to go if the numbers continue to drop. They are letting parents who are fearful for their children to go back into the classroom to opt for totally on line learning. Unfortunately, parents of teachers were not given that option.

But what IS her fault is that she and two friends have decided to fly to Disney World next weekend. Honestly the child isn’t usually dumb, but… 

I feel they have planned it as safely as possible in this day and age. Except to NOT GO. She sent me articles on the safety protections Disney is taking. And it wasn’t like she ask me if she could go. She’s twenty-seven, what can I do but worry – and take care of the dog.

I feel I’m going to be a little more frazzled than usual for a few weeks. Everyone has to get back home and stay healthy so I can start to breathe again. Just in time for Mollie to return to the classroom. If you’re one to pray for others, I’d appreciate you throwing my kids in the mix.

Monday, July 20, 2020

What I'm doing on my summer vacation

I know everyone is supposed to stay home these days, but evidently my doctors miss me and truly want to see me. So I’ve been on a doctor tour. Colonoscopy, mammogram, pap smear, and bone density test – and every one came back exactly as one would hope! To have them all behind me and the results so good is a wonderful feeling. 

To celebrate this successful doctor tour Nick and I took a trek into the mountains yesterday. We had a peaceful morning. We sat on this lovely little deck on the water and read for a while. 

Then we hiked near a small water falls. I didn’t give Nick the chance to murder me on this one as he’s tried to do on other hikes. I went as far as I was comfortable, but when we got to stairs steeper than this, no hand rail and they were wet to boot, I decided I’d seen everything I needed to see on that hike and told Nick to proceed without me. 

I was in a pretty spot and I didn’t mind waiting a bit. He was back before long with some good pictures. I enjoyed looking at them more than I would have enjoyed an ambulance ride had I decided to go with him. But we saw some pretty things.

The best thing we saw was a mother deer and the tiniest little spotted baby standing in a small meadow near the road. I wasn’t able to get my own picture but it was lovely.

I was pleased to see that most of the people we encountered along the trail wore mask. Many like us, pulled them down for easier breathing as we hiked, but pulled them back on if we approached people.

We finished off the day back home with a nap and a swim about the time the sun went down. I’ll be very happy when it’s safe enough that no one needs to quarantine, but for me, it’s not been too bad.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Fantasy Friday Revival - Long Overdue Accounting, Part 3

And here it is! The final part of this wonderful story. I hope you have enjoyed reading this one! You can click on part one and part two.

