Monday, May 11, 2020

A note for all of you trying to home school

First off, God bless you! And let’s all pray school starts back for the fall term. My sweet Mollie would love to have a house full of children of her own someday, but she is completely thrilled that she doesn’t have them right nowA good friend of hers is trying to home school her three kids, a sixth grader, a fifth grader and a third grader. The third grader was in Mollie’s reading class before all this happened.

Her friend is having the same problem many other parents are having. There is the problem of too many people needing to be on too few devices. Everyone, parents and kids, have over-lapping zoom meetings. And these three children seem to have only one goal in life, and that is to irritate their parents and siblings. Sure does make my empty nest look like paradise. 

I did have to laugh at the last story Mollie told me. The mom was trying to help the youngest with his math lesson. She was patient (or trying to be) as she explaining the steps he should take. He wasn’t listening and angrily told her, “That’s not the way you're supposed to do it!” 

She came back at him with her own share of frustration, “You little turkey! Who do you think made up this worksheet? I am your math teacher after all!” Yep, this friend of Mollie’s is her teaching partner and was indeed her son’s math teacher at school this year. 

So if some of you parents are having a frustrating time, please know it isn’t just you. Teachers are having a hard time teaching their own kids. Trust me having a whole classroom of kids is easier. 

For now Mollie hides her laughter from her partner, snuggles in with her cat and her golden and dreams of having her own kids someday – just not today!

And me, I'm just hanging out in paradise.


  1. Hi PK, I take my hat off to those home schooling at the moment and am so glad that isn't me! I can't imagine how stressful it must be. After all, parents aren't teachers (well, obviously some are lol).

    It has just been confirmed that we will move to a much lower level of restrictions from Thursday. Schools resume Monday, though some parents may elect to keep their children home I imagine.


    1. I'm glad they feel your country is getting safer. I hope that's true. I'm glad my teaching days are behind me too.

  2. So glad I'm not having to home school. I'd be stressed.


    1. Boy me too! And I'm glad I don't have to make the decision of how school is going to go next year too.

  3. Oh I don't miss that! Blissfully, I have the kid that fits in the box, is self motivated, and blissfully self aware. She starts everyday at the same time, and works until it is done. Sigh. I am so blessed!


    1. You are very lucky. I could have easily home schooled LJ, but not Mollie. LJ would have said, "That's interesting, tell me more." Mollie would have said, "No, you're wrong."

  4. I'm SO glad i don't have kids to homeschool. I'm also hearing lots of horror stories from friends... hats off to those who are plundering through the madness and chaos!

    1. You and me both! I like teaching for a living, but I don't want to do it anymore.

  5. I am very happy my son is reviewing high school geometry and so far I have been able to help him when needed. :-) My daughter seems to be doing ok on her own with algebra, or at least she hasn't asked for help...which is probably best for us both! :-) Hugs

    1. I'm great at math up to the 6th or 7th grade then I get lost quickly. When my kids passed me I just sent them to their dad.
