Monday, June 29, 2020

It was not horrible

I know everyone is put off by the idea of a colonoscopy. But for me this is one test I’m not skipping. No one ever wants cancer of any kind, but this one is a particular fear of mine. So I’m all for prevention. 

I couldn’t eat for a day and a half. Not fun, but no big deal. The prep I had to drink didn’t taste bad, through I wouldn’t recommend it as something to sip on. I never felt sick on my stomach, I never had cramps, I just needed to go and I went. By the morning of the test I was as relaxed as could be. The hard part was completely over for me. I went in, put on the lovely hospital gown, spoke with the doctor and the anesthesiologist and they rolled me into the procedure room and told me to get comfortable on my left side.

The next thing I knew it was over and the nurse was offering me some apple juice. That’s it. They found two small polyps, removed them and a half hour later the nurse walked me down to Nick and we came home. I spent the afternoon napping and eating anything I wanted.

For goodness sakes don’t fear this test. It was a piece of cake. Most people only have to have it once every ten years. With our family history I take it ever five and it does feel good to know I’m good for now! Next month is my mammogram! See I’m getting out of the house – go me!


  1. LoL at getting out the house PK. Seriously, I'm so glad to hear it wasn't an awful experience and even better, that all is well:) good on you for being brave enough.


    1. It was NOT a bad experience. I'm really into prevention.

  2. P.K.

    Congratulations on your scope results. It's a crappy procedure but removal of polyps is important.


    1. I'm sure glad to have them gone.

  3. I’m glad it’s finished for now. Happy they got those polyps!
    That prep makes me ill! I sometimes vomit when I drink that stuff. Torture, but a necessary one.

    1. The prep is much better now than it used to be. Much less to drink.

  4. Happy to hear everything went well. I had mine last year. I don't mind the drink.


    1. It's not the worse thing to have to drink.

  5. Good for you. That was the right attitude to have. I have never had the test, but we get a free at-home fecal occult blood test to do every three years. You just provide a sample, put it in a sealed envelope and mail it back.


    1. I would prefer that, but family history makes this test necessary and they did get rid of the two small polyps so I can't complain.

  6. Could you please come be the spokesperson for scopes in my clinic? Everyone there is shit scared to make an appointment. Pun intended.

    I'm glad you do this regularly. So many times the big C can be solved just by early detection / intervention and more people should just GO DO IT! (If the doctor recommends it I mean... not just for fun!)

    1. No, it's not a hobby of mine, but if they don't like the idea of the test I'm guessing they're going to HATE cancer treatments! Feel free to make copies and pass them around, cause I doubt I'm going to make it there any time soon.

  7. Deena4:33 PM

    Yay you! So important to do these test.
    Not a fan of the prep. I believe my next one is in a year. Last time I ended up dehydrated but other than that the actual procedure was fine and dandy.

    1. I was very lucky - no problems at all. I keep encouraging them to improve the prep process. I hope yours goes just as smoothly.

  8. My brother died of a rare colon cancer a few years ago. That put me on the 5 year plan. If you've ever watched someone die of this cancer, you would have the test. Prep sucks (I hate Gatorade) but the procedure itself is easy. Two weeks until I go thru this again.