Long Overdue Accounting 
Part 3

Vivian laid on her stomach, taking the pressure off her very sore backside while thinking over the dilemma of Charlie. Her head was pillowed on her crossed arms and her sandy brown wavy hair was pushed to one side. Every time she tried to figure out how she would tell him of all the lies she told, tears started to fill her hazel eyes. Her nose was already bright pink from all the crying while she was being spanked and she was hoping to calm down enough so that her face didn’t look totally awful when Charlie showed up. 
She thought back to the first day she had met him when he had asked if he could share her table in the Union. After looking up into his warm brown eyes, and the wonderful genuine smile she had no problem inviting him to join her. He was tall with longish dark brown hair and immediately had her laughing as they talked. Charlie was very impressed with the fact that Vivian was an older student just starting out who had worked to get the money for school. He was a graduate student in psychology and wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do when he got his Master’s degree. Most of his passion seemed to revolve around working with children. They both were amazed at the coincidence that Vivian’s plans also included children. Her goal was to be a reading specialist. 
After that first day Charlie amazingly showed up at the same time every day in the Union. Vivian was delighted, he was not only wonderful company but there was a quality about him she couldn’t quite put her finger on but she really liked. He was so different from most of the men she had dated. He was so interested in her classes and her goals. 
Almost a week after she had first met him, Charlie had asked her out on a date. Vivian was so relieved; she was beginning to wonder if he just liked eating lunch with her. She felt a little strange explaining that she lived with her uncle but she didn’t want any misunderstandings if he called and Uncle J answered the phone. But Charlie was not the least put off by the idea. “I think that’s great that you are so close to your uncle and the two of you can be there for each other.” She rewarded him with a beaming smile and a card with the phone number on it. 
Charlie smiled as he pocketed it, “I’ll call tonight and we can make plans for Saturday.” He reached across the table and held her hand briefly, “I am really looking forward to this Vivian.” 
She knew she was blushing but really didn’t care, “So am I, truly.” 
And that was how it started. The first time Charlie picked her up for their date he and Uncle J had really hit it off. Vivian was amazed. It was as though they had known each other forever. In fact she wondered if she and Charlie were going to go out or spend the evening with her uncle. 
When they left Uncle J had hugged her and turned to Charlie, “Take care of my girl.” Vivian thought she would die. But Charlie took it in his stride. She knew other men she had been out with would have rolled their eyes and made some comment on it once they were out the door. 
But Charlie simply shook her Uncle’s hand and said, “I certainly will.” When they got out the door he remarked on how much he liked Vivian’s uncle. And there were other differences too. Although Charlie had gently kissed her good night after their first date he had certainly taken his time going much further than that. He was a tremendous amount of fun to be with and Vivian usually ended up laughing until her stomach ached over some of his stories. They went to movies, concerts, museums, and sometimes just went for long walks with lots of talking. Many times their meal out lasted for hours, just spent sharing with each other. He was also incredibly polite and gentlemanly. Always opening doors and pulling out her chair. And he insisted that he walk on the street side when they were out together. But somehow he never did it in a condescending manner and she was never put off by it or insulted. She felt cared about and even, protected. It was amazing but none of that bothered her as it had with past boyfriends who tried it. 
It was not until a month into their relationship that they first made love. Charlie had been careful not to push her, she understood his motivations. But it was getting to the point where she was ready to push him…right down on the bed. However, one night at his apartment after watching a movie together, well at least that is what they were supposed to be doing, he had looked down at her with those wonderful brown eyes and said in a soft husky voice, “Vivian?” She had nodded and as they kissed he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. 
Their love making was incredible. Sometimes romantic, slow, and serious, other times much more unrestrained. At times Charlie would suddenly turn Vivian over his knee and spank her playfully. She always complained but never very convincingly, in fact she found it an incredible turn on. She was sure this was the man who was meant for her. 
