Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The majority of voices in my head say I do NOT have multiple personalities.

Seriously, doesn’t everyone have other people living in their head. It’s been a reality for me since early childhood. I’ve always known they were imaginary (sorta). The never tell me what to do. They just keep me company and write with me.
 When I met my first friend out here, Eva, what attracted me to her was a post she put up that so resembled me so much. I left a comment saying, “Please crawl out of my head. It’s getting crowded in here.” Years later as we got to know one another better, she laughingly told me, “I never knew how true that statement was!”

So I got to counting the other day just to see who all is in here. Okay, there’s me (Elis, PK), then there’s Liz/Badass and Wimpy of course. Nick calls her Liz, I call her Badass but either way she is the one who sometimes tells on me and lets Nick know what’s going on in my head. Wimpy is the one who wants us all to shut up about spanking, because she has a tender ass and we usually leave her to take the actual spanking. Anyway, that’s three.

Then, of course, we have my cast of characters. I have Cassie’s world which includes everyone from Cal’s Law too. Many of you know the regulars. I have them, I have the minor characters, and I have those yet to be heard from. All together the ones I know by name (and age and personality and how they look…) number forty-two at this count. There are others in there who someday hope to have their own book. There are about eleven in that group.

If I’m counting right that’s about fifty-six people living in my head and want to be heard at times. I’m most grateful that they usually wait until I sit down at the computer and have time to write. Cassie is the only one who will just start on her own if I haven’t given her enough attention.

If you don’t mind a little self-promoting, I  suggest both of my series. The Cassie’s Space series and the Cal’s Law series are pretty gentle, funny, touching books full of both spanking and true love. If you haven’t read them and have a little more reading time now, I hope you’ll give them a try.

So when I tell you I spend a lot of time in my head, please don’t think I’m lonely. I’m definitely not! And I’ll share one more thing that’s helping me get through these hard times. When I’m truly stressed and worried in real life, and who isn’t right now, I go sit with Cassie and her friends. I get the most welcoming smiles and Cassie has saved a rocking chair just for me. I join the ladies and we rock and watch the river. If I’m truly upset, Cassie often reaches over and puts her hand over mine and give a little squeeze. It’s a big deck, and there are plenty of rockers, Cassie says you are all welcomed to stop by, anytime. And you know she'll have plenty of wine to share.


  1. Love this Pk, wow, that's a lot of people in you head lol. Glad you have plenty of people to keep you company:)


  2. The more the merrier I say PK. Here is a little thought for you...most people self talk with sentences, but did you know that there is a small group that actually self talk with images? That is fascinating. I don't understand because I am constantly in a dialogue with myself (usually arguing!).


    1. I usually talk in dialogue when I talk to myself too. But when I'm talking with Cassie or the girls I see it all - how they look, move, everything. Interesting.

  3. This is from my sweet editor, Rosie Dee, who has to listen to so many of these people too:

    Your head continues to amaze me!

    1. I appreciate you putting up with us all!

  4. You're welcome to fish from the dock. Maybe Allie and Jenny will join you. Now that you ask Cassie and Annie both speak French, Annie's better at it.
