Friday, November 15, 2019

Day two - Love our Lurkers

Here we are on the second day of Loving our Lurkers. I really appreciate everyone who came by and especially those who left a comment. Fantasy Friday will be a day late, come back tomorrow.

I'd still like to hear from you if you come here to read. Of course, that only if you're comfortable. You are more than welcome to email me. You might be thinking, 'I don't want this stranger to have my email address,' but please think about this - I wouldn't have been here for thirteen years talking to folks if I wasn't fiercely protective of my friends privacy.

So if you want to say hello, ask a question or even talk about Cassie I would really love to hear from you. 

I left Viola's letter up because it's important to me. I hope you'll read it if you missed it yesterday.

For the last few years I have read your blogs everyday but remained silent.  Thank you to PK for allowing me to express my gratitude.  Not all of your lurkers may be ready to speak up this November.  Here are some of the things that many of your silent readers and I have wanted to say to you.

Thank you to all bloggers who post regularly.  You provide a sense of comfort and predictability to our daily routine.

Thank you to all who comment.  Not only do you validate and encourage friends, but you offer broader perspective and additional insight.

Thank you to all who maintain a blogroll.  You help promote the efforts of friends and provide us newcomers with valuable links.

Thank you to bloggers who include archives.  You offer us an opportunity to get to know you and provide a wealth of experience and documentation over time.  

Thank you to all who offer inspiration.  You remind us of the importance of mindfulness, gratitude, self-care, creativity, and finding balance in our daily lives.

Thank you to all who inject humor into their blogs.  You help us laugh at ourselves and relieve our stress with jokes, cartoons, pictures, and accounts of your daily experiences.  

Thank you to all who post fiction.  Your stories provide entertainment, help us understand ourselves and each other, and increase our connection. 

Thank you to all who talk about spankings.  In case you were thinking I might have stumbled into the wrong group, your readers appreciate all the details.

Thank you to all who have kept blogs public.  Despite invasions of privacy, frustrations, misunderstandings, disappointments, and lack of encouragement, you continue.

Thank you to all who express a depth of feeling.  You share your anger and setbacks as well as your triumphs which helps us deal with the challenges of our relationships. 

Thank you to all who discuss organizational tools to maintain a successful dynamic.  You help us integrate planning, scheduling, journaling and reflection.  

Thank you to all who include "how-to" guides.  Learning how your relationship began and how it has evolved with any rules, rituals, routines and protocols is so useful to newcomers.  

Thank you to partners and spouses who encourage blogging.  Your thoughts and feelings are important for us to hear.  

Thank you to all who include culture and entertainment.  Explaining holiday traditions and customs across continents is interesting as well as sharing suggestions for books, movies, music and recipes.  

Thank you to all who no longer post but keep their blogs open.  Your story may impact readers years after you have moved on to pursue other interests.

Finally, I would like to share the words of William Arthur Ward with you silent ones.  "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."   Please post a comment or send an email to a blogger who has touched you in some way.  It will be appreciated.  

Thank you all,

Thank you for everything you said, Viola. Your words are much appreciated and please remember ...


  1. Hi PK,

    Thanks for joining in on both days. I LOVE Viola's letter. so eloquent, and speaks from her heart.


    1. She did a wonderful job. Thanks for keeping LOL Day alive.

  2. Hi PK, I just love Viola's letter. It really sums up the wonderful benefits of blogging and being a part of this wonderful community.



    1. I agree with you Roz! Thanks for always being here.

  3. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I would just like to say to any lurker reading this, that as the Big Fat Chicken, Paranoid, Worrier Blogger of Blogland, I have found that PK is a very trustworthy friend right from the beginning. So take that first step and email her. You won't have the benefit of hearing her southern accent, but you can almost hear it when types if you try real hard. Laughing........ Windy

    1. I have no idea why you are perpetuating the myth that I speak with an accent. I sound like mostly everyone else I know. But thank you for the support!

  4. I’m not really a lurker, I’ve just been away from Blogland for a while.
    Love Viola’s letter.
    Rosie xx

    1. I loved it too. I hope you'll come back to blogland, we miss you!

  5. Hi PK -
    Thanks you for being a constant in this corner of blogland. Appreciate your generosity and speaking of, thanks for sharing that letter from Viola.

    1. I love being here. And I love that I get to email and visit with people like you and Viola.

  6. hey PK

    Sorry for the lateness. Hi!