However, there was one contentious problem they faced; Charlie absolutely would not go out on a night when they had classes the next day. He was more than willing to come over and study with her or bring her to his apartment to study. But whenever she brought up meeting friends at a bar for a drink during the week, he always turned it down. “Viv, I know I have no right or authority to tell you what to do, but you are carrying a pretty heavy class load and I do believe you need your week nights for studying.” It was then that Vivian began her load of lies. She was constantly reassuring Charlie that she had no problem doing well on her tests and papers. To hear her talk she was getting As in all her classes with no trouble whatsoever. Now she always meant to do well and catch up on her class work but she also had lots of trouble turning down her friends when they all wanted to go out. Soon she was weaving a might big web of deception that included her uncle, Charlie, but most of all herself. She truly had convinced herself she could fix what she had done, but it was way too little, too late. 
So now here she was faced with her deceit towards the man she was more in love with each and every day. She sighed and stood up, groaning at the stinging pain still on her bottom, especially now that it was covered in panties and jeans. But Charlie would be here soon and she went into the bathroom to fix her hair and put on some makeup. She also had no idea how she was going to tell him about this. 
Jerry was reading the paper when the doorbell rang. His niece still had not come downstairs since he had spanked her and he had a feeling she was totally afraid of facing Charlie after all that had transpired this semester. But he had a feeling about Charlie and was pretty sure it was going to work out, maybe not exactly the way Vivian expected but probably the way she truly needed it to.
As he went to answer the door he called up the stairs, “Viv honey, Charlie is here, are you ok?” 
A forlorn voice replied, “Yes Uncle J, I’ll be down in a minute.” 
He sighed and went to answer the door. “Hi there Charlie, come on in.” The two men shook hands like the friends they were fast becoming. 
Charlie’s smile faded as he looked at Jerry. “Hey you look a little down, is everything all right? Vivian isn’t sick or anything is she?” The instant concern for his niece drew a smile; Jerry liked this boy, well man, better every time he saw him. 
“Well now Charlie, you are going to have to discuss that with Viv herself, she’ll be down in a minute.” 
Suspicions began forming in Charlie’s mind; Jerry had never hedged on a question before. Something was definitely up. But his attention was diverted as Vivian came downstairs. He loved watching her whenever he could; she was so adorable and sweet. It may have taken Vivian awhile to be sure she was in love with him but it hadn’t taken Charlie any longer than that first date. And Lord it had been hard holding himself back, but he wanted her to be secure and feel safe with him at all times. 
But now as he looked at her, he realized for the first time he could ever remember, she wasn’t smiling at the sight of him. Maybe she was breaking up with him…oh no, please don’t let it be that. When she got downstairs she hugged him hard and he felt the relief of knowing it certainly wasn’t a break up. What was going on? 
“Charlie, I have something I have to tell you…no you stay Uncle J,” she noticed her uncle quietly trying to leave them alone. 
Taking her hand he led her to the couch and sat down expecting Vivian to sit too. She hesitated, drew a breath, and sat down very, very slowly, easing her bottom onto the cushions. “Honey are you hurt, were you in an accident, all right one of you tell me what’s going on here.” Vivian looked at him in surprise; she had never heard an impatient tone in his voice. 
“Charlie I have to tell you what happened before we go out, since you may not want to see me again after you hear what I have done”, her lip began quivering and her eyes filled with tears. 
“What in the world are you talking about, nothing could ever make me feel that way about you Viv”, Charlie put two fingers under her chin and lifted it until they were eye to eye. “Just tell me what is going on. There isn’t anything you and I can’t work out together.” 
At that the tears began to spill over her eyes and she began to unload the whole story. Going out when she should have been studying, not giving her classes the attention they needed even when she was at home supposedly studying. Charlie didn’t say a word, just sat and listened. She never exactly uttered the word lie but she finished with revealing what her grades were for the semester. When Charlie heard the F in Geology the silence was broken. 
His voice was quiet but firm and his jaw was set very tight, “But Vivian you assured me that you were doing well, actually very well on all your tests and papers. How can this be?” Of course he already knew the answer to his own question but he wanted her to admit to what she had done. 
Vivian hung her head in shame, “I lied to you. Oh God Charlie I lied all the time. I figured I would have time to fix things up, I never intended for it to get this bad. I was so, well, distracted by other things and Geology was so boring that I just figured I would make it up later. But later never came.” 
She looked up to try and read his eyes, “If you don’t want to see me again I will understand, what I did, well, it’s….unforgivable.” 
Charlie sighed and took her hand, “I love you Viv and between two people in love much can be forgiven. But you have made a considerable dent in my trust in what you say and that will take awhile to get past. Also we have some discussing to do in private.” He looked over at Jerry who was now absolutely sure about what an exceptional man Charlie was. “Jerry, if Vivian agrees I am taking her to my apartment and she is spending the night there. Are you alright with that?” 
Jerry smiled, “Vivian is a grown woman, that is her decision to make, but I thank you for asking.” 
