Monday, August 12, 2019

It shouldn't be this complicated

What a busy week! Cleaning the whole house, cleaning up outside, cooking – none of it comes naturally to me. But with much help from Mollie and Nick, it all done. 

With the festivities at my house done by Sunday night, we headed out bright and early Monday morning to head to the lake house to continue partying with my cousins. All was well and bright and shiny until I checked my email. 

My publisher didn’t want my new book.

In all honesty, that’s not exactly what they said. But that’s how I perceived it I and that’s the way it settled in my heart and I’m still having a bit of trouble dislodging it. This is what they actually said:

We would be happy to offer you publication - however, the market has changed such that we would only feel able to accept this book/series under the following conditions.

The publishing landscape has changed to such a degree now that authors who maintain a 30-90 day release cycle have the best chance of success. We absolutely realize that not all authors can churn out a book every 30-90 days, which is why we would want to wait until the second book in this series has been written before we put book one on the schedule, with each title then being released a month or six weeks apart. It would be very helpful if you could let me know how many books you plan this series to have, and how often you think you'll be able to submit one so we can schedule ahead.

I'm so sorry that things have come to this but we want/need our authors to be successful and, in the new 'binge-watch Netflix' culture, readers are no longer as patient as they used to be.

They don’t want this one until I write another? A book every thirty to ninety days? Writing that fast would take the joy out if it for me. I need the time for my characters to talk to me. Nothing goes right when I try to force them. All my other book had been accepted on the spot and I guess I was a little complacent. This shook me up. I can’t fault the publisher, they know the changes in the market and they’re trying to tell me the best way to sell books. But this has me doing a lot of rethinking.

I was hoping to begin a new series with all the characters from my Cassie books as well as those in the Cal’s Law series, which could bring in all Cal’s family. I may still do that. But I’ll basically have to have at least three books written before they would publish the first one and that would take well over a year – and it could be longer.

In the meantime we've decided to put this one that I just finished up as the forth book in the Cal’s Law series where it will fit perfectly. If all goes well it may be out in a couple of months.

It was while I was feeling ‘rejected’ that I got such a sweet comment from Deena on Nick’s Fantasy Friday and that really helped. I also got an email from a friend telling me she kept checking back and was hoping I had something new coming out. And then just yesterday I got an email from a very nice reader that really boosted my spirits and helped me feel that my writing, blog and books means something to people. 

The hardest part of going from blog writing to book writing is not knowing what others are thinking. With the blog I write something and I get comments – instant feedback. That’s why it’s so important to me to answer them. But with a book you spend months and months getting it just right, you go through endless edits (as poor Rosie Dee can attest to), you discuss with the publisher about the cover and finally you wait for Amazon to put it up – usually several days after they say they’re going to. But then, even if it sales well, you still want to ask, “But did you like it?” I’m most grateful to the friend who read my books and tell me they like it or leave a review. 

I’m torn as to where to turn next. I was planning to write a single, stand-alone book next, with different characters. I was looking forward to it. But do I want to start working on the series? Writing that will take that year or longer. I’ve got a good friend who self-publishes and could help me do the same. But I have had a good experience with Blushing and I appreciate their help and expertise. I just enjoy writing stories. How did it get so complicated? 


  1. Hi PK, I'm so sorry you received such disappointing news. Does this mean the book will still be published, but as part of the Cal's Law series?

    Gosh,I can certainly understand your dilemma. That is pressure and I totally understand you needing time for your characters to tell you their story.

    I wish I had some wise words. Do what feels right for you, in your heart.


    1. Yes, this one will be the fourth in the Cal's Law series. And I think it works well there. I still not sure where I'll go from here.

  2. WOW! That must be so hard. I am sorry it has changed so much. I know for me reading other genre's, I can wait YEARS before getting the next book in the series (my favourite author writes huge books of about 1000 pages, so yeah, it can take a while), so I don't mind the wait because I know it will be good.

    I actually have been waiting patiently for the next Cal's Law book, although I love the idea of you doing a series on his family.

    In actual fact, I love everything you have written, blog or book. So whatever you decide, it will be amazing I know.


    1. Thank you Boo, I'm happy you feel that way. One of my favorite authors Anne B. Ross puts one out each year, in April, and I always look forward to it. I don't mine waiting. Just not sure what I'll do.

  3. That stinks. You would think an established author would have some pull because they already have a following. I can relate to it becoming a chore - that's what happened to my once a week stories.
    I know whatever you decide will be the best for you but it had to be hard to hear that news.
    On a happier note, glad you enjoyed your yearly visit with your cousins.

