Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Two of my new favorite things.

I know everyone else is way ahead of me on this, but I’ve really just discovered Netflix. Mollie has been pushing the use of the Apple TV for several years now, but I’ve resisted. I don’t watch TV during the day much. And at night I was more listening than watching, since I was usually on the computer too. But little by little it has finally drawn me in with one show – Grace and Frankie. I love both actresses and the whole concept of the show. Being far behind everyone I’m just now beginning the third season.

I’d love suggestions on what else everyone likes. I think I’d like to try The Queen. I think I’m still treating the whole Apple TV like I treated my first computer. I feel sure I’m going to press the wrong button and blow up my TV or something. Basically I’m scared of it, but I’m trying. Mollie usually gets a call at least every other day with me needing tech support. Bless her heart, she is so patient. 

My other favorite things are Audiobooks! Now I’ve been using these a while, but now they are a major part of my day. I listen when I’m in the car, when I go walking and now even when I’m cleaning. I’ve gotten tons of books, but some of my favorites are written by Diane Chamberlain. I started with her book, Dream Daughter, and I was hooked. You should give her a try. I’ll take suggestions here too. 

I’m very excited about tomorrow night! Mollie is coming to dinner! Now she is more paranoid about giving us something than we are so we’ve arranged this as an outdoor ‘party.’ There will only be three of us and we will keep our distance. But we’re grilling steaks – it will give her plenty of left overs. And I’m making an egg custard pie.  I've been sad that we won’t be seeing her on Easter, so no Easter basket. But this year the bunny will come early and I’ll have it here  tomorrow night when she comes. I doubt she cares nearly as much as I do.

LJ and Colin are doing well still. I check on them every few days. I’m worried that if they get sick they won’t tell me. They promise they will, but…

I’ve been most grateful for my full-service editor! Rosie Dee does my editing and occasionally sends me wonderful things. The latest wonderful things she sent are two face masks for Nick and me. I wore it to the grocery store this morning and it did make me feel better. Although I still tried to avoid people and hurried through to quickly get home. I felt like a criminal just being out!

The real me.

Stay save everyone! And don’t forget to send me Netflix and audiobook suggestions.


  1. Hi PK,I enjoyed reading your update, thank you for letting us know how you are doing. Glad to hear everyone is well.

    Good on you embracing technology. I am still pretty hopeless and need to embrace it more, especially Netflix.

    Thank you so much for sharing the real you. How wonderful of Rosie to send you the masks.


    1. Rosie Dee is wonderful! Netflix is adding a new dimension to our TV viewing. It might be worth a try.

  2. I love grace and frankie. I also watch will and grace. And currently I'm binge watching The Strain - about a vimpiristic virus infecting the world... which probably isn't the best type of show to be watching right now really.

    I enjoy police procedurals like NCIS and criminal minds too.

    And Younger is also very fun to watch!

    I hope you're finding lots of things to catch up on on Netflix. (I dont have an account either.. but if Covid goes on longer than the shows I currently have... maybe I just might cave and get one.)

    1. Actually we sign in on Mollie's account. I like NCIS, Criminal Minds just got too intense for me. It put images in my head sometimes that I didn't need. Younger sounds like it might be interesting.

  3. All you need is a gun, haha. I think this is on Prime but The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is a hoot and most recently I've enjoyed Virgin River on Netflix. But the absolute best is Yellowstone and it will be back for the third season in June.

    1. Sounds like three good suggestions. I am keeping a list!

  4. HAHAHAHA! PK, I love the picture. It is awesome! I am glad you are safe and enjoying the "new" technology! I can't stand audiobooks, I am not that person. My mind wanders too much. I will think through what we watch and see if I can come up with a few.

    Diane Gabaldon is one of my favourite authors. Her books are long enough that I am entertained. The miniseries of her Outlander series is not bad. Not quite what my mind created and I miss a few of the subplots that they cut out, but you might enjoy both the books and the miniseries.

    Jodi Picoult is another I would recommend. She makes me think, which I like (sometimes!).

    Hugs and stay safe (tell LJ and boyfriend to be VERY careful! I worry too about them!!)

    1. I'm the other way around. I can forget completely about the real world when listening to an audiobook. Mollie is watching Outlander - she says I might like it but not to tell her if I watch it. She says too much nudity for each of us to realize the other is watching - LOL!

      Actually LJ an Colin will have been married seven years this fall. I think they are being careful and I'm praying!

  5. Love the pic! You look quite ready for whatever comes your way. Lovely to see Mollie - I am missing our youngest but like you, we are staying in touch.

    We are not techie people but have managed Netflix and Prime. Virgin River is one of our newest favorites. We also enjoyed Designated Survivor though I had to be in the right mindset for that one - I found it exhausting.

    Wishing you well!

    1. You're the second person to mention Virgin River, I'll have to give it a try. I know what you mean about a show being exhausting. Sometimes I just can't take it.

  6. no recommendations for Netflix cause I have a rather particular taste in movies... BUT I will tell you do NOT - N O T - watch Contagion (memories send me scurrying under the bed again)

    1. You have my word - I won't be watching that one!

  7. PK, I do not watch much tv at all, it usually puts me to sleep. Hoss is the one into audiobooks. He almost always has one plugged in his ear. Love the mask!

    1. Thanks, I thought the mask was beautiful too. Very much my colors!

  8. Don't watch much Netflix and don't listen to audio books so no help sorry though I did watch contagion and I agree with Morningstar, pass on it.

    Love the mask.


    1. I'll definitely take your and Morningstar's advice on that. If I didn't read and watch some TV all that would be left is cleaning!

  9. Derry Girls is excellent
