Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The joy of no electricity

Yesterday morning I was without electricity for about four hours. Horrors! There wasn’t a problem, the electric company was just making some changes, so it was scheduled. We all depend a LOT on electricity. We forget how much. I texted Rosie Dee, she said when there’s was out she would think, ‘The oven won’t work, I guess I’ll have to use the microwave …wait.” LOL!

But I was doing the same thing. I’m thinking, hmm… I won’t have A/C, but I guess the ceiling fan will have to be enough… wait. No coffee maker, no TV, no internet! What’s a girl to do? 

Write! That’s what. I mean I could have gone somewhere, but I hated to pass up such a good opportunity – a whole morning to write with NO distractions?  And I just about got my latest book finished. It's not quite finished, there are some chapters I have to go back and do. But I finished the ending and that always feels great!  Rosie Dee has been editing for me all along so she’s helped me keep up with that. All I have to do is have the electricity shut off a couple of days the next two weeks and it should be ready to send it to Blushing!


  1. Sorry about the power outage PK, it's scary how much we depend on it. On the other hand, this is music to my ears lol. Woohoo on the writing!


    1. I worried about the A/C the most, but I did all right. And I really enjoyed the writing.

  2. Deena7:04 AM

    Yikes. No electricity is nerve wracking, even for a short period of time! I am forever walking into a room and turning on a light and then it takes me a minute to figure out what it's still dark! Lol!

    Congrats on the writing progress! Exciting!!!

    1. I know exactly what you mean. Each time you're thinking, "What's going on?"

  3. There is something blissful about not having electricity. It is quiet, calm, relaxing. A time to connect, candle light card games...or other games if you are so inclined!

    1. Might have been more interesting if I hadn't been here alone.

  4. Congratulations on completing the book.

    Can't imagine without air con for even four hours here - it's just too damn hot. Hope it never happens.

    1. Thanks, friend! I had a battery powered fan, as long as I was sitting still I did fine.

  5. PK, glad you got the writing in, but I am sure you were ready to get the AC back to normal. If Sunny had to go with out AC where she lives, their would just be a little Sunny Puddle left on the floor.

    The AC was out in my classroom once, and nobody seemed to be in any hurry to get it fixed. We were very hot, very stinky, and nobody cared about learning one damn thing. Including me!

    Finally I told the kids to pack up; we were moving to the school library. That's where I stayed until the principal finally complained to the proper channels, and the AC was restored.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. Excellent plan. They shouldn't mess with teachers, we can figure things out.

  6. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Hi, PK! You had to write "old school style", huh? Like pencil and paper? I love doing that sometimes especially if I am working on creative writing. Or was your laptop charged and you just worked offline? Either way, congrats on getting so much work done on your next book. That has to be a great feeling! Hugs, Windy

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Oh, and I hope your vibrator was charged......hahaha...teasing!

    2. I had my computer charged and wrote on that, but I do use pen and paper when I get writer's block.

      And the vibrator is ALWAYS charged!

  7. Every cloud has a silver lining! Glad you got the book finished.
    Rosie xx

  8. PK, maybe without the power going off you wouldn't have finished your book. Happy you have.


    1. Sometimes it takes extreme help to get finished.

  9. Sometimes the power going out can be a blessing; removing other distractions. I'm almost happy when we lose power at work. Then I have no excuse not to clean/organize my office!

    1. It is good to have the distractions removed for sure. As long as it's daytime you can really get a lot done.
