Wednesday, July 24, 2019

New neighbors

Much of the rest of blogland seems silent, but you know you can’t expect me to be quiet for long. Not that there is much exciting going on at the moment. However we did get our new neighbor’s yesterday. It’s quite a change from having a lady my age next door for the past thirty-six years.

The new couple who have moved in are babies! I believe the wife is younger than Mollie! They have a two or three year old son and a month old daughter. The wife’s younger sister, maybe twenty, will be living with them also. Grandma, about my age, I think, is going to stay for a month while they get settled.

We met in the yard, before they actually moved in. Mollie, Nick and I went over. I told them I hadn’t wanted to bother them so soon, but I couldn’t resist when I saw the little ones. I spoke with the grandmother again the next day. They were waiting, in the intense heat, for the young couple to sign the papers and  return with the key. I invited them in to keep cool, but she said they would be there with the key in just a few minutes. We also met the dog, who seems very quiet and got along well with Mollie’s dog. Everyone seemed friendly and I’ll go back in a day or two with a welcome basket.

What else is going on? Hmmm … cleaning for the big reunion we have every year. And toward the middle of next month is the Art Festival. I’m really looking forward to that. I ordered more books. I’m probably being overly optimistic on the number I’ll sell, but it was still so exciting to open the box!

I miss my blogging buddies here. If you get the chance pop in and say something just so we’ll all know you’re alive and well. Don’t think you always have to be on topic – I never am! But I love to visit anyway.


  1. Hi PK, glad you have met the neighbours and that they seem nice people. It will definitely be a different dynamic. Looking forward to hearing about the festival.


    1. A different dynamic for sure! I hope there can be some kind of friendship.

  2. Hello PK, So nice to hear you have some young new neighbours. I haven't been around for ages, do you have a new book out? Always look forward to reading your books.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. The last one that came out was in January, Returning to Us, in the Corbin's Bend series. But I plan to send a new one off to Blushing by the end of the week. I hope they accept it!

    2. Good luck! I'm sure they will accept it.

  3. Your new neighbours sound nice. Look forward to hearing about the Art's festival. Enjoy your reunion.


    1. I'm looking forward to the festival. I'm sure I'll post all about it.

  4. That was wonderful that you got to meet them right away. It will be fun to have the sound of kids voices playing close by.

    Good luck at the Arts Festival. Hope you sell out!

    I am working on a post right now, so you will not be all alone, my friend.

    Love and Hugs From Ella

    1. I know they just see us as the little old couple next door, but I hope we can have some kind of friendship.

  5. How exciting, new babies in the neighbourhood! I am glad that you are having a reunion. Those are always fun.


    1. I host the family reunion every year, 34 years now. I love it!

  6. Yay! ... glad to hear you've met the new neighbours, PK ... and there are kidlets and a dog in the mix. I am sure you will enjoy having them around ... nj ... xx

    1. I sure hope so, but they are so very young. I have a feeling they will avoid us.

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I love being off topic! Wooo! LOL Glad you're getting to know who your new neighbors are. I bet your reunion will once again be lovely. Sorry you have to do all that cleaning though. Bah! Hugs, Windy

    1. LOL! At least the cleaning is a once a year thing thing for me and probably the reason Nick doesn't mind me having the reunion here.

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Please help, You have such a popular blog ! Would you please allow some of that popularity to rub off onto our little blog "O&P Spanking Stories"? Please add our blog in your blog-roll...
    Thanks in advance
    Best regards

    1. Brigitte! If you'll email me at I'll be happy to add you to my list.

  9. Hi Pk. It's always great to read your posts. I hope you have great neighbors. Little ones can always be fun to have around. When my kids were little, they were spoiled by all of our neighbors. It is/was a nice place for them to grow up. I hope you sell all your books.

    1. I'd love a chance to spoil these little one - it would be good practice for grandchildren! Thanks for the good wishes on selling the books.

  10. Glad you’ve met your new neighbours, PK. Sadly, we are losing one set of ours. They came as newlyweds and we’ve had the pleasure of celebrating the births of the two little girls and seeing them grow. They’re not moving far, so we’ll keep in touch. We’re hoping for another young family, the hamlet is top heavy with people our age.
    Good luck at the art festival, hope you do well with your book sales.
    Rosie xx

    1. Thanks, Rosie! I hope we can get close to these neighbors but they are soooo young.
