Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I need two questions answered.

For the past thirteen years when I would get a comment on this blog it would also appear in my emails. Then it stopped for no apparent reason. Then about a month later I started getting the emails again. Now it’s stopped once again and I want them back!

I’m very serious about answering my comments. It’s very important to me to. If someone take the time to read her and then even better, comment to me, I appreciate it and I’m certainly going to answer their comment. The exception to this is if I just post a joke or something and Fantasy Fridays. For FF I really think you’re talking to that author, so I stay out of it. But I answer everything else. 

The problem is that I don’t always remember to check back for a few days so I’m late answering comments of those who might read a day or two late.  In the past I got the comment in email so I know it was there. Now I have to remember to check. But I DO eventually answer so please come back and check. 

And if ANYONE know how to make the emails come to me as they used to please let me know. I get an email when someone comments at The Reading Room, but not here. Grr…

Second questions and this one really has me stumped. All my books are out as ebooks. But the Cassie’s Space series recently came out with the paperbacks – thrilling for me, as far as taking them to be sold. But I happened to be looking on line and I noticed something very odd.

Do you see it? You can buy one of the books, which has two full novels in it, for $14.95. Okay, reasonable I guess. But as you see here, someone has a used one for sale for $42.51! 


It’s not like it’s some rare first addition. And I certainly doubt anyone is going to buy it, but can anyone explain this to me? 

Enough musing for the day. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!


  1. Hi PK, I'm afraid I am of no help on either issue. I'm definitely not tech savy lol.

    I agree with you on responding to comments and when I was blogging always made sure I replied.


    1. It just seems very important to me.

  2. Hey PK,

    Sorry, I am with Roz, not a techy person. Wish I was.

    As for responding to comments, I love when you respond. I am not a blogger (probably need to be able to write for that, and I do not write well), but I love the responses from bloggers.


    1. I was no writer when I began. It's like reading for little kids, the more you read, the better you read. The more you write, the better you write. So jump in if you like. But until then I'll be answering your comment whenever you come by.

    2. PK,

      Thanks for the encouragement, but honestly, I am horrible at writing. I have my own journal that I started a few months ago with some encouragement from a friend, but it isn't anything more than my thoughts and feelings. No rhyme or reason, just whatever pops in to my head as I walk this path and try to make sense of things.

      But thanks anyhow.

  3. I've had the email thing come and go as well. No idea how to fix it, but I have used a 'patch'. When it goes away I click subscribe to comments in the comment section and they arrive in my email. When blogger gets it's act together, I start getting duplicates, and I know I don't have to click subscribe again- until I do. LOL


    1. It's not working for me. I click the box that says Notify me but no emails come. It's weird.

  4. I have no answers to either question. Maybe Katie can help.

    1. Maybe. I'll check sometime.

  5. Can’t help with the first question, but I think Amazon has a book buyback which uses an algorithm... so probably the price is that high based on the demand compared to availability at the moment someone sold back their copy. Since I would guess 99.9% of your sales are online, and the book probably had a relatively small print run, the price is likely artificially high.

    1. Thank you - now that makes sense. The number of 'used' books out there would be small and make it seem more valuable. I just thought someone was nuts!

  6. Sorry can't help with either. Hermione could probably help you with the first question. She is great at techno stuff.


    1. She is, I sure wish I was!

  7. Deena8:47 PM

    I am one of the least techie peeps I know.

    BUT I do know how to buy on Kindle and I have officially finished the Cassie series. So. Much. Fun. To. Read! TY TY!!!!

    1. I'm so, so glad you liked them! I wish we could sit down and talk about them!

    2. Deena1:29 PM

      Me too :)

  8. Anonymous5:17 PM

    And I need 2 pies baked....... laughing.... and I don't know the answer to either one of your questions! But, Happy Thanksgiving, friend! Hugs, Windy

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too!
