Monday, September 16, 2019

New clothes and strippers

Nick told me this past Friday that he was in need of a new sport coat. I took him at his word. I know many woman who are in charge of their husband’s wardrobe – I’m not. He often gets new shirts from his sisters for birthday or Christmas but he also still wears a few that I have pictures of him wearing when LJ was born, thirty-one years ago. Nick size hasn’t changed one bit in all those years, but I’ll bitch about that another time.

This need for a new sport coat lead us on a little adventure. We headed to a mall in the next town over and I realized as we went in, I hadn’t been there in nearly two years. Off we went in search of a men’s clothing store. Nick talked with the salesman about what he wanted and I just looked around. What I saw was interesting, but in reality I was bored so I began texting the children some of what I was seeing.

You have to admit these are kick-ass shoes!

My first response from LJ was, ‘Love the jacket. But you would never wear it with the matching tie.’ And he hated the hats. LJ is in the midst of changing his style. Like his dad his size hasn’t changed since college and he was still wearing much of the same things for the past dozen years. He is taking on a bit more flair. His hair is now shoulder length and he looks a bit more like he lives in NYC. Personally, I like it. But he’s my baby and I’d love him no matter what he wore.

Mollie’s reaction to the pictures was a little more what I was expecting: 

“Y’all have taken a turn to a weird place. Where are you? Pimps R Us?”

I told her, yes. And that we were getting Dad a new suit. Next, I told her we’d try to find ‘Whores B We’ and get something for me. 

We were having a fine time. We did get Nick a new suit, the jacket will work as a sport coat. Not exactly like what I pictured above, but more to his style. Then we walked through the mall. We stopped at the cookie shop. Which probably caused me to gained three pounds and him to lose five. Sigh…

With nothing else we had to do we decided to go to the movies. Not too much on that he was interested in but we finally decided on Hustlers. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t necessarily give it a glowing recommendation. Nick mentioned that he couldn’t ever find a ‘good guy’ to pull for, he was right. But the popcorn was good and we were together.

We finished off our Friday with a steak dinner. We enjoyed it very much even though all the tables around us had many, many noisy children. They didn’t really bother me but the experience will keep me from bugging Mollie for human grandchildren any time soon.

So that’s how we old folks spent our Friday – and actually our Saturday was even better! 


  1. Hi Pk, lol at Mollie's response. This made me smile :) sounds like a wonderful and interesting day. I'm intrigued that Saturday was even better! Do tell :)


    1. Me? Kiss and tell? Now you know me better than that!

  2. LOL! Now that is some suit jacket! The Sheriff is in the same boat, never changed size since highschool/college (darn it!!!) but he is a clothes horse. He has more clothes than I do. He has had to start updating though since most of his stuff is coming up on 20 years old. It makes for interesting shopping that is for sure.

    Mollie rocks with the answer, but I love how you responded!


    1. Nick is NOT a clothes horse. Never has been. And we hardly ever go anywhere that he needs more than jeans and a nice shirt. But occasionally we go to a wedding - that's about it.

  3. Loved Mollie's response. Interesting shoes. Sounds like you had a fun day and yes do tell about Saturday.
    Critics say that Jennifer could get an Oscar nomination for her role.


    1. Jennifer did a great job! And she looked beautiful. Mollie is a hoot and she often thinks we're crazy.

  4. Sounds like a good time. And it would take a special person to rock that jacket with or without the tie! The hats, now that would have been interesting shopping. And you are right, the fact that you were together made all the difference in the world.

    1. I could see LJ in the jacket for some special LGBTQ events he goes to. Collin is a ginger and I don't think it would go well with his coloring. Yep, sometimes just being together is enough.

  5. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Love the "Y'all" and the "pimps are us," and "whores b we"! HAHAHAHAA Your kids are awesome! Thanks for sharing the fun here! Hugs, Windy

    1. Thanks Windy, I have no idea where my kids get their constant use of smart ass comments. But they're both good at it.

  6. Deena9:17 PM

    Too funny! I find shopping beyond stressful. Next time I go, I'll read this before I leave the house and remind myself to be amused.

    So...what happened on Saturday? Inquiring minds want to know please!

    1. I left Nick to shop for himself as I wandered around - it's hard enough to shop for myself.

      Oh, just your usual empty-nester fun Saturday.

  7. sounds like you had a fun day :-) love your kids' comments Sorry I have been so absent...finally trying to catch up on some reading...glad to hear how you are doing Hugs

    1. I'm afraid my kids are following in my weird come-backs and they're better than me.

  8. *Whores B We!* Love that comeback!
