Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Quarantine Brain

I think this is something that’s hitting many of us. It sure has hit me. I mean I’m at the age when I’m used to walking into a room and wondering what I came for, but I think it’s a little worse. I’ll be talking with Mollie and veer off track, not able to remember where I was going with my thought. I’d worry about it more, but Mollie seems to be having the same problem. So we’re calling it Quarantine Brain. 

I think it’s a combination of worry, boredom, fear, uncertainty, loneness, and too much time on our hands. This too shall pass.

Nick thought I’d finally succumbed when I started to fix dinner last night and asked him to get the salmon out of the dishwasher, please. He gave me a strange look, as if asking for clarification and I just stared back since my request was perfectly logical to me. I mean how hard is it to read your wife’s mind? It’s just something I think he should be able to do by now. 

Anyway… I’d decided to have salmon for dinner. I’d bought a large piece several weeks ago and cut it up. I froze two pieces together so we could pull them out as needed. I’d decided what to have, but I didn’t think to get them out of the freezer to thaw. When I finally did I was wondering about the best way to hurry the process. Then I remember the dishwasher had finished a short time before. I slipped them into another bag for safety and put the fish in the still warm dishwasher to thaw. See, perfectly logical.

That mind reading stuff – he really needs to work on that.

As I’m doing better at general house cleaning these days. I remembered long ago when I was single. My mom came over to visit. We were in my bedroom looking at something, my cat sleeping peacefully on my dresser.  Mom was teasing me about my housekeeping skills and mentioned that it could use some dusting. I place both hands on the cat and moved her around the dresser, the perfect dust rag. My mother was less than amused, but by then she was used to me. For years when I lived at home she would ask, “Are your hands clean?” and I would usually answer, “Yep, I wiped them on the cat.”

Is anyone else having a problem with Quarantine Brain? I hope everyone is staying safe and don’t forget to wash your hands.


  1. I’ve got ADHD so my brain is always a little “extra” in that department, I wouldn’t say it’s noticeably worse than usual. It’s been a lot harder to find motivation to do much though... usually when I’m feeling low I have to get up anyway and get the kids ready for school and so on... now... *shrug* they’ve got zoom meetings, so our day isn’t totally without structure, but it’s not quite the same kind of start. Though I suppose on the plus side... I’m feeling more rested than before.

    1. I'm getting more rest too, but that seems to make me feel tired and lethargic. It's like I'm waiting on something that I hope never happens.

  2. LoL PK,loved using the cat as a duster lol. I suffer from OCD too so the challenge is more stopping cleaning right now lol,though I too am finding motivation hard.

    I definitely think quarantine brain is a thing,but maybe you aren't so affected. I think putting the fish in the warm dishwasher was a great idea! When I started reading I never thought you had actually done that lol


    1. OCD I am not! Just ask Nick. When I went to find a picture of 'salmon in dishwasher' I found tons. Cooking the fish in the dishwasher is a thing. Who knew?

  3. that fish in the dishwasher thing was gold! when I read it, like Roz, I thought - no it couldn't be.. then I thought "she MUST have a perfectly good reason to have put fish in there in the first place" and I was right :)

    Women's brains are what they are. BIKSS has learned not to ask.

    1. I think Nick is finally realizing that too. And women do have a short cut. Nick noticed it when he would listen to me talking with my mom and he sees it with Mollie. He will just give us a strange stare and ask, "How on earth did you get there from what she just said?"

    2. Absolutely! Totally agree!

  4. I'm not sure if this counts as quarantine brain or not... but I find myself feeling 'normal' and then I think about going out of the house and panic hits -- and I remember what is going on outside the front door :( It's like there is a monster outside - instead of under the bed :)

    1. That's exactly what it feels like! I don't think I'll watch 'The Invisible Man' any time soon. Too close to what I'm feeling.

  5. Hey PK,

    Isn't that just a normal brain? Although, salmon in the dishwasher to thaw....interesting....I usually just fill the sink with hot water and leave the meat in that to thaw.


    1. I usually do that, but this just pop into my head - and it worked beautifully.

  6. Deena4:16 PM

    I am forever forgetting words - so I make some up - and I totally assume my husband will figure it out immediately. Lol! I'd like to say that's a recent thing, but alas, it is how my brain has always worked (or not worked - depending on how you want to think about it)!

    1. Surely not understanding is a shortcoming in our husbands, not us! LOL!

  7. Umm... did I say I made salmon? I said I decided to have it for dinner. Nick cooked! If I see any fish swimming in there I'll let you know.

  8. Love that your man has not figured out your brain yet, doesn't give Hoss much hope at figuring at mine, but that's okay. I loved your defrost method! Happy you guys are doing well.

    1. I think women's brains are pretty straight forward, but Nick says otherwise. I guess even as little as I cook I have a trick or two.
