Monday, June 22, 2020

Something to look forward to

That’s what we all want isn’t it? Through all this mess that’s going on we’re all hoping for an end in sight. Although I’ve probably been inconvenienced as little as anyone during the shutdown, I was gratefully happy to have two events, far enough in the future, to look forward to.

I love our yearly family reunion! I’ve written about it here for years. We call it the ‘cousin’s reunion’ and we often speak of how proud our grandparents and would be that we began this and that our own parents' generations would be happy that we continue to get together. 

We began this in 1984, the year after Nick and I married and we’ve had it every year since. That’s thirty-six years and for thirty-five of those years it’s been held at our house.  Nick loves it because it’s the one time of year he knows I’ll clean. One cousin brings the food for our Saturday night dinner and I do Sunday lunch.

But after much discussion and thought, we’ve called it off for this year. Our children’s generation haven’t bought into this in a big way so most of those who do attend are over sixty and one aunt who still comes is in her early nineties.  They come from all over, their worry is not only about the travel but also staying in a hotel. I hate it, but I just don’t think it’s a good idea to have it. Hopefully we’ll pick up where we left off next year.

With that decision I only had one big event on my calendar – my niece's wedding at the end of September. I was really looking forward to that since Mollie is the maid-of-honor. I went with her to get her dress and she is going to be beautiful! 

But the day after we decided to cancel the reunion my sister called to tell me they’ve decided to postpone the wedding for a year. Part of the reason is that the groom working in Japan – at a well-paying job that he loves. If he comes home he would have to quarantine for two weeks here and then two weeks there, when he goes back. Being out of work for four weeks would cause him to lose his job. What a mess! So that’s marked off my ‘to look forward’ calendar also.

Lest you think I have nothing to look forward to, I’m thrilled to announce that I have a colonoscopy scheduled for Friday. As Leslie Jordan would say … 


  1. Hi PK, I'm so sorry the events you have been so looking forward to have been cancelled or postponed. Wise decision though.

    Wishing you the best for the procedure on Friday.


    1. It's a strange new world for sure. I'll be most happy when Friday is over.

  2. Well....thank you for making me laugh this morning...that pic is priceless..and laughs are hard to come by. Our annual July family reunion has also been canceled...but I do have a right spot...after not seeing the grands since February......there are coming for a family at a time...but so excited to have something to be excited about....good luck on friday.....and may you have better events to look forward to soon. hugs abby

    1. Thanks Abby! I know you'll be thrilled to see the grands. I know good times are coming for us all.

  3. Well, at least your insides will be cleaned out and ready for the next adventure.

    1. LOL! I guess that's one way to look at it.

  4. Deena2:57 PM

    Such a crazy time. I am sorry you'll miss it this year. That is quite a good run you've had! Next year will be amazing! It is almost difficult to envision "real life" again - but I remain hopeful!

    1. I have a feeling that this 'mess' health wise is going to last about two years - as horrible as that might seem, we will get back to normal one of these days.

  5. Well, bummer! I love how good you sleep AFTER the colonoscopy!

    1. Right! The colonoscopy and after is a piece of cake - the getting ready part is a bitch, however.
