Thursday, August 29, 2019

Demolition, neighbors, school and a naked card game.

And the wall came tumbling down. It’s done! I’m so happy to have it gone. I have no idea how long it will take to get the new one put up and all the crown molding and the new windows and the new doors and the painting and the new fire logs, and the new carpet… I have to stop. I’m scaring myself. But the wall coming down committed us and we’ll see it through, eventually.

Our new neighbors and in and settled. I feel as old as the crypt keeper. The husband is twenty-four, the wife is twenty-two and she has her younger sister living with them who is twenty. They have a two year old son and a two month old daughter. They’ve been friendly and that’s great. The way the houses are arranged their house is on an angle and looking at our house. Most of their outside time will probably be behind their house so there is not a ton of interaction. But when we had the reunion I made them a banana pudding and a couple of weeks later she brought me over an apple pie warm from the oven. So I’d say we’re off to a good start.

School has begun and Mollie is turning into a true elementary teacher – her room is amazing. In middle school we never did that much decorating but now, with Pinterest to lead them, the sky’s the limit. I helped a little. I’m great at cutting things out. I love to go to her school and listen to her partners tell me how wonderful Mollie is  – I know it, but I love hearing it from others. I mean look at these. Wouldn’t you want to be in her room?

Now I have no pictures of our naked card game. But Nick and I did find a little time for ourselves. Personally, I think he cheats, but once we get to the reward part it’s a little hard to tell the winners from the losers, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

Come back tomorrow for another Fantasy Friday.


  1. Hi PK, I enjoyed reading this. Glad the neighbours are settled in and that you have had some pleasant interactions. "As old as the crypt keeper" lol.

    Mollie's room looks awesome! and how wonderful to hear such positive feedback from her colleagues:)

    Glad you and Nick had some fun :) didn't take some private pics? LoL. Good luck with the rennos.


    1. I do feel ancient with the neighbors, but they're nice. I love Mollie's room. But as for those private pics - there are none!

  2. Great post all the way around. Happy for you.

  3. I wrote a comment that disappeared into the ether! Glad you’re getting to know the neighbours. My younger daughter has decorated her classroom with things she bought on her annual visit that we refer to as ‘home’ but is no longer home to her.
    Nick would have to cheat at cards to beat you, I have seen you in action - fully clothed I hasten to add!
    Good luck with the renovations...
    Rosie xx

    1. I enjoy seeing how the different teacher decorate their rooms. I'm pretty good at that card game - but Nick wins nearly every time.

  4. So much excitement going on over there, good for you. Renovating is a lot of work but the end product will be wonderful I’m sure.
    Pinterest is a gold mine for teachers these days, resources at your fingertips is truly amazing. Mollie’s room looks great! And isn’t it nice to hear amazing things about our children from know you’ve done a good job.
    Glad to hear you’re both being rewarded!! :)

    1. Oh yes, I'd way rather hear people compliment my kids than me. Now if my house ever get done.

  5. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Hi, PK! I so love hearing about your fun naked card game! Woo! Hoo! I say it's a win-win! Glad the renovations have begun, but I know it's a bit stressful living around that as it's being figured out and worked on. It will look great in the end! Glad your neighbors are kind.... you're right, they are very young. But, it takes a variety of people with different interests, backgrounds, and even ages to make the world an interesting place. I"m sure they will come to love you as their neighbor. So far so good! Hugs, Windy

    1. You'd love playing this game. I just want the renovations done! But it always takes longer than you'd think.

  6. Love the classroom photos. It almost makes me miss setting up my own classroom.
