Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Finding the time

You would think that being retired and having all day at home to myself I would have plenty of time to write.  You’d be wrong. Maybe it’s just that I want to write too many things. First, I want to  post here a few times a week, because I want to keep the blog going.

I want to write my books – I’m working on one and there is another in my head. Then there’s a non-spanking book I want to write, it’s about a third done. Writing on this requires a lot of time just sitting and listening. I have to let the scene unfold in my head so I can see what happens and get it in the books.

Then there's the gift LJ and Collin gave me, when I answer a question each week. I basically write up a story and submit it and at the end of the year the stories will be compiled into a book, well two books, one for LJ and one for Mollie. The questions the company sends are fine, but I’d prefer writing what the kids want to hear. Mollie has already sent tons of questions. And I’m enjoying answering them. 

She ask for me to tell about how I knew I was pregnant with each of them and the story of their births. I began on that today and then before I knew it I was searching for the journals I kept during those times. Well that will take you down a rabbit hole for sure! So I guess I spent as much time reading today as I did writing. I began keeping these journals at fifteen. Someday I would like to sit and read through them all. Maybe when I’ve got all the writing out of my system.

Lastly, I enjoy emailing with my friends. I love getting emails, from friends and strangers alike. Actually anyone who reads here I consider a friend. Why would you come here to read if you didn’t want to interact on some level. So always feel free to ask question, offer suggestions or just to visit.

All this takes more time than you would think. I love every bit of it but I still have to be sure to put the lap top down sometimes. I have a house and a husband, to take care of. I need to exercise and go out in the real world occasionally. Yeah, I’m working on all that.


  1. Hi PK, wow, that is a lot of writing! It does take a lot of time and it can be hard trying to find that balance.

    I love that you have the journals, it would be so awesome to look back on them now. Lots of memories. I also love Mollie's question.


    1. I'm almost scared to go back and read them all. I wonder how much I've forgotten.

  2. Holly Hannah PK!!

    Lots of writing going on. I love that gift LJ gave you. I wrote the story of my daughter's birth for her as well (she needs to know that not all births are an awful painful experience!).

    As for being at home and having all the time in the world, well, I work at home, so you would think that is true, but I can honestly tell you that nope...there is never enough time.


    1. It's impossible to understand where all the time goes. I would love to be able to ask my mom some questions and hear the answers. So I'm happy to write them for my kids.

  3. Lots going on in your head. I know you though you'll get it all done.

    1. There are so many people in my head. At least I'm never lonely.

  4. Deena7:43 PM

    You are a busy lady!

    Just want to share that I completed the Cal Series :)

    Very different from the Cassie books and I loved how she and the characters from that series was woven into this series. I truly enjoy your writing!

    1. Thank you so much! I love Cassie and the gang. I love my older characters and I'm hoping younger people will be happy to see the younger crowd.

    2. Deena7:59 PM

      I am part of the older crowd and I like both!

  5. I love that you have a lot of writing going on. You'll get it all done.

    How lovely that you have journals. Will be very interesting for you to read them when you have the time. It's something I wish I had done.