    1. Yeah, I was kinda hurt. But what can you do? We cousins did have a great time though.

  4. PK, sorry to hear of this unexpected knock-back, so disappointing after all the work you’ve put into writing the book. At least you know it’s not your writing that’s been rejected, we can still read the book but not how you envisaged it fitting in the scheme of things.

    Give yourself time to decide what will work for you. Whatever you decide, I hope you will continue writing one way or another.

    Glad you had a great time with the family.

    Rosie xx

    1. Thanks Rosie - I enjoy writing so much I'm going to keep at it. I just hope I can get it out there for others to read.

      Family reunions are always fun for me.

  5. PK, this email had to be a sucker punch when you received it. If I had been there, there would have been some tears almost ready to fall. My friend, Rosie's words are so wise. It's not your writing that was rejected. They know that your books are solid.

    Still, this will take some thinking as far as readjusting your plans. I guess I am not part of the 'binge-watch Netflix' generation. I think you are quite the prolific author as things stand, and I am always willing to wait for your next publication.

    There are other authors that I follow as well as you, and it is sometimes 9 months to a year before the next one comes out. Good god! JK Rowling kept my interest for almost a decade!

    Be patient. You will figure this out.

    Hugs And Love,

    1. I love being mentioned in the same comment as JK! I can be patient too. I began reading the first of the six Earth Children series books in 1980 - the sixth book came out in 2011 - thirty-one years later!

      I'll just keep writing and see where things go.

  6. Oh PK, that must have been hard to hear. I love your writing my friend, from the first time I found Cassie. Take your time to decide.


    1. Thanks Ronnie - I'll keep writing. I just hope I'll be able to publish.

  7. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I can hear your pain and want you to know to just keep writing as you weather this situation. Too many count on your stories to let it go. Thinking of you.

    1. It did hurt a little. I know I can self-publish, but it's better to have a publisher behind you for support and help in getting the word out.

  8. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Hi, PK! I am late to the party! I'm sorry to hear of this publishing snafu for you. BLAH! I hope you work through it to where it works out where you're not so rushed and pressured. I'm sorry your feelings were hurt, too. Writing is very personal and I understand that as much as I can without being a published author like you. Keep writing whatever you do because it brings you so much pleasure and harmony. Hugs, Windy

    1. It's just confusing. If I take so long to write the three books will everyone have forgotten me by the time they come out? I guess it's just going to take some figuring.

  9. I’m sorry to read about this road block, it’s too bad. I have no knowledge of publishing, or how it works etc. but are there other publishers that would be willing to take on an already well established writer? Maybe there’s a way you can still do it so that it works best for you. You’re needed out here! I wish you luck with this. :)

    1. There are other publishing companies but I feel a little disloyal looking into them. I shouldn't, this is a business. But I've always been so grateful they took a chance on me to begin with.

      But I appreciate your compliment. I do want to keep writing.

  10. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I find that position hard to believe about an established author with a loyal following. I understand "Netflix culture" has changed all sorts of art and media, but particularly in this genre, I feel like we're grateful for any opportunity to read a new book from a favorite author, no matter when it is released. Admittedly, I may get impatient at times, but the feeling passes quickly since I much prefer quality over quantity. (Having said that, I'm thrilled to hear there's a new book in the Cal series coming out, as it sounds like it will coincide with my maternity leave! A previous Cal book helped me to get through some late night feedings with my first.) Go with your gut and don't let anyone, no matter how supportive they've been in the past, pressure you.

    1. You don’t know how happy that makes me – that you’d want to read me at such a special time in your life! One of my favorite authors, Ann B. Ross, writes the ‘Miss Julia’ series. It’s completely vanilla, but I love it. One comes out every April. Like you said, I’d like to read one more often. But she has to have time to let the story develop or it will just fall into a formula. I don’t plan on letting my book fall to that fate even if I have to find some other way to get them out there.

  11. Just catching up now. Oh, PK. What a dilemma. Your love for writing and passion for the subject truly comes through in your books. So much so, that you are touching lives. Honestly! I am moving through the series and not only enjoying them (sometimes the things Cassie does literally makes my mouth hang open and then I laugh out loud) but I as read I also form a better idea of why we are trying to live this lifestyle and how it truly makes us a stronger couple.

    I so hope you'll find a way to continue to write. I also hope that you will find peace of mind in whatever choice you ultimately make, as it will be the right one for you - I'm quite sure.

    1. Deena, thanks so much. I’ve always wanted Cassie to seem real to everyone. Eccentric perhaps, but believable. I read some books now that after the first chapter I can pretty much tell you exactly what’s going to happen. I don’t want people to be able to do that with my books.

      I will continue to write. And I’ll get it out there, but right now it seem a little fuzzy as to how.