Looking back at Vivian he started to ask her and stopped, “Wait a minute, what does this have to do with your being hurt? How did that happen?” 
Vivian’s face turned beet red, “Well Uncle J was pretty upset about what happened and so he gave me a choice.” 
“Go on”, Charlie urged not understanding what in the world she was talking about. 
“Well my choice was to find a new place to live,” and the crying began again. Charlie rubbed her back. “Or I had to promise to start staying home and focusing on my schoolwork, tell you the truth about what I had done, and pay the consequences.” 
The word consequences resonated with Charlie. “Go on Viv, what were those consequences?” 
She looked pleadingly from her uncle to Charlie. This was so embarrassing, but there was no way out. She took a deep breath, “I had to accept a spanking from him. My uncle spanked me….hard.” 
She was waiting for Charlie to laugh or smile or say something about twenty four year old woman getting spanked but all he said was, “Ah now I know why you are having trouble sitting. So Vivian, are you coming with me?”
Quickly wiping the tears from her eyes she answered hurriedly, “Oh yes of course, you are sure you still love me Charlie, what I did was awful.” 
“Yes it was,” he said seriously, “But of course I still love you and we will discuss this at my apartment.” He helped her to her feet and gave her a brief hug. 
Vivian went to grab her purse and Charlie shook hands with Jerry. Jerry spoke softly to him, “Do what you need to son but tread a little lightly, this is all brand new to her.” 
Charlie looked at him first with surprise then with understanding. They spoke the same language. Vivian came up and kissed Jerry, “Good night Uncle J and oh I am sorry.” 
He patted her hand, “Sweetie, you and I are just fine. You have a good night now.” He hugged his niece. 
Charlie took her hand and they walked silently out to the car. He helped Vivian into the seat, giving her a moment to sit on her inflamed bottom and then he buckled the seat belt around her as if she were a child. He kissed her forehead and she looked up at him, “It will be alright Viv, you and I are going to make this alright.” 
The rest of the ride was silent except for Vivian’s occasional sniffle or sob. They pulled up in front of Charlie’s apartment and she slowly got out of the car. Her bottom was still pretty sore from this afternoon’s activity. Charlie put his arm around her and led her to the door. As they went in he turned on the light and kissed her very softly. She leaned against him for a moment and then went to sit down on the couch. 
Charlie took her hand, “No Viv I want you to go into the bedroom. Right now please,” She looked at him questioningly thinking they were going to talk things over but the look on Charlie’s face really wasn’t open to an appeal of his decision. “Just sit down on the bed and wait for me please.” She nodded and started down the hall to his bedroom. 
Now Charlie was the one in turmoil, he was so sorry he had never brought this subject up with her before tonight but now there was no choice. Their relationship was at stake and this would be a definite turning point. Running his hands through his hair he made up his mind, as though there had ever been a question of what he would do.
He walked into his bedroom to find a very confused and sad girlfriend waiting for him. She needed reassurance he wasn’t just looking for a way to tell her goodbye. He sat down next to her and hugged her to him.
“Honey, what you did was very, very wrong. I am terribly disappointed that you lied to me. And not just once but over and over again. I should have said something before this because what you told me just never felt right. Believe me I will go with my gut from now on. I will never let it get this far again. 
Vivian looked up at him, her eyes widened, “Oh no Charlie, I will never, ever do anything like this again, you can be sure of that.” Feeling the sting she was sitting on made her absolutely positive of what she was saying. 
He hugged her once more. “I know you believe what you are saying, but you still have some consequence coming to you my dear.”
“What do you mean, good grief I have had enough consequences to last me forever. You have no idea how hard my uncle spanked me. Not that I didn’t deserve it but it stings like crazy.” Her hand unconsciously went to rub her backside. 
Charlie nodded solemnly, “Yes your uncle took care of things between the two of you, but not between us.” He looked at her sweet face, took a breath and went on. “Now Vivian, you know I have spanked you in fun before. We both enjoyed it a lot. And I should have discussed this with you further before now but there is nothing I can do to change that.” 
Vivian’s face got a very wary look to it. She didn’t like the sound of this at all. This was sounding way too much like Uncle J. Oh God he couldn’t mean what she thought he did. 
“What we have never discussed is my belief in my role and your role in our relationship. I grew up in a household where spanking was a normal consequence. It was always done in a loving manner and then the matter was forgiven and never brought up again. Even though he did it privately, I know my dad spanked my mom. I believe in the way our household ran. We were loved and cared about. My mom and dad wanted to keep us safe and help us learn how to make smart decisions. Dad believed that he was Mom’s protector. I have never seen two people so much in love with each other as my parents. They never screamed or yelled at each other. As I grew older I learned to recognize the look that passed between them when Dad was warning her that she was stepping over the line. It didn’t happen often but it did happen. As I said it was always in private but I now understand what he was doing and why.” 
