Wednesday, June 03, 2020

What must the mailman think?

Nick and I are registered in different political parties. We have always vote for the person we feel will do the best job and we are in TOTAL agreement on all political issues these days. But I’m guessing that the mailman is worried that we must fight all the time because we get mail from both sides. I don’t care, let the other side waste their money.

This won’t become a political blog, but the real world is hard to ignore at the moment.

What happened to George Floyd is horrific. We are all beginning to realize that what happened to him is not new, all that’s new is the fact that it’s now being caught on camera. I stand with those demonstrating. I’m angered by those bent on destruction who are trying to dilute the message of the protestors.

I am beyond disgusted by the actions of the person who calls himself our president. 

We’re hurting. We have the pandemic, the unnecessary death of a black man, so many people without jobs or a way to feed their family, there is distrust and pain everywhere.

I’m sad, I’m scared, I’m mad, I’m frustrated, I’m discouraged, and I’m tentatively hopeful. No one person can solve this problem. But I pray to God that this November will see the end to one of the worst times in American history. I pray we will elect leaders with integrity, compassion and the willingness to serve, protect and defend everyone in our country.

If you disagree with me I don’t care. I don’t plan to talk about it out here again, but I needed to get it out.


  1. Hi PK,

    Here, here. I echo your sentiments. I just can't believe what's happened and the global protests that are occurring. IMHO the US needs more ways than one!


    1. You are so right! Pray, and I'm very serious here, PRAY that we get that come Nov.

  2. PK, I thoroughly agree with you. Come November, I pray that this nightmare will end.


    1. I knew it was going to be bad, but it got so much worse than I ever imagined.

  3. PK,

    You guys scare me down there. When our leader was asked his opinion of what was going on, he didn't talk for over 20 sec. I don't care if he was TOLD to stop and wait, or if it was him trying to figure out how to handle it, it was the LOUDEST comment made. Not only did he wait, he never mentioned that idiot by name.

    I am appalled, scared, and angry that this is still happening. I stand in front of those people with my apparently impenetrable white shield. My heart goes out to the family of lastest face of systemic racism.

    Hopefully, a huge change will happen now.


    1. To change people feelings, hearts and minds will be hard. But it has to happen.

  4. Good for you PK. You already know my feelings and I pray that we get to November no worse than we are today. But that idiot seems to accept that ast a challenge and every day is a new day.
    I feel bad that Mr. Floyd had to undergo what he did and I hope all 4 of those so called law enforcement officers get what they deserve. Sooner rather than later.
    I also hope that when all this is over we've all learned lessons going forward.
    Off my soapbox now.

    1. I hope I live long enough to know how history records this fool and his lackeys. God willing, I hope to see many of them in jail.

  5. I am soo with you on is scary and maddening....I applaud all those who are protesting peacefully...and I pray that this is a wake up time for everyone to get out and vote...and end this nightmare. I have said to friends...if he gets elected to another term..he will abolish term limits...and be the dictator he wants to be....sorry about the long rant....hugs abby

    1. You echo one of my deepest fears. I'm scared he'll just use all this to cancel the election. Of course that's illegal and 'he can't do that.' But this has been true for so very many things he's done anyway.

    2. oh. surely he can't do that right? I dunno... wait.. can he? Sheesh!

  6. I completely agree. It's difficult to imagine anything positive coming from the current chaos and suffering. And yet, maybe these events will finally convince most citizens that human rights matter, the environment matters, education matters, government matters, compassion matters, poverty matters, truth matters, justice matters, democracy matters, and the rule of law matters. We cannot simply discard these pillars of our civilization without destroying our country and our people.

    1. This may be a beginning - but it's going to take a long time, no matter what. How do you solve a problem that been going on for four hundred years?

  7. I totally am with you on this one. And way way over here in Asia we're all watching with horror too, at the looting, and the violence, and the military getting assembled! It's making my heart hurt so much.

    1. When I wanted the world to come together as one I didn't think it would be over a pandemic and a murder. But if all this outrage leads to meaningful changes it could be worth it.

  8. You do have an interesting perspective and I imagine that's painful at times. You can see the intense feelings on both sides. I'm pretty insulated with the vast majority of my friends and family seeing things as I do. That's not always good - it led to my absolute shock last election day.