“So Vivian, my love, I have to ask you if you can accept this part of me. Can you live in this kind of relationship? I love you dearly but I can’t do it any other way. I will never be a tyrant telling you what job you can or can’t have. I am not going to tell you what to read or not read. But we are going to set rules and if you break them I will spank you I do assure you of that. And since I know you already know how wrong it is to lie, especially to the man that loves and cares about you, if you agree to this I am also going to spank you tonight.” He stopped and looked at her waiting for a response. 
Vivian felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water in her face. She was pretty much alright until the words, I am going to spank you tonight, were uttered. He had to be nuts to think she would let him spank her already throbbing backside. Why it was cruel to even think about it. She couldn’t believe it was Charlie, sweet, loving Charlie suggesting this. It was as if she didn’t know him at all. 
Charlie’s face softened as he looked at her. His next words convinced her he was a mind reader. “No honey I am not being mean to you. It would be mean to let you go on feeling guilty about telling lies and deceiving me. I don’t want you ever to lie to me again Vivian. There can be nothing but total honesty between us. It’s the only way I can keep you safe. And if you accept this, there will be no changing your mind, no talking me out of a spanking. If I decide you get spanked that’s it.” 
She couldn’t believe she uttered the next words, “I see and what if you do something wrong Charlie? What consequences exist in our relationship for you?” 
A smile crossed Charlie’s lips. “Well as I see it that is a matter to be discussed. I am open minded about this. And if you think you want to discipline me it isn’t out of the question.” 
Now she was totally confused. And she found she really didn’t want to discipline Charlie, at least not at this point. But she was beginning to accept the idea that she was going to accept his conditions for their relationship to continue. But oh God this was going to hurt. She spoke softly, “Alright Charlie, you are right, I feel so guilty I am choking on it.” Looking up, her eyes filled with tears, “And I do love you and everything about you. If you say it must be this way, well then I guess it’s the right thing to do. I know I didn’t want Uncle J to spank me but I felt better after he did, but couldn’t it wait for tomorrow? I am already so sore.” 
Charlie shook his head, “No way young lady, this lesson has to be taught now. And you need to learn there will never be plea bargains or waiting periods unless I am really angry. I would never spank you in anger Vivian.” He caressed her face softly. He sat down on the bed next to her. “Please stand up Vivian, right here in front of me.” 
She sighed now knowing this was going to be a ritual that would become familiar. The next words were a surprise. 
“Take off your clothes. All of them.” 
In a somewhat shocked state Vivian responded by starting to unbutton her jeans and pulling them down with her panties to her ankles. She kicked off her shoes and stepped out of the clothes.
“Your shirt and bra too, right now, no nonsense.” His voice was very firm, and very insistent. 
Her hands shook slightly but she did as she was told. Finally she stood before him. This was certainly not the first time Charlie had seen her nude but this was so very different. She felt so very vulnerable. 
“Vivian do you understand what is going to happen and do you have anything to say about this?” 
Good Lord she was beginning to feel like the condemned man being asked if he wanted a blindfold. But she drew a deep breath. “Yes I understand you are going to spank me, I totally understand. But Charlie I do want you to know I am very sorry for what I did, for deceiving you the way I did.” She hesitated, “But I also know I deserve this and I do know how much you care.” Then she realized the strangest thing was happening. Deep down inside her there was a spark of excitement. How weird was that? But she didn’t have much time to consider the ramifications. 
Charlie gently took her hand and drew her over his knee. “Vivian we have talked this out and I believe you know why you are being spanked. I never want to have to deal with deception again. And believe me it will be awhile before I trust everything you say at face value.” He looked down and winced a bit when he saw how very red her bottom already was. She would certainly remember today and tonight. 
Without further warning he began spanking Vivian with his hand, hard spanks moving from one side to the other. She immediately stiffened up and gasped, oh how it hurt on her already tender skin. Charlie was relentless and very thorough. Tears began to flow from her eyes and without realizing it her hand reached back to protect her skin. Charlie took her wrist in his other hand and held it, hardly missing a beat in the spanking. 
“Oh God Charlie please stop, I promise never ever ……..Ohhhh this is way too much please.” It had not effect on Charlie whatsoever. However, he did begin speaking as he spanked. 
“You are never to lie to me young lady (each word punctuated by his hand landing hard). I will expect everything you tell me to be the absolute truth. Is that understood?” 
Vivian could barely squeal out, “Yes” through the tears and sobbing. But Charlie knew they needed one last step to make sure she totally understood the seriousness of this. He helped her up off his lap and stood next to her. As she watched he unbuckled his belt and drew it out of his jeans. Vivian stood there rubbing her bottom and stared in disbelief. He could not possibly be serious.
“Lie down on the bed Viv, on your stomach, let’s get this over with so I can take care of you.” He stood and waited giving her the time she needed, remembering her uncle’s words. She was probably in a little bit of shock after today’s events.
Vivian knew there were no arguing and no point to drawing it out. She wept quietly as she lay down as Charlie had asked. He knelt on one knee next to her and rubbed her back for a moment. Then he put his hand in the middle of her back and she heard the swish in the air before she felt the burning strike on her backside. There was no holding back the scream that came involuntarily. She couldn’t believe how bad it burned. Smoke had to be billowing off her bottom. Before she could think further she heard the swish and squeezed her eyes tight. Once again the strap landed right across her swollen, deep red skin. Again she screamed, the pain was so intense. She felt herself collapsing into the bed, crying and howling with each of the next eight strokes. Then it stopped. Vivian lay there limp and sobbing. She felt the weight of Charlie’s body next to her. He pulled her very close and stroked her hair. “Shhh baby, it’s all over now. You are forgiven and you know have to also forgive yourself.” He rubbed her back as he sobbed into his shoulder. 
Vivian put her arms around him, “Oh God Charlie I am so sorry for what I did. I won’t lie to you ever again. Even if it means I know you are going to spank me, I won’t ever lie to you again.” She kissed him gently. He could taste the saltiness of her tears. “Thank you for loving me enough to do this. You and Uncle J are absolutely right; I am far too old to be acting this way. I worked too hard to throw it all away now.” 
Charlie smiled down at her and got up off the bed. He opened his dresser drawer and got a bottle of lotion out. He lay down again next to her. As he poured lotion onto his hand she turned over remembering the afternoon spanking and Uncle J insisting she put lotion on her skin. His hand gently rubbed the lotion onto a very thoroughly spanked bottom. 
Vivian hissed as his hand made contact. It hurt more than she could ever remember anything hurting. But as his hand rubbed that funny spark that had started before began to expand. Her bottom arched to his touch which gave him a great deal of satisfaction as well. His hand rubbed the lotion in gently but thoroughly. Then he turned Vivian on her side and kissed her long and deeply. “I do love you my dear, never doubt that. But I will do what I need to do to keep you safe and to be sure you are taking care of yourself as well.” He wiped away the remainder of tears from her eyes. “For now get under the covers.” She crawled up to the top of the bed and let Charlie help her slide down under the blanket and sheet. She lay carefully on her side making sure nothing came in contact with her fiery bottom. As she watched Charlie took his clothes off and shut off the light. He crawled in bed next to her pulling her close into his arms letting her feel how loved she was. 
She rested her head on his chest and spoke softly, “Charlie this is weird but getting spanked like this, well it hurts like hell but it also….well it is also incredibly exciting too.” 
Charlie laughed very softly into her hair, “Oh I already knew that about you sweetie, from the times I have spanked you for fun. It was just a matter of whether you could accept it as discipline too. But I promise you the fun spankings will always out number the ones for wrong doing. Well unless you turn into a really, really bad girl.” 
Her response was immediate and vigorous, “Oh no, no way, in fact I doubt you will ever have to punish me again. Oh God did I ever learn my lesson.” 
As he pulled her closer he knew she believed what she said but he seriously doubted that was the last time he would have to put on the strict demeanor and administer a serious spanking. But he sure hoped he was right that the fun would outweigh the others. He could feel her relaxing against his body and knew she was falling asleep. And he had better sleep too because he knew from experience she would more than likely wake up late needing to have him attend to another type of burning, one that he was experiencing as well. 
She nodded off thinking to herself that her Uncle J was always right. This was what she had needed, and now she knew, wanted. Life was strange sometimes but also pretty wonderful. She reached back and touched her spanked bottom, but this time there was a smile on her face as she thought of Charlie. Hmm she wondered how he would react to being spanked. As she drifted off the smile remained as her thoughts became her dreams.


That was my favorite kind of story. I love the buildup and anticipation. I love the caring and love that comes through. I find that I put myself right into a story of this type. So I want to thank Purple Angel for writing this one and sharing it with us. 
Always remember Fantasy Friday is opened to anyone and everyone who is willing to try their hand at a story. Send any story you are willing to share to